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Contour plot of potential average consumption of electrical power as a function of production and energy intensity of storable materials. Contour plot.

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Presentation on theme: "Contour plot of potential average consumption of electrical power as a function of production and energy intensity of storable materials. Contour plot."— Presentation transcript:

1 Contour plot of potential average consumption of electrical power as a function of production and energy intensity of storable materials. Contour plot of potential average consumption of electrical power as a function of production and energy intensity of storable materials. The points show these two properties for six materials: ice, ammonia, aluminium, hot water, hydrogen and gasoline from thin air. Where there are two points, the right-hand coordinate indicates proven achievable energy intensity of production, and the left-hand coordinate shows the conceivable energy intensity with efficiency improvements. For ice, ammonia, aluminium, hot water and hydrogen, the production shown is today's production; the arrows indicate levels to which production could rise if stored ice were used as a carrier of cold for air-conditioning, if stored water were used as a carrier of heat for space-heating, and if hydrogen took a significant role in transport. For gasoline production from air, the ‘production’ shown is today's per capita consumption of transport fuels in the UK. (Online version in colour.)‏ MacKay D J C Phil. Trans. R. Soc. A 2013;371: ©2013 by The Royal Society

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