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The POWER of touch.

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Presentation on theme: "The POWER of touch."— Presentation transcript:

1 the POWER of touch

2 what Scripture says about

3 three dimensions of touching

4 God touching people Matthew 19:13-14

5 people touching God Mark 5:25-34

6 people touching people
James 5:13-16

7 Being there can make the difference
Matthew 25:31-46 Being there can make the difference

8 Salvation how to be saved Hear the Gospel of Jesus Christ Romans 10:17
1 Timothy 2:4 Hear the Gospel of Jesus Christ Romans 10:17 Believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God John 8:24 Repent Luke 13:3 Confess faith in Jesus Romans 10:9-10 Receive baptism for forgiveness of sin Acts 2:38 Remain Faithful Revelation 2:10

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