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Present solution with elliptical cross section

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Presentation on theme: "Present solution with elliptical cross section"— Presentation transcript:

1 Present solution with elliptical cross section

2 Optimized field quality

3 Alternative 1: cylindrical yoke

4 b2 and b3 are greatly worstened

5 Alternative 2: Arc circles yoke
Alternative 2: Arc circles yoke. In this case the cuts on the poles are not included in the computation, but they would be present in the real design. The shall could be done with two arcs of circles with radius 312 mm. Weldings are in the midplane

6 In this case the current shall be increased to 12170 A
In this case the current shall be increased to A. The multipoles seem to be acceptable. However we want to have the weldings between half shells in the pole

7 Alternative 3: In order to have the weldings in the pole, a third solution is based on two arcs of circles with a radius of mm. In the poles, the shells shall be straightned. Unfortunately this solution is not good for field quality (very close to full cylindrical case)

8 Alternative 4: This solution consists in keeping the elliptical shape for the iron and enclosing the iron in a shell as the previous case (two round plus straight ends half-shells). There are mechanical contacts between shell and iron both in midplanes and in poles. The voids can be filled with a ligth material.

9 This 4° option can be further optimised for better mechanical coupling between iron and shell.

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