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the people rule Definition of “democracy” From Greek:

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2 the people rule Definition of “democracy” From Greek:
Demos (the people) + Kratia (power) = the people rule Democracy Republic ~ signed by 64,497 and counting…

3 First 3 words of our Constitution?

4 Constitution & Bill of Rights
“We the People” Sovereign Private RIGHTS Government Accountable Public DUTIES

5 The Idea: Sovereign self-governance
Checks and Balances Legislature Executive Judiciary

6 What is a corporation? Cor-por-a-tion n. 1. A body of persons acting under a legal charter as a separate entity having its own rights, privileges, and liabilities. “artificial entity”

7 Corporations & the King
20 corporations chartered to the King Corporations could levy taxes, pass laws, raise armies

8 Who controlled corporations?
RIGHTS “We the People” Government DUTIES Approved corporate charters Limited corporate life Approved corporate purpose: for-profit required public benefit Restricted activities: e.g., prohibited political activity Revoked charters if terms violated “artificial person”

9 Supreme Court is supreme
Concept of “Judicial Review” What happens when an Act of Congress conflicts with the U.S. Constitution? 1803 Legislature Executive Marbury v. Madison Judiciary Supreme Court is supreme John Marshall Chief Justice

10 1819 Corporations gain “standing” in the Constitution
Did state legislature unconstitutionally interfere with Dartmouth's rights under the Contract Clause? Corporations controlled by constitutional law (federal courts), not state law (legislatures) Dartmouth v. Woodward 1819 Corporations have standing in Constitution

11 A warning from a Founder
Our country is now taking so steady a course as to show by what road it will pass to destruction… by consolidation of power first, and then by corruption… The engine of consolidation will be the federal judiciary…” ~ Thomas Jefferson, 1821

12 1800s: Struggle for human rights

13 The “birth” of corporate persons
“… nor shall any State … deny to any persons within its jurisdiction the equal protection of laws.” African American Men+ Corporations 19 Cases 288 Cases 1868

14 The “birth” of corporate rights
1886 Corporate persons = HUMAN persons Corporate persons entitled to constitutional rights Santa Clara County v. Southern Pacific Railroad 14th Amendment

15 Supreme Court re-allocated power
“We the People” Sovereign Private RIGHTS 14th Amendment Government Accountable Public DUTIES

16 Two ways to recognize rights
People Corporate Persons People-made law through Congress Judge-made law through judiciary

17 To be continued…

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