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Property Management Office

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1 Property Management Office
PACE Meeting Property Administration Continuing Education Stanford University Property Management Office 27 July 2016 Stanford Confidential

2 Agenda Welcome New DPAs Financial Policy Updates Operating Software
Bulk Capitalization SPARC Updates Excess Requests DPA Directory Reuse Web Site Update Reduced Tax Credit PMO & SPS Relocations Custodian Cleanup Project Fabrication Monitoring YTD Metrics NPMA News Upcoming Events

3 Welcome New DPAs Kathryn Melsop Tumari Tutt Kari Costa Mariola Liebersbach Mariah Dangelo Samantha Cooper Samuel Cohen Timothy Omi Rita Sader Samantha Chu Olayinke Popoola Cell and Gene Medicine Cardiovascular Institute Pathology Stanford Management Co Human Biology Pre-Collegiate Studies Gabelle Labs (GLAM) Woods Institute Ophthalmology SUNCAT Center

4 Policy Clarification - Software
Effective Immediately Capitalization Policy: Software with acquisition value of $500K or more (excluding warranty and training), OR It is integral to the basic operation of the equipment and is purchased on the same PO, regardless of cost. Stand-alone or optional software <$500K is still an expense item Updates in language have been submitted for the Property Manual

5 Policy Change – Bulk Equipment
Effective Sept 1, 2016 (FY17) FROM: Single purchase of 25 identical items Cost of each item a minimum of $400 Total purchase price $10K or greater TO: Cost of each item a minimum of $2,000 Total purchase price $50K or greater Updates to Property Manual and FinGate are in process.

6 Special Projects – SPARC
New general look and feel like other SU apps Excess Request New: Billable PTA New: PTA List of Values Coming Soon: Collapsible Sections for Contact Info, Location, and PTA

7 Special Projects – SPARC, cont.
DPA Directory Comprehensive search field Covers all data elements (DPA, Org, Dept.) Tag Request (coming soon) Online tag request form

8 Special Projects – Reuse Site
Work begun UPA Input ongoing SPS input TBD DPA Focus Group to be formed Target Implementation: Fall 2016 Open-ended for future integration with Excess Request Module

9 Relocations! Surplus Sales to Relocate
Final negotiations for new site on Middlefield Bonair to be closed approx. April 2017 Furniture Warehouse Future Site TBD PMO to Relocate Encina Commons to Galvez Modular (2/17) Temporary location prior to RWC

10 Custodian Clean-up (Sunflower)
Central PMO effort To be led by Inventory Team In conjunction with physical inventory Reports to be sent to DPAs identifying custodians no longer with Stanford Assistance and help guides will be available for transacting mass record updates in Sunflower (it’s very easy).

11 Loans & Leases Cleanup Effort in PMO
Identified current leases and loans Updated records for Acquisition Method Added “Due Date” to track end dates Will follow up with DPAs at end date to determine disposition Computer Leases Apple and Dell lease programs Discussions underway for physical asset management Specific guidance to be determined Additional information will be sent out

12 Fabrication Monitoring
Fabrication Request Request Form submitted by PI Number assigned PTA Setup Estimated Completion Date tracked by PMO Sunflower Record Created PMO creates record Activity Status = Fabrication In Progress Department = Property Management Office Due Date = Estimated Completion Date Upon Completion Completion Form requested from PI Status Change = In Service Department/DPA/Custodian updated PMO Team tags and photographs completed product

13 Year End Deadlines Equipment Donations
Completed paperwork to PMO no later than August 12 for donations to be recognized and reported in FY16 Capital Templates Deadline for submission to PMO is Wednesday, August 24. Adjustments received after this date will be reflected as FY17 transactions

Stanford Confidential

15 Sunflower Record Creations
“Waiting” items prior to TTM: 5 POs, totaling $3.3M (Oct 2014-Apr 2015) Numbers at top of bars represent total original number of open POs on that month’s report. Numbers in white represent number of remaining unmatched POs for each month (does not include ‘waiting’). This chart represents commitments made in the purchasing system, and does not represent actual invoice payments. There is no direct comparison between this data and the pending transactions in Mass Additions. Only transactions that appeared on the original monthly unmatched reports for each month are reflected – records created upon receipt are not reflected in this activity.

16 Fixed Assets Posting Activity

17 Purchase Requisition Review
Property Management Office Purchase Requisition Review FYTD: >3,000 Transactions Reviewed 6.5% Overall Error Rate (down from 7.8% in FY15) Best Performance: School of Engineering <3% Error Rate Delete awards management chart – make chart(s) for it on separate page. Add a bit of narrative relative to requisition review Stanford Confidential

18 Award Mgmt Activity – New Agreements

19 Disposal Activity – FY16 (as of May 31)
Total items 11,075 Total requests 2,939

20 Quantity Collected by Business Unit

21 Surplus Sales FY16 (as of May 31)
Property Management Office Surplus Sales FY16 (as of May 31) Current Year Receipts $258.8K Expense $221.6K Net $ 37.2K +18% revenue - 12% expense Prior Year (as of Q3) Receipts $218.7K Expense $254.4K Net ($ 35.7K) Good slide. Only question he asked at this point is whether the proportion of what goes back to departments can change so it’s more in favor or SPS? Stanford Confidential

22 NPMA – New Chapter Creation
New California College and University Chapter (CCUC) Formation in process Spin-off from Bay Area Chapter Will continue collaborative activities Open to any members University-centric Covers entire State Possible Certification Classes New strategic approach within NPMA

23 Upcoming Events NPMA National Education Seminar August 29 through September Nashville, Tennessee NPMA Fall Education Seminar November Tucson, Arizona National Council of University Research Administrators (NCURA) National Meeting August 7-10, 2016 Washington, DC Western Region Meeting October 5-7, 2016 Maui, Hawaii Financial Research Administrators (FRA) March 11-13, 2017 San Diego, CA

24 ‘Til We Meet Again… Thank You!

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