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V.A.S.R. Presentation. The V.A.S.R. (Virginia Artifact Search & Recovery) is a State Controlled recovery team of historical artifacts in Virginia. There.

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Presentation on theme: "V.A.S.R. Presentation. The V.A.S.R. (Virginia Artifact Search & Recovery) is a State Controlled recovery team of historical artifacts in Virginia. There."— Presentation transcript:

1 V.A.S.R. Presentation

2 The V.A.S.R. (Virginia Artifact Search & Recovery) is a State Controlled recovery team of historical artifacts in Virginia. There is billions of important artifacts sitting in the ground that is Rotting away which we will never see again. Iron generates a very Heavy rust amount over time, completely destroying the artifact. Any lettering, numbers, symbols, etc will no longer be able to be Recovered. Glass and pottery will become broken when tree roots Growing through them, earth movement, and even construction work will destroy those as well.

3 Why are these important artifacts being kept in the ground? Simple, to preserve history or so they say. Rumor has it if you Unbury an artifact, you will damage it by digging it up. This is Only true by the artifacts being dug by inexperienced people, and People who dont care. Experienced people will take the extra care To ensure the potential artifact is slowly and safety unburied by Softly digging a plug larger than the artifact is, and never prying it Up, which will cause bends and breaks. Tracing the artifact in the Direction it lays in the ground, will ensure proper safety and care Of the artifact.

4 Archaeologists and Metal Detectorists have been enemies Throughout the years. The reason is metal detectorists are seen as Bandits, thieves, etc. While there is a few bad eggs in the bunch, Many are well respected by the community, and many help out Law enforcement, schools, and some have teamed up with Archaeologists to help aid in recovery of artifacts. Its a fact that Metal Detectorists can only detect metallic objects, such as metal, Iron, Copper, Aluminum, Silver, Gold, Lead, Etc.

5 The Way It Works A step by step guide

6 Chain Of Command Virginia Governor Department of Historical Resources Historic Area Management V.A.S.R. Members

7 V.A.S.R Gear Reflective Vest V.A.S.R. ID Card State ID Card

8 Illegal Sales Any property sold in a private sale, in an auction, or any other means of a sale, would be fined $1,000 per artifact listed or sold. Also they would be removed from V.A.S.R.

9 Unprepared Failure to comply with the Code of Ethics, to not wear the vest, and/or not have the V.A.S.R. id card, would be not be granted access to searches or property, and law enforcement has the right to charge them as trespassers and destruction of historical property.

10 Recording an Artifact When an artifact is unearthed, a flag marker is placed on top of the spot, and written on of what the item found was. The item would be placed and labeled in a clear bag and numbered. This would help historians and reconstructive teams to determine why the item was there, and what purpose it served.

11 Items to Keep All modern items such as currency, jewelry, bullets, etc, that have no relation to the historical period of the area, may be kept by the finder. Jewelry is encouraged to be turned into lost and found. Remember these are volunteers who arent being paid for their hard work.

12 Property Allowed V.A.S.R. members are only allowed on state or government owned property. Private property does not apply, unless granted in writing by the property owner, in which case any historical finds are to be donated to the property owner, or given to a museum for safe keeping.

13 Human Remains If any human remains are discovered, they must be reburied or covered up, nothing shall be moved, touched, or altered in any way. If any live ammo is found, it would be turned into the police to be disposed of properly.

14 Detailed Reports A highly detailed record would be kept of the date, time, location and item description of every artifact found. A copy of these would be turned into the historical location and sent to the states preservation agency.

15 Emergency Calls V.A.S.R. members would have a 24 hour hotline to call in case of emergency, or any issues concerning law enforcement, historians, archaeologists, or anyone else concerned about a search, or is trying to end it.

16 Hours of Operation Searches would only be allowed in the daytime. During historic location operating hours. Exempt for private property with after dark written permission.

17 CODE OF ETHICS 1. I WILL respect private property and never trespass without owners permission. 2. I WILL fill all holes and excavations. 3. I WILL appreciate and protect our heritage of natural resources, wildlife and private property. 4. I WILL use thoughtfulness, consideration and courtesy at all times.

18 CODE OF ETHICS 1. I WILL obey all rules set forth by landowner or historic preservation. 2. I WILL leave gates as found. 3. I WILL remove and properly dispose of any trash that I find. 4. I WILL work to help bring unity to our hobby by working with any organization of any geographic area that may have problems that will limit their ability to peacefully pursue the hobby.

19 CODE OF ETHICS 1. I WILL report to the proper authorities any individuals who enter and or remove artifacts from federal parks or state preserves. Who is not V.A.S.R. certified or has been terminated. 2. I WILL NOT litter. 3. I WILL NOT destroy property, buildings or what is left of ghost towns and deserted structures. 4. I WILL NOT tamper with signs, structural facilities or equipment.

20 CODE OF ETHICS 1. I WILL NOT carry any kind of weapons, explosives, alcohol, or any illegal substance on the property. 2. I WILL NOT speak about the artifacts to the general public. 3. I WILL NOT sell, trade, or get rid of any historical artifact. 4. I WILL NOT hassle, argue, or disrespect any law enforcement officer, historian, or anyone in charge of the properties.


22 Brion Draper 10+ Years of Metal Detecting Experience. Highly Experienced in Plugs and Recovery. Understands V.D.I. Readings, As Well As Tone Depth and Pinpointing. Knows Proper Storage Procedures for Relics. Knowledgeable in Frequency, Discrimination, Identifying, Cleaning, Static Interference, and many more things.

23 Training Techniques Learn to Dig a Proper Plug. Learn to Pinpoint Correctly. Learn to Properly Record Each Artifact. Fully Learn Code of Ethics. Learn the Virginia Laws. Shadow Another V.A.S.R. on a Search. Learn Proper Handling of Artifacts, and Emergency Situations.

24 Property Searches Two V.A.S.R. members will be present at a search site. This will ensure safety of the artifacts, training and code of ethics is followed, and general safety of each other. Non-V.A.S.R. detectorists are not allowed to come on any searches.


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