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Light wave is coming out of page

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1 Light wave is coming out of page
Polarization EM waves (light) are transverse waves Perpendicular, oscillating electric & magnetic fields: Light has a polarization angle Only transverse waves have a polarization angle E (electric) B (magnetic) Light wave is coming out of page

2 Most light sources are a random mixture of all possible angles
A polarizing filter transmits only the light waves with a certain polarization angle The light is said to be “polarized” source light rays all orientations source polarizing filter a single orientation

3 Polarized glare is block
When light is reflected it is often polarized Polarizing sunglasses use this effect to block glare reflecting off shiny surfaces Sun Non-polarized light Polarized glare is block Shiny surface

4 Refraction

5 Refraction of Light Light bends, or refracts, when it travels from one medium into another Refraction is caused by the difference in the speed of light in different materials

6 Light is not the only wave that refracts:
All two- and three-dimensional waves refract when they enter a new medium

7 Light bends (changes direction) when it leaves one material and enters another
Thus the angle of refraction does not equal the angle of incidence i r i ≠ r refracted light reflected light incident light normal line

8 Which way will the light bend?
It depends on the optical density of the two media The more optically dense a material is, the slower light travels in that material Light travels the fastest in a vacuum (v = c = 3.00×108 m/s) A vacuum is the least optically dense medium Diamond is one of the most optically dense materials (v = 1.24×108 m/s)

9 Going from less to more optically dense material:
Light is refracted toward the normal i r Less Dense More Dense i > r

10 Going from more to less optically dense material:
Light is refracted away from the normal i r Less Dense More Dense i < r

11 Index of Refraction We define the index of refraction, n, as a measure of optical density: n = c/v c = speed of light in vacuum v = speed of light in medium n is always greater than or equal to one Index of refraction is a dimensionless quantity Example: Light travels at 2.25×108 m/s in water. What is water’s index of refraction?

12 A vacuum is the least optically dense medium with an index of refraction of n = 1.000000
Glass has an index of refraction of about 1.5 (How fast is light in glass?) Diamond: n = 2.419

13 Snell’s Law of Refraction
ni nr Snell’s law: ni sini = nr sinr i is the angle of incidence r is the angle of refraction ni is the index of refraction of material 1 nr is the index of refraction of material 2

14 Examples A light ray traveling through air strikes a piece of glass (n = 1.5) at an angle of 42 from the normal. Calculate the angle of refraction. A light ray leaves a crystal and enters water with an angle of incidence of 32.0 and an angle of refraction of 41.0. Find the index of refraction of the crystal.

15 Total Internal Reflection

16 Total Internal Reflection
Consider when light moves along a path from a medium with a higher index of refraction to one with a lower index of refraction: Light is bent away from the normal line n1 n2 n1>n2 c

17 At a critical angle (c) the refracted ray is parallel to the boundary
This means that r = 90 Snell’s Law says: nisinc = nrsin(90)  sinc = nr/ni for ni>nr Example: What is the critical angle for a water-air boundary? sinc = nr/ni = 1.000/1.333 = 0.750  c = 48.6

18 The boundary becomes like a mirror!
Total internal reflection is the complete reflection that occurs within a substance when the angle of incidence is greater than the critical angle The boundary becomes like a mirror! c

19 Fiber optic cable uses total internal reflection to guide light—like a light pipe!

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