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Differences in Wax Phenotypes between the Glaucous BL and the Glossy CASL*2BS Wheat Lines. Differences in Wax Phenotypes between the Glaucous BL and the.

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Presentation on theme: "Differences in Wax Phenotypes between the Glaucous BL and the Glossy CASL*2BS Wheat Lines. Differences in Wax Phenotypes between the Glaucous BL and the."— Presentation transcript:

1 Differences in Wax Phenotypes between the Glaucous BL and the Glossy CASL*2BS Wheat Lines.
Differences in Wax Phenotypes between the Glaucous BL and the Glossy CASL*2BS Wheat Lines. (A) BL is covered with bluish-gray, waxy material, while CASL*2BS is glossy. (B) The epicuticular wax covering peduncle and flag leaf (abaxial side) tissues was examined using cryo-scanning electron microscopy. BL and CASL*2BS lines exhibit different wax amounts and crystals shapes. Tubule-shaped crystals predominate on BL, while crystals on CASL*2BS are mostly platelet-shaped. Magnification: 10 k. Bar = 2 µm. (C) and (D) Chemical compositions of wheat BL and CASL*2BS wax mixtures on flag leaf blade (C) and flag leaf sheath plus peduncle (D) were determined by GC-MS analysis. Values indicate the mean ± sd of n ≥ 4 biological replicates. *P < 0.05, **P < 0.01, and ***P < Shelly Hen-Avivi et al. Plant Cell 2016;28: ©2016 by American Society of Plant Biologists

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