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Impact of Industrialization

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1 Impact of Industrialization
World history and geogarphy

2 Industrialization Changes Life
By the 1800s people could earn more working in factories than on farms Cities grew with people seeking jobs Between the number of European cities boasting more than 100,000 people rose from 22 to 47. This period is known as urbanization- city building and the movement of people to cities

3 Living Conditions Living conditions in the cities were HORRIBLE
Because of the rapid growth, they had no development plans, sanitary codes, or building codes Cities lacked adequate housing, education, and police protection Most of the unpaved roads had no drains and garbage collected in heaps on the roads Workers lived in dark, dirty shelters, with whole families crowding one bedroom. Sickness wide spread Cholera the deadly disease regularly swept through the slums of the Great Britain's industrial cities The average life span in 1842 was 17 years old for a work-class person and 38 years for someone living nearby in a rural area.




7 London became Britain's most important city (also its capital)
Manchester center of Britain's cotton industry. Grew from 45,000 people in 1760 to 300,000 in 1850.

8 Working Conditions To increase production factory owners wanted to keep their machines running as much as possible The average worker worked 14 hours a day, 6 days a week The factories also posed new dangers for workers Factories were seldom well lit or cleaned The most dangerous conditions were found in coal mines. The average life span of a coal mine worker was 10 years shorter than that of other workers Many women and children worked in coal mines as they were the cheapest labor

9 Class Tensions Grow The Industrial Revolution created an enormous amount of wealth in the nation Most of the new money belonged to factory owners, shippers and merchants

10 The Middle Class The new middle class transformed the social structure of Great Britain A larger middle class emerged, not rich or poor Consisted of government employees, doctors, lawyers, and managers of factories, mines, and shops The lower middle class included factory overseers and such skilled workers as toolmakers, mechanical drafters and printers

11 The Working Class During laborers/working class saw little improvement in their living and working conditions They watched their livelihoods disappear as machines replaced them Luddites-group of laborers who attacked whole factories in northern England beginning 1811 destroying the machines that put them out of work

12 Positive Effects of the Industrial Revolution
Most people in industrialized countries can afford consumer goods that would have been considered luxuries 50 to 60 years ago Profits from the industrialization produced tax revenues allows the gov’t to invest in urban improvements and raise the standard of living Workers living and working conditions improve compared to the start of the I.R.

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