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What the Minors Say about Our Majors

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Presentation on theme: "What the Minors Say about Our Majors"— Presentation transcript:

1 What the Minors Say about Our Majors
Amos 5:4, 6 “Seek me and live. . .”

2 Background Both Israel and Judah were prospering
Harder to hear God in prosperity Amos (about 30 years before 722 BC) Sheep herder – wool was the very best Tends sycamore (fig) trees – fruit harvest Speaks to Israel under Jereboam 2 Amaziah is the priest serving in Bethel

3 Sin Separates Seven nations are warned
“for three sins and for four . . .” The straw that breaks the camel’s back How can it be so bad when it feels so good?

4 Sin Separates Damascus – threshed Gilead with iron
Gaza – sold Israel into slavery Tyre – introduced Baals Edom – role in forced slave trade Ammon – tore open pregnant women Moab – idolatry, child sacrifice Judah – rejected the law, led astray Israel – idolatry, oppression, prostitution

5 Hope “Seek me and live . . .” – 5:4, 6
God’s heart is always “gracious and compassionate, slow to anger and rich in love. . .” - Joel

6 Hope False Hope – “trust in chariots /horses”
Israel – relied upon their “works” Brought sacrifices and their tithes Judah – Temple Worship Killed the prophets

7 Hope God put all sin on Jesus The iniquity of us all was upon Him”
“He became sin for us” He became the final sacrifice “All who put their trust in Him shall be saved / delivered” (sin taken away)

8 God’s Process The Lord reveals his counsel through the prophets
We need to hear the prophetic voice We can quench (put out the fire) the Spirit – 1 Thes 5:19 Despise (think nothing of) not prophesying We can grieve (to distress, make sad) the Spirit (Eph 4:30)

9 God’s Process God lifts his mercy
gives us what we pursue, but with a price “I will send a famine of hearing the Word of the Lord” – 8:11 Moves us into “exile”

10 God’s Process Restoration – 9:11-15 Restore David’s tent
Inhabit the nations – Psalm 2:8 (fulfilled in Acts) and again in the latter rain The harvest shall be so great that it reaches until the planting season I will bring back my exiled people – 9.14 I will plant Israel never to be uprooted – 9.15 and Revelation

11 Application Joel and Amos are in agreement
Judgment but there is restoration Focus on the future God’s Word is more accurate than the current media Do what we have to do to restore Inventory Change direction (repent) and do the first things

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