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Seven Cultural Beliefs: Rule Part III, Statute 2

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1 Seven Cultural Beliefs: Rule Part III, Statute 2
Ozanam Orientation Speaker Notes Seven Cultural Beliefs: Rule Part III, Statute 2 Note to formator: You will need the handout “Transforming Our Culture … Living Our Rule” to present this slide. These are seven important beliefs of the Society in the United States. They appear in Statute 2 of Part III of the Rule, which is the U.S.-specific portion  These beliefs are especially relevant to how Conferences and Councils work together for the good of all. Please pull out your “Transforming Our Culture” handout from the folder. [Formator: for each belief, read the Cultural Belief heading and the sentence below the belief. Ask the participants to read the bold paragraph below the sentence that corresponds to the Rule.] [Formators: for your reference, here’s the definitions]  …as Vincentians we are committed to: Spiritual Growth:  Grow in holiness through prayer, service, friendship and formation. One Society:  Contribute to the success of our Vincentian work when we support One Society. Servant Leaders:  Develop ourselves and others to become Servant Leaders. Today’s Society: Strengthen the Society by embracing new and diverse ideas and people. Embrace Accountability:  Build a strong Society by holding each other accountable to our Mission, to the Essential Elements of the Society and to good Governance. Inclusive Planning: Foster ownership by involving all members in planning and decision-making. Advocate for Justice:  Advocate along with the poor for just policies and practices at the local, state and national levels. National Ozanam Orientation 2016

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