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Lesson 16 Linguistics, Pique, Plebeian, Precocious, Predatory, Prowess, Pugnacious, Purloin, Pusillanimous, Quell, Quixotic, Rabble, Rabid, Raconteur,

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Presentation on theme: "Lesson 16 Linguistics, Pique, Plebeian, Precocious, Predatory, Prowess, Pugnacious, Purloin, Pusillanimous, Quell, Quixotic, Rabble, Rabid, Raconteur,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Lesson 16 Linguistics, Pique, Plebeian, Precocious, Predatory, Prowess, Pugnacious, Purloin, Pusillanimous, Quell, Quixotic, Rabble, Rabid, Raconteur, Vindictive

2 Linguistics N. the scientific study of the structure, sounds, and meaning of language

3 Pique V. to cause resentment; to provoke SYN: irritate ANT: assuage

4 Plebeian N. a commoner; one from the lower class; Adj. common or vulgar SYN: (n.) peon; peasant (adj.) base; lowly ANT: (n.) liege (adj.) refined; aristocratic

5 Precocious Adj. showing early development, especially mental
SYN: advanced

6 Predatory Adj. inclined to prey on others SYN: pillaging; despoiling
ANT: nurturing

7 Prowess N. superior skill or ability SYN: strength; dominance; power
ANT: weakness

8 Pugnacious Adj. eager and ready to fight; quarrelsome
SYN: combative; belligerent ANT: placid; pacific

9 Purloin V. to steal SYN: burglarize

10 Pusillanimous Adj. cowardly; fearful SYN: fainthearted; timid
ANT: brave; bold

11 Quell V. to put an end to; to allay or quiet SYN: calm
ANT: foment; incite

12 Quixotic Adj. very idealistic; impractical; caught up in romantic notions

13 Rabble N. a disorderly crowd, a mob SYN: riffraff

14 Rabid Adj. raging; fanatical SYN: uncontrollable; fervid ANT: placid

15 Raconteur N. a person skilled at telling stories

16 Vindictive Adj. seeking revenge; bearing a grudge SYN: vengeful
ANT: forgiving

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