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Religious Education Character Curriculum

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1 Religious Education Character Curriculum
English We start the half term by looking at The Train Ride by June Crebbin. In this unit we look at the rhythm and how it creates the poetry in the book. The children create their own journey story. The second key text is Previously by Allan Ahlberg. In this unit we will look at the structure of traditional stories and will use story maps and acting to reverse the timelines of the characters they know well. By the end of the unit the children will have created their own story about their favourite character in the style of the book. Religious Education Through our RE lessons we will be answering two big questions: - How do Christians follow Jesus? - Why is Christmas important to Christians? Maths This half term the children will continue to develop their addition and subtraction skills by exploring different strategies to help them work out mathematical problems. We will explore place value within 20 by looking at partitioning numbers to tens and ones and consolidate finding more and less and ordering numbers accurately through reasoning and problem solving opportunities. Character Curriculum This half term we will be exploring the virtues of recognising courage in ourselves and others and thinking of ways we can show kindness to others. Year 1 Autumn Term 1 Topic: The Jolly Postman Around Cobham. Big Question: What makes Cobham a special place to live? Wow Start: A jolly walk around Cobham Fantastic finish: Victorian Christmas day Daily Mile The aim of The Daily Mile is to improve the physical, social, emotional and mental health and wellbeing of our children. Children are physically active (run, jog or walk) for 15 mins a day. Topic Through our topic of the Jolly Postman Around Cobham we will looking at the town we live in. We will be creating maps and giving “postmen” (& women) directions to landmarks of Cobham. We will work with others to make junk model houses from the story The Jolly Postman & create a class 3D map. STEM For Computing we will be looking at Online Safety and exploring Purple Mash by creating and saving their own work. For STEM day we will have the brief of creating a vehicle for the postman that will be clearly visible in the dark and in bad weather. P.E Our Real PE sessions will focus on social skills; working sensibly with others, taking turns and sharing. In our other PE lesson we will be practicing and enhancing our football skills. The inter-house competition this half term will be cross country.

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