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Arthroscopic ankle fusion

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1 Arthroscopic ankle fusion
Case for small group discussion AOTrauma—Foot & Ankle Module 7: Ankle arthritis Christina Kabbash, US

2 Case description 63-year-old man with a history of rheumatoid arthritis (RA) Active hiker, farmer Varus hindfoot on the left Valgus hindfoot on the right Ankle ROM: 0o dorsiflexion; 20o plantar flexion Normal subtalar ROM Some neuropathy of the distal 1/3 leg Considerations: if fuse – ROM: range of motion

3 Preoperative x-rays

4 Preoperative planning
Considerations: Mild deformity Good bone stock Poor skin envelope due to RA medications Age and activity profile suggest not a good candidate for total ankle arthroplasty Arthroscopic ankle fusion—decreased size of incisions, better soft-tissue healing

5 1-year postoperative x-rays
Comments: Fibula left intact Well reduced

6 1-year postoperative x-rays

7 Take-home messages Indications for arthroscopic ankle fusion:
Younger patient Active Mild deformity Compromised soft tissues

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