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Phil Thurston Laurentian University

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1 Phil Thurston Laurentian University
The balance between vertical & lateral tectonics in the Superior Province Phil Thurston Laurentian University

2 Conclusions Early Greenstone belts: Largely vertical processes ~ 3 Ga, 2.8 Ga Later greenstones final assembly controlled by lateral processes. Some evidence for thrusting, but not large scale fold & thrust belts Where are melanges, UHP, blueschists?

3 Types of subprovince Plutonic: dominated by plutonic rocks, some greenstone fragments Granite-greenstone: intact greenstone belts, low grade, granitoids Sedimentary: accretionary prisms? Forearc basins? Length of subprovinces = plate tectonics Younging of ages of volcanism, sedimentation, plutonism major faults = plate tectonics No melanges, blueschists

4 Evidence for Autochthonous Construction of Superior Province Greenstones
Diking Relationships Crustal sections Domes and Keels Upward facing, upward younging stratigraphy Contamination of mafic and ultramafic magmas Isotopic Inheritance Differing architecture north and south

5 Transition to North Caribou terrane
Transition to North Caribou terrane. Defined by presence of 3 Ga greenstones. Greenstones as young as 2.7 Ga. Birch-Uchi Abitibi

6 Muskasenda Gabbro Dikes
Deloro 2730 2705 Ma Tisdale Pacaud 2750 2705 Ma gabbro dike cuts 2730 Ma Deloro volcanics indicating authochthonous construction of Abitibi

7 Thurston 2002 Ca Ma dikes cut 2960 and 2832 Ma woman assemblage

8 Upper Crustal Patterns: Central Sync. Younging off batholiths
Stratigraphic younging Revised stratigraphic map. Central syncline produced by diapirism of granites Younging of stratigraphy off batholiths = crustal sections

9 Transition to North Caribou terrane
Transition to North Caribou terrane. Defined by presence of 3 Ga greenstones. Greenstones as young as 2.7 Ga. N. Caribou

10 Dome & Keel Patterns Belt has old sequence, then orogeny?, younger greenstones start with qtzite-komatiite platform Granites younger than belt. Impose metamorphic aureole on belt at 2.87 Ga Vertical stretching lineations at triangular syncline Diapiric uprise of granites in northern 2.8 ga terrane Reactivation of 3 Ga NCT by 2.8 event


12 Autochthonous Construction: Isotopic Inheritance

13 Evidence for Vertical tectonics
Stratigraphy developed as vertically stacked sequences Domes and keels with outward directed stretching lineations. Timing in northern Superior not consistent with lateral tectonics ( My/cycle) Stratigraphy up-ended by diapiric emplacement of granites

14 Lower Crust? Berens River
N. Spirit Lake Greenstone fragments, a little better preserved than Minto area. Older sequences fragmentary, younger sequences a little more complete. Stone 2000

15 Berens River Greenstone Belts
3.02 Ga N. Spirit Lake Ga Arc 2.98 Ga Qtz. Kom. Unconformity Ga 2.73 Ga Arc Evidence for reactivation and/or multiple rifting events. Lies just southwest of Eyap belt. Fragments of older sequences. Younger sequences unconformably overlie older sequences. Reactivation again at 2.7 Ga based on ages of youngest sequence and ages of granitoids. 250 km inland from margin if lateral tectonics However inheritance seen in Sm-Nd

16 Western Superior Onaman Abitibi-Grenville Types of subprovince
Plutonic: dominated by plutonic rocks, some greenstone fragments Granite-greenstone: intact greenstone belts, low grade, granitoids Sedimentary: accretionary prisms? Forearc basins? Onaman Abitibi-Grenville

17 Abitibi: steep dips on margins of belt shallow dips in center of belt seismically transparent batholiths Opatica: north dipping reflections upper mantle Abitibi & Pontiac: subhorizontal reflectors no clear Moho reflection under Abitibi Mafic restite, underplating beneath Abitibi Pontiac: crust ~35 km not 40+ Upper crust unreflective strike-slip structures hard to see Lack of lower crustal reflectors Abitibi & Pontiac but present in Opatica

18 This western Superior seismic reflection profile [70] has also been interpreted to indicate progressive accretion of slabs of material from the south onto the North Caribou continental margin. Note “subduction scars”: projections of reflective (crustal) material beneath the Moho into the underlying mantle (see also [71,72]).

19 Devaney & Williams 1989

20 Conclusions Early Greenstone belts: Largely vertical processes ~ 3 Ga, 2.8 Ga Later greenstones final assembly controlled by lateral processes. Some evidence for thrusting, but not large scale fold & thrust belts Where are melanges, UHP, blueschists?

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