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Welcome to the Leadership Development for Racial Equity

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to the Leadership Development for Racial Equity"— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to the Leadership Development for Racial Equity
Proposers’ Webinar This funding opportunity is provided in partnership with The California Endowment and Sierra Health Foundation.

2 Senior Program Associate
Our Team Matt Cervantes Associate Director of Health Programs Amy Birtwhistle Senior Program Associate CaseyAnn Carbonell Program Associate MyShawn Cooke Administrative Assistant II

3 Agenda The Funding Opportunity How to Apply How to be Competitive

4 The Center The Center brings people, ideas and infrastructure together to create positive change.

5 The Center Our collective impact model seeks to improve community health in California. Sierra Health Foundation founded The Center to deepen our impact statewide and to reduce health disparities for the underserved living in California. With commitment, creativity and collaboration, we promote efforts to eradicate health inequities across our region.

6 The Center Current Programs Leadership Development for Racial Equity
Positive Youth Justice Initiative San Joaquin Valley Health Fund My Brother’s Keeper Sacramento Collaborative Steering Committee on Reduction of African American Child Deaths/Black Child Legacy Campaign Build.Black. Coalition California Funders for Boys and Men of Color Medication Assisted Treatment Access Points Project

7 Leadership Development for
Racial Equity An Overview

8 Funding Partnership The California Endowment Sierra Health Foundation

9 Funding Goal To build advocacy-related capacity of community-based nonprofit organizations managed by leaders of color with a youth focus serving communities of color and addressing health disparities

10 Background Diversity of Region Health Disparities Equity

11 Eligible Counties 33 counties 7.6 million population

12 Health Equity

13 Eligibility 501(c)(3) nonprofit organizations
Fiscal sponsors of non-501(c)(3) entities, as long as: Fiscal sponsor is a 501(c)(3) organization; and Proposed project meets the following eligibility criteria

14 Eligibility Explicit mission to serve racial and ethnic minority populations At least half of the board of directors represent racial and ethnic populations Key executive staff with policy- and decision-making authority represent racial and ethnic populations.

15 Eligibility (cont’d) Organizations must currently have a focus on youth. Organization’s funded activities must be designed to build capacity and/or engage in leadership development to address racial inequities through policy and systems change. Applicant organization must serve residents living in one or more of 33 counties included in this program. One application per organization.

16 Funding Scope Up to $100,000 total available
Individual awards from $5,000 to $10,000 12-month grants

17 What We Will Fund Policy and systems change efforts designed to address racial inequities and structural racism that limit opportunities to live healthy lives for low-income communities of color

18 What We Will Fund Capacity-building priority areas:
Participatory Action Research/Data Collection/ Evaluation/Research Fund Development Technology Cultural and Linguistic Competency

19 What We Will Fund Leadership development priority areas:
Establishing cross-sector collaboration and coordination Building youth and resident leadership in policy, advocacy and organizing in content areas Engaging community stakeholders Staff or board training

20 What We Will Fund Project Approach Examples:
Coalition building/Partnership development Policy development Leadership development Community engagement, organizing and advocacy Research/Participatory action research Multi-ethnic/multi-racial collaboration Communications/outreach and education Youth engagement, organizing and advocacy Peer learning

21 What We Will Fund Funds May be Used For Examples:
Assessment tools Training materials Staffing Consultants Stipends Meeting space Food AV costs Technology Travel To directly facilitate the delivery of the funded activities

22 Direct Services Proposals for Direct Services will not be Considered
Direct services are those that tend to meet people’s more immediate needs, such as food, shelter, clothing, literacy, life skills, case management, individual development or physical or mental health care, rather than activities designed to result in policy and systems change.

23 What We Will Not Fund Debt retirement or operational deficits
Partisan activities Individuals as applicants Religious organizations for explicit religious activities Activities that exclusively benefit the members of sectarian or religious organizations 509(a)(3) supporting organizations 501(c)(4) organizations or lobbying activities

24 Convenings for Funded Organizations
The Center will convene organizations selected for funding to: Participate in a training on organizational self-assessment Promote cross-agency learning Strengthen regional network

25 Convenings for Funded Organizations
Three required convenings will be held at Sierra Health Foundation. The first will be held within a few weeks after grant start date, on organizational assessment. Travel costs to attend the convenings are the responsibility of the funded organization and may be included in the proposed budget. The location is subject to change.

26 Questions and Answers

27 Leadership Development for Racial Equity
Application Process

28 Grants Portal Create an Account
Create an Account

29 Enter Organization’s Tax ID Number
Grants Portal Enter Organization’s Tax ID Number

30 Is applicant organization a 501(c)(3) nonprofit?
Grants Portal Is applicant organization a 501(c)(3) nonprofit?

31 Grants Portal Instructions

32 Grants Portal Instructions

33 Grants Portal Applicant Information Tab

34 Application Applicant Information Applicant organization information
Applicant organization CEO/Director information Project contact information – for questions related to the proposal

35 Application Project Summary Project Name and Brief Purpose
Requested Amount Geography – counties the organization benefits Population the organization benefits

36 Application Questions for Project Narrative
Organization Description. Provide a brief overview of your organization: when it was established your organization’s mission, its youth focus and its work to reduce health disparities and address racial equity the ethnic makeup of your organization's executive staff and board

37 Application Questions for Project Narrative
Organization Description. Provide a brief overview of your organization, continued: d) whom you benefit, including their demographic characteristics (age, gender, race/ethnicity), socioeconomic status, circumstances of the geographic setting or neighborhood e) the types of programs you operate f) examples of notable successes in your organization's work with youth. If applicant is acting as fiscal sponsor, provide some information about the applicant and more detail about the entity that will carry out the project (Maximum 300 words)

38 Application Questions for Project Narrative
Organization Interest. Explain your organization’s interest in policy and systems change-related organizational capacity building and/or leadership development and how your organization will be better able to address institutional and/or systemic racism as a result. (Maximum 200 words)

39 Application Questions for Project Narrative
Organization Readiness. Describe your organization’s readiness for policy and systems change-related capacity building or leadership development work to promote racial equity. (Maximum 200 words)

40 Application Questions for Project Narrative
Proposed Use of Funds. Describe how you plan to use these funds for policy and systems change-related organizational capacity building or leadership development activities to address racial equity. (Maximum 400 words)

41 Application Questions for Project Narrative
Long-term Result. If your funded work is successful, what will be the long-term result for the individuals, families, communities and/or region involved? (Maximum 200 words)

42 Application Questions for Project Narrative
Activities. List the specific activities needed to carry out your proposed use of funds. Be specific about the scope of the activities in terms of the numbers and types of people involved or reached, the number and types of events held, the number and types of organizations convened, and so on. (Maximum 300 words)

43 Application Questions for Project Narrative
Expected Outcomes. List 2-5 expected direct outcomes of the activities. (Maximum 200 words)

44 Application Questions for Project Narrative
Evaluation Process. Describe how you will document or evaluate progress toward the outcomes. (Maximum 200 words )

45 Application Attachments Proposed budget Proposed budget narrative
IRS letter of determination Financial statement

46 Grants Portal Attachments Tab

47 Proposed Budget


49 Proposed Budget & Budget Narrative
List each line item. Include full-time equivalents (FTE) for staff. Identify other funding secured for the proposed activities, if applicable. In your Budget Narrative, describe the purpose of each line item and in-kind.

50 Questions and Answers

51 How to be Competitive

52 Selection Criteria Competitive applications will:
Make the case for your organization’s interest and readiness to engage in advocacy-related capacity building or leadership development to address racial equity Describe your organization’s focus on youth and related successful outcomes Focus on building organizational effectiveness to conduct advocacy and policy or systems change related to racial equity

53 Selection Criteria, cont’d.
Competitive applications will: Describe the anticipated difference the project would make, as explained in your stated outcomes Include a reasonable scope and budget, based on this funding opportunity’s framework

54 Other Considerations in Final Selection
Geographic diversity Demographic diversity Range of Project Areas Previous Leadership Development for Racial Equity funding

55 Proposal Writing Tips Read and follow application guidelines and instructions. Verify your organization is eligible. Answer questions clearly and concisely. Clearly explain your organization’s interest in and readiness for policy and systems change- related capacity building or leadership development work to address racial equity. Clearly explain your proposed project.

56 Proposal Writing Tips, cont’d.
Check for consistency in the project description, budget narrative and budget line items. Have someone who is not involved in the project read your draft application and tell you what they think you’re applying for. Review the Attachments Checklist to ensure all documents are included in the application package.

57 Application Submission Tips
On a PC: Use Internet Explorer as the web browser for our online grants portal. On a Mac: Use Safari as the web browser. Click the “Save and Return Later” button if you will not be active in the application. Return to your application using the link in the automated you will receive. Submit application before the deadline date. Write responses to the narrative questions outside of the grants portal, then cut and paste your responses in the appropriate fields. As you write responses, track your word count.

58 Checklist Review Application Instructions and Criteria
Complete the Application through the online portal: Completed application questions Budget Budget Narrative 501(c)(3) determination letter Most recent annual financial statement that shows revenue and expenses for a full year

59 Timeline Application deadline Sept. 3 at 1 p.m. Award Announcement
Funds Available Sept. 3 at 1 p.m. mid-October early November

60 Contacts and Resources
questions to Resources: The Center – Sierra Health Foundation – The California Endowment –

61 Questions and Answers


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