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Communication laws and regulations ELC 409

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1 Communication laws and regulations ELC 409
Dr. Kamel A. M. Soliman

2 Canadian International College - CIC
DR. Kamel A. M. Soliman Canadian International College - CIC 2

3 Communication laws and regulations
ELC 409 Name : Communication laws and regulations  Code : ELC 409  Lecture : 2 hours  Tutorial : 2 hours 3

4 Recommended Textbooks
 Egypt Telecommunication Regulation Law Law No. 10 of 2003  -ميظنت-نوناق-رادصاب-2003-ةنسل-10-مقر-نوناق-داوم-و- صوصن يرصملا-تلااصتلاا You don’t have to buy these books. But I recommend buying them if you have the opportunity! 4

5 Allocation of Marks Mark Assessment Expected workload:
10% Quizzes (2Quizes) 20% Mid Term Exam 10 % Assignments 60% Final Exam 100 % Total 5 % Attendance (Bounce) Expected workload: On average students need to spend 2 hours of study and preparation for each 50-minute lecture/tutorial. Attendance policy: Absence from lectures and/or tutorials shall not exceed 25%. Students who exceed the 25% limit without a medical or emergency excuse acceptable to and approved by the Dean shall not be allowed to take the final examination and shall receive a mark of zero for the course. 5

6 Assessment Breakdown  Assignment : (10%)  1 Case study :  Report
 Presentation  Etc  Quizzes (10%)  Best 2 of all  Midterm Exam  Midterm Exam (20%) 6

7 Ground Rules in my class !!!
 100% attendance is compulsory.  No late comers are allowed to enter my class/lab after 15 minutes.  Proper attire throughout lecture/lab session.  NO make up quiz & test.  Quizzes can either be pop-quiz or informed earlier.  Presence is allowed in the lecture without Notebook. 7

8 Grading  There will be one Midterm and one Final exam
 There will be at least two Quizes  There will be Assignments  Attendance is important! 8

9 Contents Chapter 1: General Provisions
Chapter 2: The National Telecommunication Regulatory Authority Chapter 3: Licenses and Permits 3.1 Licenses 3.2 Permits Chapter 4: Frequency Spectrum Management and Usage Licensing Chapter 5: Egyptian Company for Telecommunication (Telecom Egypt) Chapter 6: National security and General Mobilization Chapter 7: Penalties Chapter 8: Final provisions 9

10 Chapter 1 General Provisions 10

11 Article 1: Terms The Authority (the NTRA)
1. The Authority (the NTRA) The National Telecommunication Regulatory Authority. 2. The Minister Concerned The Minister in charge of telecommunication matters. 3. Telecommunication Any mean for transmitting or receiving signs, signals, messages, texts, images or sounds of whatsoever nature whether through wired or wireless communication. 4. Telecommunication Service Providing or operating telecommunication through whatsoever mean. 11

12 Article 1: Terms 5. Telecommunication Network
The system or the group of integrated systems for telecommunication including any needed infrastructure. 6. The User Any individual or juristic person who uses or benefits from Telecommunication Services. 7. Telecommunication Service Provider Any individual or juristic person authorized by the NTRA to provide one or more of the Telecommunication Services. 8. The Operator Any individual or juristic person authorized by the NTRA to construct and operate a Telecommunication Network. 12

13 Article 1: Terms 9. Equipment Any instrument, machine or device used
prepared to be used in Telecommunication Services. 10. Telecommunication Terminal Equipment Telecommunication Equipment used by a User to connect with a Public or Private Telecommunication Network. 11. Infrastructure All that is used or prepared to be used in telecommunication, including buildings, lands, structures, machines, equipment, cables, towers, poles, communication lines, systems and software. 13

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