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Introduction to World Religions

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Presentation on theme: "Introduction to World Religions"— Presentation transcript:

1 Introduction to World Religions
RELS 110:12 Introduction to World Religions

2 RELS110:12 2010-09-16 Agenda Attendance :15 In the Religious Calendar
Yom Kippur :19 Religion in the News Voodoo making a comeback in Benin :23 Announcements / Administrativa Sign up for your class presentation time slot, usingMoodle :25 Student Presentation or discussion of the scripture reading Discussion of Marx & Freud :35 Explaining a concept– for the exam’s paragraph answer section. The evolution of religions :50 Video with focus questions and discussion none :04 Homework for Next Time

3 In the calendar September 18, 2010
Yom Kippur, end of the Days of Awe (from 8:53 in video)

4 Religion in the News: “When does life begin?”
Mo. lawmakers answer the question of when life begins Read more:

5 Announcements Monday 19th is the last day to add/change courses.
Textbooks Living Religions are not sold out. Sign up for a time to give your class presentation The topics for each class are listed on the “Course schedule” link on Moodle Pick a topic you want and note which day that topic is scheduled on. Sign up by selecting which day you want at the “Sign up for student presentation” link on Moodle.

6 Getting to know you Name Year Major or academic interest

7 The Evolution of Religions
“Give three specific examples of how religions have changed over the centuries.”

8 For Next Time For Monday, 8:15 For Tuesday, 10:15 For Thursday, 9:15
Read “Indigenous Sacred Ways” Write the online quiz (for marks) for Chapter 2 on the Moodle site. For Tuesday, 10:15 No homework. Service Learning Presentation. For Thursday, 9:15 Read readings on “African Spiritual Ways” and “Native American Spiritual Ways”

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