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Ensure Your Is Being Delivered Gwynne Dixon, Engaging Networks

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1 Ensure Your Email Is Being Delivered Gwynne Dixon, Engaging Networks
19/20 June 2019 Engaging Networks Community Conference 2019

2 Hi, I’m Gwynne! I joined Engaging Networks in 2017 and work there today as a Dev Ops Engineer I specialise in delivery and help to monitor all traffic for our clients Previously I’ve worked as an engagement specialist in the charity sector I’ve worked with a diverse range of audiences globally Engaging Networks Community Conference 2019

3 What I do… Engaging Networks operates as an service provider (or ESP) I monitor and manage delivery across our servers for all of our service clients We provide tools for you to deliver effective campaigns 5.1 billion s were sent by our clients in 2018 On Giving Tuesday alone, 45 million s were sent through Engaging Networks servers (up from 35.7 million in 2017) A further 47 million s were sent to supporters by our clients at year-end 2018 (up from 36.6 million in 2017) Engaging Networks Community Conference 2019

4 What is deliverability?
deliverability is the demonstrable rate at which your s land in inboxes It can be effected by anything from the content in your to the address you’ve sent from, or the people to which you’re sending Improving your deliverability is the most effective way to improve engagement with your campaigns Engaging Networks Community Conference 2019

5 Why is it key for 2019? 2018 saw the enforcement of GDPR, changing the deliverability landscape and effectively setting as law what were already good delivery practices 2019 has picked-up where GDPR left off, as the large webmail providers continue to clamp down on senders that deliver to inactive subscribers (more on that later) There are strong indications that the US government could pursue its own GDPR, following recent state legislation such as the California Consumer Privacy Act Engaging Networks Community Conference 2019

6 What we’ll cover Inbox placement Using welcome emails
templates/testing Segmentation seed lists Bounces & suppressions Types of spam traps Data hygiene Further reading Getting technical Engaging Networks Community Conference 2019

7 Inbox placement Using a seed list to monitor inbox placement (more on this later) Different types of inbox placement (spam folder, inbox, secondary folders etc.) Gmail and (the ‘Primary’ or ‘Promotional’, and ‘Focused’ or ‘Other’ folders) Improving your inbox placement: avoiding complaints and getting added to ‘trusted’ lists Engaging Networks Community Conference 2019

8 Using welcome s Highest point of engagement, as much as 81% open rates and 56% click-through for some charity sector s (source: Adestra) Sets the tone for future communications – compels your subscribers to keep opening A good welcome series can reduce your attrition or ‘churn’ rate over time The perfect place for an ‘Add to Contacts’ ask due to such high engagement Source: Experian Engaging Networks Community Conference 2019

9 Using welcome s A 2017 study found that only 50% of charities use welcome s, and only 2% send more than one (source: Just Giving blog) You can use the marketing automation tool in Engaging Networks to drive dynamic welcome series Engaging Networks Community Conference 2019

10 Responsive templates Source: Return Path ‘The Client Experience’ (2017) Engaging Networks Community Conference 2019

11 Engaging Networks Email Builder
Mobile responsive design at your fingertips Build and edit new template components with ease Use editable regions to customise your content The confidence of having a rigorously tested product shaping your templates Ensure that your templates are up to spec with current industry standards and requirements Engaging Networks Community Conference 2019

12 Testing your s Use the Preview tool to check your on a range of different devices and platforms Check how the layout renders in iPhones, Samsung Galaxy phones, tablets, and desktop computers Send test s to a range of different webmail, desktop clients, and devices before your supporters receive it Engaging Networks Community Conference 2019

13 Segmentation blasts to your full subscriber list can harm more than they help your campaigns Does your about a local event need to be sent to supporters nationally? Mailbox providers will notice if you repeatedly send to the same large list of inactive supporters (and penalise you for it) Engaging Networks Community Conference 2019

14 What’s a seed list? A set of mailboxes managed by your organisation that’s added to your subscriber list and set to receive all mail from your campaigns. Each mailbox should represent a different provider, which can be selected according to the distribution of your audience The most prolific providers should feature on your seed list (Gmail, Outlook, Yahoo etc.) Engaging Networks Community Conference 2019

15 Seeds of the future Industry leader in deliverability analytics, Return Path has recently developed SmartSeed technology SmartSeeds use machine learning and artificial intelligence to interact with s like real subscribers would These AI personas then allow marketeers to drive deeper and more realistic insights into mailbox behaviour Engaging Networks Community Conference 2019

16 Bounces & suppressions
spam-related=99999 virus-related=99999 content-related=99999 quota-issues=1 routing-errors=4 inactiv box=1 bad-mailbox=1 relaying-issues=4 bad-domain=1 policy-related=99999 protocol-errors=99999 bad-configuration=99999 no-answer-from-host=3 bad-connection=99999 message-expired=99999 other=99999 invalid-sender=99999 The difference between a soft and hard bounce Different types of hard bounce (spam or policy related, bad mailboxes or domains etc.) Suppression criteria and the suppression list Engaging Networks Community Conference 2019

17 The March 2019 Yahoo bounce 554 delivery error: dd Sorry, your message to cannot be delivered. This mailbox is disabled (554.30). March of 2019 saw a vast increase in a specific type of Yahoo hard bounce We attributed 97% of all Yahoo bounces to this error code over a 10 day period Bounce rates to Yahoo mailboxes increased twelvefold between February and March Engaging Networks Community Conference 2019

18 The March 2019 Yahoo bounce Yahoo was sending this to users of its webmail service Any account that hadn’t been logged-in to for 12+ months was being closed If the mailbox had been closed, we received the hard bounce response Engaging Networks Community Conference 2019

19 Types of spam traps Pure spam traps (honey pot addresses designed to dupe spammers) Recycled addresses (old accounts no longer used by customers) Invalid addresses (typos, fake addresses) Engaging Networks Community Conference 2019

20 Data hygiene Attrition and re-engagement Using double opt ins
Opt-in management from external CRMs Acquisition of data (paid for lists, typos from submission) Third-party data cleaning services Engaging Networks Community Conference 2019

21 Shrinking list sizes M+R compared end-of-year giving patterns in 23 US organisations for December 2017 and December 2018 They found that overall revenue was down 9% year-on-year, and revenue from was down 18% However, they also saw subscriber list sizes dropping by 13% year-on-year (as orgs changed tack by removing inactives) The group with the largest list size decreases saw a 26% improvement in response rate from 2017, which then translated to a 2% improvement in revenue Engaging Networks Community Conference 2019

22 Further reading 2018 Deliverability Benchmark, Return Path (Aug 2018)
Reliable stats from an industry standard in deliverability Rates by country, region, industry etc. Engaging Networks Community Conference 2019

23 Getting technical SPF, DKIM and DMARC authentication
testing services such as on Acid, Litmus and 250ok Knowing your sending IPs (dedicated versus shared use) Consider your sender address and domain reputation Return Path Senderscore and third-party DNS blacklist checks Feedback loops and Gmail Postmaster Tools Engaging Networks Community Conference 2019

24 Thank You. Enjoy the rest of the conference!
Engaging Networks Community Conference 2019

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