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Direct Personnel Accountability Team (PAT) Operations

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1 Direct Personnel Accountability Team (PAT) Operations
HR Plans and Operations Course Direct Personnel Accountability Team (PAT) Operations SHOW SLIDE: DIRECT PERSONNEL ACCOUNTABILITY TEAM (PAT) OPERATIONS INTRODUCTION. Personnel Accountability is the by-name management of the location and duty status of every person assigned or attached to a unit. It includes tracking the movement of personnel as they arrive at, and depart from, a unit for duty. The Army’s personnel accountability system is designed to account for: • Soldiers. • Reportable Army civilians. • CAAF. • Joint, interagency, intergovernmental, and multinational personnel when directed. SECTION I. ADMINISTRATIVE DATA Academic Hours/Methods 1hrs/00 mins Large Group Instruction 1 hrs/00 mins Practical Exercise (Performance) 2 hrs/00 mins Total Hours SECTION II. INTRODUCTION: During this lesson we are going to discuss Preparing Personnel Readiness Data for the Commander Unit Status Report (CUSR) Method of Instruction. Conference/discussion Instructor to Student Ration: 1:16 Time of Instruction: 5 mins Media: Small Group Instruction MOTIVATOR. Personnel accountability is one of the most important functions a battalion or brigade S-1 performs on a continuing basis regardless of location or environment. Data accuracy is critical to the personnel accountability process. Promptly entering personnel accountability changes allows HR leaders at all levels to have timely and accurate personnel accountability data and enables S-1s to balance MOSs within brigades, battalions, and companies. During this block of instruction we are going to focus on Personnel Accountability Teams (PATs). To accomplish the PA function, the HR platoon forms PATs from platoon personnel. These teams provide PA at APOE/APOD, SPOD/Sea Port of Embarkation (SPOE), and at FOBs where the daily transit numbers exceed 600 personnel per day. The PAT provides PA of personnel entering, transiting, or departing the specific theater location. PATs rely on the supported organization for daily life support. INSTRUCTIONAL GUIDANCE: Before presenting this lesson, instructors must thoroughly prepare by studying this lesson and identified reference material. Throughout this lesson, solicit from students the challenges they experienced in the current operational environment (OE) and what they did to resolve them. Encourage students to apply at least 1 of the 8 critical variables: political, military, economic, social, information, infrastructure, physical environment and time. November 2012 Senior Leader Training Division Adjutant General School

2 Terminal Learning Objective
ACTION: Direct Personnel Accountability Team (PAT) Operations CONDITIONS: Given access to FM 1-0 (HR Support), ADRP 3-0 (Unified Land Operations) and ADRP 5-0 (The Operations Process) and awareness of Operational Environment (OE), variables and actors. STANDARD: Score 70% or higher on a knowledge based exam that includes the following learning activities: 1. Correlate SRC-12 PAT doctrinal responsibilities 2. Identify PAT flow in a deployed theater SHOW SLIDE: TERMINAL LEARNING OBJECTIVE NOTE: Review TLO with students. Today we will discuss PAT operations, SRC 12 PAT Doctrinal Structure, we will identify PAT Flow in Deployed Theater, including the Theater Gateway PAT Center, and we will determine PA Tasks in non-SRC 12 organizations. HR professionals have a critical role in PAT operations. HR professionals are responsible for managing this system and ensuring Soldiers get to where they are needed on time and they remain accounted for, as well as ensuring they get valuable rest to maintain combat readiness. . SAFETY REQUIREMENTS. In a training environment, leaders must perform a risk assessment in accordance with FM 5-19, Composite Risk Management. Leaders will complete a DA Form 7566 COMPOSITE RISK MANAGEMENT WORKSHEET during the planning and completion of each task and sub-task by assessing mission, enemy, terrain and weather, troops and support available-time available and civil considerations, (METT-TC). Note: During MOPP training, leaders must ensure personnel are monitored for potential heat injury. Local policies and procedures must be followed during times of increased heat category in order to avoid heat related injury. Consider the MOPP work/rest cycles and water replacement guidelines IAW FM , NBC Protection, FM , CBRN Decontamination. No food or drink is allowed near or around electrical equipment (CPU, file servers, printers, projectors, etc.) due to possible electrical shock or damage to equipment.  Exercise care in personal movement in and through such areas.  Avoid all electrical cords and associated wiring.  In event of electrical storm, you will be instructed to power down equipment. Everyone is responsible for safety. RISK ASSESSMENT LEVEL. Low. ENVIRONMENTAL STATEMENT. Environmental protection is not just the law but the right thing to do. It is a continual process and starts with deliberate planning. Always be alert to ways to protect our environment during training and missions. In doing so, you will contribute to the sustainment of our training resources while protecting people and the environment from harmful effects. Refer to FM Environmental Considerations and GTA ENVIRONMENTAL-RELATED RISK ASSESSMENT. EVALUATION: You will be evaluated on the Man the Force final exam. INSTRUCTIONAL LEAD-IN. During this block of instruction we are going to focus on Personnel Accountability Teams (PATs). To accomplish the PA function, the HR platoon forms PATs from platoon personnel. These teams provide PA at APOE/APOD, SPOD/Sea Port of Embarkation (SPOE), and at FOBs where the daily transit numbers exceed 600 personnel per day. The PAT provides PA of personnel entering, transiting, or departing the specific theater location. PATs rely on the supported organization for daily life support. 2

3 PAT (R5) Video Tracking deploying personnel January 29, 2010
The Army Today: PFC Dan LoGrasso gives us an in-depth look at the R5 Personnel Tracking Team, whose mission is to process and account for service members traveling to and from theater. SHOW SLIDE: PAT (R5) VIDEO NOTE: Click on the icon to see a 2:00 video on PAT (R5) Operations. The link will take you the Army Media Center. Learning Step/Activity 1. PAT (R5) Video. Method of Instruction: Conference/Discussion Instructor to Student Ratio: 1:16 Time of Instruction: 2 mins 3

4 SRC 12 PAT Operations HRSC HR Company HR Platoon TG PAT
APRIL 2010 DISTRIBUTION RESTRICTION: Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited. HEADQUARTERS DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY FM 1-0 HUMAN RESOURCES SUPPORT SHOW SLIDE: SRC 12 PAT OPERATIONS NOTE: Transition slide Learning Step/Activity 2. Discuss SRC 12 PAT Operations. Method of Instruction: Conference/Discussion Instructor to Student Ratio: 1:16 Time of Instruction: 50 mins As HR professionals, you must be familiar with all SRC 12 organizations, their doctrinal responsibilities and relationship to the Sustainment warfighting function. Today, we will focus on each organization’s role in Personnel Accountability and their support of PATs. FM 1-0, Chapter 2 4

5 PAT Operations Overview
Previously known as “R5” - Reception, Replacement, Return-to-duty, Rest and Recuperation, and Redeployment PATs track and coordinate the movement of Soldiers and civilians into, through, or out of a theater Tasks include: Planning, coordinating, and executing PAT activities to process transiting personnel Maintaining personnel accountability throughout, from designated points of origin (APOD/APOE), to final destination Coordinating critical life support and transportation requirements while in transit as determined by METT-TC DTAS input and database management SHOW SLIDE: PAT OPERATIONS OVERVIEW In the 2007 edition of FM 1-0, PAT was referred to as R5 Operations – Reception, Replacement, Rest and Recuperation, and Redeployment. HR doctrine was revised to focus specifically on the critical HR key function of personnel accountability. 5

6 Key Performance Indicators
PAT Operations performance indicators include: Location of PAT assets and operational status. PATs are required at Aerial Port of Debarkation (APOD)/Sea Port of Debarkation (SPOD) when the daily flow rate is 600 or more per day. Number of personnel arrived or departed in last 24 hours and number of projected in the next 24 hours. Red, Amber, Green status of each Personnel Processing Center (PPC). Are the TG PAT and HR Company PATs capturing all categories of personnel (Soldiers, Joint personnel, DoD civilians, and contractors)? Number of days personnel remain at the APOD/TG. SHOW SLIDE: KEY PERFORMANCE INDICATORS Learning Step/Activity 3. Key Performance Indicators. Method of Instruction: Conference/Discussion Instructor to Student Ratio: 1:16 Time of Instruction: 8 mins FM 1-0, para 2-54 6

7 HRSC RSO Division SHOW SLIDE: HRSC RSO DIVISION The RSO Division is responsible for planning and providing technical guidance, and maintaining visibility of personnel transiting inter/intra theater APOD/Aerial Port of Embarkation (APOE). Specific roles and responsibilities of the RSO Division are to: • Provide planning and support for theater-level reception and redeployment operations. • Monitor, analyze, and predict projected passenger flow rates for the various transit categories in both directions to ensure theater PA assets are adequately resourced and effectively positioned. Transit categories include replacement, R&R, leave, and unit movements to and from the theater. • Ensure theater HR training requirements are provided to deploying HR units and/or CONUS CRCs. • Provide assistance and support to the theater G-1/AG in developing and executing the R&R program. • Coordinate with the PA/PRM/PIM Division on all matters affecting personnel accountability. • Coordinate with the CONUS APOD and Air Force planners on personnel flows and capabilities. • Monitor and recommend distribution and emplacement of PATs. • Coordinate with the Plans and Operations Division and the TSC SPO (Mobility Branch) for deployment and redeployment plans. Assist the TSC commander/SPO and the ASCC G-1/AG with planning and operational oversight of PAT operations in the deployed AO. • Coordinate with appropriate agencies for external sustainment support, life support, and onward transportation for transiting personnel. • Provide technical guidance to the HROBs in the ESC and Sustainment Brigade SPO, the TG PAT, and all PAT elements in the deployed AO. • Ensure CRCs are following theater replacement guidance, by ensuring all entering Soldiers have pinpoint assignments, which mitigates the ASCC G-1/AG replacement mission (if needed) and reduces the transit time for replacements to join expecting units. The RSO Division is responsible for planning and providing technical guidance, and maintaining visibility of personnel transiting inter/intra theater APOD/Aerial Port of Embarkation (APOE). 7 FM 1-0, para 2-66 and 3-55

8 HR Company Doctrinal Responsibilities
SHOW SLIDE: HR COMPANY The HR Company headquarters provides C2, planning and technical support to all assigned or attached HR (and Postal) platoons. It is both an existence and workload-based modular headquarters. The HR Company has both long and short term capability for: • Personnel Accountability • Current and future operations management • Database integration • Establishing PATs • Leadership/oversight of two-six platoons • Transportation coordination The HR Company can be employed to support a Theater Gateway (TG) PAT. When deployed the HR Company may be attached to an STB or a CSSB. The HR Company has the following personnel accountability responsibilities: • Provide supporting HR platoons and PATs to support the TG PAT PA mission. • Provide PATs at locations designated by the HRSC, TG PAT, or HROB of the supporting Sustainment Brigade. Teams should be located at all FOBs that have a transit population of 600 personnel per day. • Coordinate the execution of logistics support (billeting, transportation, etc.) of transiting personnel as necessary. • Coordinate personnel accountability issues with the HROB of the supporting Sustainment Brigade. • Ensure all PATs have the necessary access to HR database systems. Doctrinal Responsibilities Provide HR Platoons and PATs to support TG PAT Provide PATs at locations designated by HRSC, TG PAT, or HROB of Sustainment Brigade Coordinate logistics support (billeting, transportation, etc.) Coordinate PA issues with HROB Ensure all PATs have access to HR database systems FM 1-0, para 2-80 and 3-57 8

9 HR Platoon SHOW SLIDE: HR PLATOON The HR platoon is a multifunctional organization with the capability to provide PA support to all individuals and units in an assigned AO or to serve as a supporting element of the TG PAT. The HR platoon accomplishes the PA functional mission with its capability to form PATs. This capability increases mission flexibility and its ability to support G-1/AG and S-1 sections by maintaining visibility and accountability as personnel transit the theater. These PATs provide PA at APOE/APOD, SPOD/Sea Port of Embarkation (SPOE), and at FOBs where the daily transit numbers exceed 600 personnel per day. The PAT provides PA of personnel entering, transiting, or departing the specific theater location. PATs rely on the supported organization for daily life support. A multifunctional platoon with the capability to provide PA support to all individuals and units in an assigned AO May also serve as a supporting element of the TG PAT 9 FM 1-0, para 2-92

10 TG PAT TG PAT HQs Operations FM 1-0, para 2-76 LTC 42H Director MAJ
Dep Director CW3 420A HR Tech SGM 42A Team SGM Operations CPT 42B Chief SFC 42A NCOIC 88N Trans NCOIC SGT Trans NCO HR SGT SPC HR SPC SHOW SLIDE: THEATER GATEWAY PAT A TG PAT center is an existence based organization in the Sustainment Brigade. It may be employed in a theater opening mission to establish a JOA TG PAT Center. As the JOA matures, the TG PAT, and the augmenting HR Company, will transition to the JOA Distribution Mission. The TG PAT, with a supporting HR Company, is capable of supporting a population including other Services, multinational forces, contractors, DoD civilians, and U.S. government agencies when directed by Army Support to other Services and Joint Force Command orders. The TG PAT provides specialized PAT expertise and experience to oversee the entire spectrum of PAT functions from large scale unit reception missions (RSO&I) during TG to labor intensive R&R missions in sustainment operations. The modular structure allows the commander to add the necessary level of seniority and experience appropriate for a high visibility theater-level mission. The main functions of this team are to provide the supporting staff which will do all necessary coordination, planning and implementation for a large scale PAT mission during the various stages of an operation. The TG PAT consists of a Headquarters and Operations section led by a 42H LTC 10 FM 1-0, para 2-76

(2 of 2) PRINCIPLES Attached subordinate unit of a Sustainment Brigade Receives guidance from the HROB and HRSC One allocated per Aerial Port of Debarkation Only responsible for HR Support Activities of PA - watch out for mission creep Operates under a Combat Support Sustainment Battalion (CSSB) for C2 and life support PAT MISSION Provides Personnel Accountability support to a deployed theater Coordinates and provides operations and database inputs Coordinates transportation, life support, movement Deploys to establish a theater level Personnel Accountability Center Establish initial Personnel Processing Center Establish and maintain Theater Database Key Responsibilities Transportation for inbound and outbound personnel Billeting for processing Soldiers Life support sustainment functions Transportation manifest support and tracking for arriving and departing flights Security operations for both movement elements and property Coordinating Soldier briefings SHOW SLIDE: TG PAT EMPLOYMENT The Theater Gateway PAT has the following personnel accountability responsibilities: • Establish initial theater PPC during early entry operations. • Input and account for all personnel by date as they enter into, transit, or depart the theater. • Coordinate the execution of logistics support (billeting, transportation, etc.) of transiting personnel as necessary. • Identify proposed theater locations for placement of other PATs (in coordination with HRSC and the Sustainment Brigade (HROB)). • Ensure PATs have the necessary access to HR databases. • Coordinate personnel accountability issues with the HRSC and supporting Sustainment Brigade HROB. The TG PAT provides PA support to the theater of operations by coordinating and providing PA operations and database inputs as Soldiers enter, transit, and depart the theater at the inter-theater APOD; and executes tasks supporting the PA task. The TG PAT operates as an element of the inter-theater APOD performing PA tasks and associated supporting tasks under the control of the sustainment organization responsible for the operation of the inter-theater APOD, normally a CSSB. The TG PAT deploys and establishes a theater-level TG PAT Center with augmentation of an HR Company at the primary inter-theater APOD. The TG PAT receives technical guidance from the supporting HROB and the HRSC Plans and Operations Division. The TG PAT requires a capability to communicate digitally through web and voice, both secure and non-secure, to PAT elements, G-1/AG sections, logistical support elements and other branches of Service. It is employed as an assigned or attached element of a Sustainment Brigade's STB. Operational guidance and directives are initiated by the TSC (HRSC) and should be issued in OPLAN or OPORD format. To support unit S-1’s during RSO&I and redeployment operations, the TG PAT has the capability to perform limited EPS i.e., ID documents, DD Form 93, (Record of Emergency Data) and SGLV Form 8286 (Servicemembers’ Group Life Insurance Election and Certificate). 11 FM 1-0, para 3-56

12 HR (SRC 12) Rules of Allocation and Postal Planning Factor
FM 1-0, para 6-33 – UPDATED ROA; para 6-30 – Postal Factors (Includes TAA Phase I-III Changes – Effective FY12) SRC Title Allocation Rule Type 12682G000 HR Sustainment Center (HSRC) 1 per Theater Sustainment Command (TSC) Existence 12567GB00 Theater Gateway (TG) Personnel Accountability Team (PAT) 1 per inter-theater APOD 12567GA00 Military Mail Terminal (MMT) Team 12413G000 HR Company 1 per 3-7 Platoons (HR, Postal, or any combination) 1 per MMT Team 1 per TG PAT Workload 12567GF00 HR Platoon (3 x HR Squads) HR Squad (PAT) HR Squad (Casualty Liaison Team (CLT)) 1 per 1,800 daily pax flow 2 per TG PAT (first 3,600 personnel daily pax flow) 1 per 600 personnel transiting through an APOD (when daily transit numbers exceeds 600 daily) 1 per Level III Medical Treatment Facility 1 per Mortuary Affairs Company 1 per HRSC Casualty Operations Division 1 per GO-level command (w/exception to ASCC/TSC) 12356GA00 Postal Platoon 1 per 6,000 personnel (i.e. cumulative population) 4 per MMT Team Postal Planning Factor 1.95 lbs per Servicemember per day (mail volume) 20-foot container = 8,000 lbs 40-foot container = 16,000 lbs NA SHOW SLIDE: SRC 12 – RULES OF ALLOCATION NOTE: These are the corrected ROAs not found in FM Correction is to the ROA for the HR Squad (PAT). This slide depicts the various Rules of Allocation for SRC 12 organizations. HR organization rules of allocation allow HR planners to determine the number of HR units required to provide the intended support. These rules of allocation are also used in the Total Army Analysis system to model operational requirements of units. 12

13 PAT Flow in Deployed Theater
(ASCC) (DIV/CORPS) (BDE/Maneuver Area) X X X X X X X X X XX X (PORTS) HR Sustainment Center HRC SHOW SLIDE: PAT Flow in Deployed Theater (This is a Multi-click slide) NOTE: Explain each flow as the slide depicts a new flow. a. Two principal types of PAT Centers will be created to support the deployed AOR, and the larger sites of personnel flow. The TG PAT center will operate at the Click Mouse inter-theater APOD at the theater entry point, and smaller PAT centers will be established at Click Mouse intra-theater APODs where the average daily flow of personnel is greater than 600 Soldiers and reportable civilians. As the JOA matures, other theater entry points may be established which will require PAT support. The size of the PAT element allocated will be based on the projected flow of units and personnel transiting through the newly opened APOD. Inter- and intra-theater APODs have differing characteristics and generally process personnel at different densities. (1) Click Mouse Inter-theater APODs normally receive civilian wide-body contracted aircraft and larger military strategic airlift with large concentrations of Soldiers arriving at the PAT center at the same time. (2) Click Mouse Intra-theater APODs generally process Soldiers and reportable civilians who arrive via military tactical aircraft, with a smaller concentration of personnel to be processed at one time. b. Click Mouse The TG PAT Team with the supporting HR Company (PAT) establishes the TG PAT Center at the most favorable location based on projected personnel flow rates in the area of the inter-theater APOD. Early entry of PAT elements is critical to establish accurate strength accounting at the beginning of the operation or deployment as the deployed personnel database is established. All Soldiers and reportable civilians must be entered in the DTAS database. The TG PAT center receives and processes all units (RSO&I) arriving to the AOR and coordinates the onward movement of units to staging areas with the SB SPO and MCT elements in the area of the APOD. Individual replacements flow in a similar manner from the TG PAT center to the BDE. The TG PAT Team and supporting HR Company (PAT) coordinate all onward movement, logistical support and the tracking of both units and individual replacements. As the theater matures, other ports of entry may be established requiring PAT support at more than one location. The size of this PAT element will be based on the projected flow. (1) An PAT element must be incorporated as part of the ESC early entry element to allow for initial PAT operations in the theater. This initial element is determined by METT-TC analysis and projected flow rates initially, and may by an PAT Platoon Headquarters, an PAT Plans and Operations Team, The TG PAT Team or a team from the PAT division of the HRSC, or a combination. (2) Click Mouse The RSO Operations Division of the HRSC provides technical guidance and theater policy information to the TG PAT and HR-PAT Companies on PAT matters in accordance with ASCC G1’s Policies, TTP, and guidance presented in OPORDs. The SB HROB assists the forward PAT elements with coordinating logistical needs from assets within the SB as well as providing operational planning guidance from the SB. (3) Click Mouse Individual replacements flow in a similar manner from the PAT Center to the Brigade S1 of the unit assigned. (4) Click Mouse Return to duty Soldiers will return from theater-based hospitals or military medical treatment facilities to the Theater PAT Center, Corps/Division intra-theater PAT center, or directly to the unit based on the location of the medical facility. The PAT element will coordinate with the Casualty Liaison Teams (CLTs) for movement back to the units through the Brigade S1. NOTE: Emphasize to the students on the chart the difference between the Inter- and Intra-Theater PAT Centers for both RTD and R&R. (5) Click Mouse During sustainment, the R&R program requires intense coordination to ensure proper accountability and movement control. Soldiers on R&R will move in coordination from the Brigade S1 to an PAT platoon or team at the Corps/Division intra-theater APOD/APOE. The size of the PAT element at that level will be based on daily personnel flow. The PAT PAT will ensure accountability and necessary processing is done for follow-on travel to the PAT Center or to in-theater R&R programs. These intra-theater PAT Centers may or may not receive PAT support based on daily passenger flow. The rule of thumb to direct allocation of PAT structure is a daily flow greater than 600 passengers. This will direct two PAT PATs and an PAT Plt HQs. At the PAT center the Soldiers on R&R are briefed, processed, and manifested for R&R travel. Upon return from R&R, the PAT Center processes and tracks Soldiers back into the theater to the unit of assignment, either through intra-theater PAT centers or direct to S1s and G1s. (6) Click Mouse The Theater Gateway PAT Team receives and processes all units RSO&I arriving to the area of operations and coordinates onward movement of the units to their designated staging areas, which are controlled by CSSBs of the Sustainment Brigade with a Theater Opening mission through coordination with the port MCT and the CSSB. The Sustainment Brigade SPO HR Operations cell will also work the transportation coordination. (7) Click Mouse Upon completion of a rotation or the end of theater operations, the Theater Gateway PAT team will maintain accountability of individuals and units and are removed from the theater database. Coordination with other services and logistical elements remain the same as for incoming personnel. HR Ops Branch (HROB) ESC TG PAT Center* RSO Division HR Ops Branch (HROB) Sustainment BDE BDE S1 TG PAT HR CO (PAT-C) HR Ops Branch (HROB) Sustainment BDE HR PLT HQ PAT Teams (2-3) BDE S1 CONUS INTER-THEATER PAT CENTER Guidance/Info Replacement Return to Duty R&R Unit Reception (RSOI) Redeployment HR CO As Needed based on METT-TC * Capable of servicing all services, DoD civilians, contractors and multi-national troops HR PLT HQ PAT Teams MTFs - Workload C2 INTRA-THEATER PAT CENTER - Existence - Workload 13

14 Personnel Processing Center Conceptual Sketch - Inbound
HR CO HQs 1. Coordinates PLTs 2. Integrates DTAS data 3. Ensures 100% by name unit accountability 4. Passes data to ASCC G1 PA / SR Team 5. Ensures replacements are pinpointed A/DACG OR MCT 1. Meets Aircraft 2. Offloads baggage 3. Moves PAX TO PPC 4. Moves PAX to staging area HR PLT HQs 1. Coordinates teams 2. Coordinates onward movement Inter-Theater APOD PAT Pers Actg Tm receives PAX from MCT 1. Inputs PAX into theater database (DTAS) 2. Conducts initial welcome briefings 3. Ensures 100% by name chalk accountability TG PAT TM 1. Coordinates TG PAT center actions 2. Coordinates w/SPTNG SUST BDE (TO) 3. Coordinates w/A/DACG or MCT SHOW SLIDE: PERSONNEL PROCESSING CENTER CONCEPTUAL SKETCH-INBOUND (MULTI-CLICK SLIDE) This conceptual sketch describes the inbound Inter-theater Theater Gateway PAT Center, and in detail, the PPC of the TG PAT Center. (1) The Arrival/Departure Airfield Control Group (A/DACG) or MCT receives inbound aircraft and off-loads passengers and baggage. (2) Click Mouse The MCT turns the chalk over to the TG PAT Center at the PPC. PAT personnel are responsible, as their principle task, to ensure all chalks are completely and accurately entered into the theater deployed database, currently performed in DTAS. The PAT team provides initial theater welcome and ensures other initial briefings are conducted. The processing includes ensuring initial military pay data is collected to initiate hostile zone pays. PAT personnel coordinate the process of returning equipment (body armor, weapons) to R&R and emergency leave returnees. (3) Click Mouse A limited, short duration transient holding facility is part of the PPC. This portion of the facility, as well as the Dining Facility (DFAC), if present, is contracted through Logistics Civilian Augmentation Program (LOGCAP) or is provided by the Force Provider Company which is part of the Staging area CSSB. (4) Click Mouse PAT Command and Control (C2) structures coordinate with the APOD MCT for onward movement of newly arrived/returned personnel to either the RSO&I staging areas or the passenger holding facility for intra-theater flights. INBOUND PROCESSING C2 NODE OUTBOUND PROCESSING DB MGMT Onward Movement to RSOI Staging Area TRANSIENT HOLDING FACILITY TG PAT CENTER – PERSONNEL PROCESSING CENTER 14

15 Personnel Processing Center Conceptual Sketch - Outbound
A/DACG or MCT 1. Receives chalk 2. Loads baggage 3. Loads PAX REDEPLOYMENT STAGING AREA or APOD (CSSB/MCT) TG PAT 1. Coordinates TG PAT center/PPC actions 2. Coordinates w/supporting SUST BDE 3. Coordinates w/ A/DACG or MCT HR CO HQs 1. Coordinates platoons 2. Integrates data 3. Ensures 100% by name unit accountability INTER-THEATER APOD HR PLT HQs 1. Coordinates PAT Teams 2. Maintains C2 of PAT Teams TRANSIENT HOLDING FACILITY INBOUND PROCESSING C2 NODE DB MGMT TG PAT CENTER – PERSONNEL PROCESSING CENTER C U S T O M S EQMT HOLDING BRIEFING PAX SATO S T E R I L SHOW SLIDE: PERSONNEL PROCESSING CENTER CONCEPTUAL SKETCH OUTBOUND (MULTI-CLICK SLIDE) This conceptual sketch depicts outbound operations at the PPC of the TG PAT Center at an Inter-theater APOD. (1) Click Mouse Passengers are received at the PPC by the TG PAT Team/PAT PAT from either the RSO&I staging areas for redeployers or intra-theater passenger holding areas run by the A/DACG/MCT or the CSSB. (2) Click Mouse Soldiers entering the PPC receive final theater clearance briefings, secure equipment (R&R), are removed from the theater database (most critical PAT task), go through customs inspections and are kept in a sterile area prior to being turned over to the MCT for loading on outbound aircraft. (3) Click Mouse The TG PAT Team provides the C2 and accomplishes the external coordination with the CSSB and Sustainment Brigade HR Operations Cell while the HR Company Commander runs the internal operations of the center. PAT receives PAX - MCT/CSSB 1. Removes PAX from theater Database/ reflect R&R status 2. Coordinates final briefings 3. Coordinates storage of equipment 4. Ensures 100% by name chalk activity 15

16 Intra-Theater APOE/APOD Operations Conceptual Sketch
A/DACG OR MCT 1. Meets ACFT 2. Offloads baggage 3. Moves PAX to PPC PAT PLANS/OPS TM 1. Coordinates PLT/PAT PAT Teams 2. Integrates DTAS data 3. Coordinates execution of transportation w/MCT HR PLT HQs 1. Coordinates PAT Teams 2. Coordinates execution of onward movement INTRA-THEATER APOD PAT RECEIVES PAX FROM MCT 1. Inputs PAX into theater database (DTAS) 2. Conducts initial welcome briefings 3. Ensures 100% by name chalk accountability PAT – OUTBOUND MOVEMENT 1. Coordinates manifest 2. Changes status in DTAS SHOW SLIDE: INTRA-THEATER APOE/APOD OPERATIONS CONCEPTUAL SKETCH (MULTI-CLICK SLIDE) This conceptual sketch describes the intra-theater PAT Center in detail. This intra-theater PAT Center is different from the Inter-theater TG PAT Center which has a significantly larger daily flow which requires more PAT structure to accomplish this task. The passenger flow required to generate this center is a flow greater than 600 per day. (1) Click Mouse Like the TG PAT Center, the A/DACG or MCT receives inbound aircraft and off-loads passengers and baggage. (2) Click Mouse The MCT turns the chalk over to the PAT Center at the PPC. PAT personnel are responsible, as their principal task, to ensure all chalks are completely and accurately entered into the theater deployed database with the change in location, currently conducted in DTAS. The PAT Plans and Operations works closely with the MCT to coordinate the off loading of inbound aircraft and the loading of outbound aircraft. (3) Click Mouse A limited, short duration transient holding facility is part of the PPC. This portion of the facility, as well as the DFAC – if present, is contracted through LOGCAP or is provided by the Force Provider Company which is part of the staging area CSSB. Click Mouse PAT C2 structures coordinate with the APOD MCT for onward movement of newly arrived/returned personnel to either the RSOI staging areas or the passenger holding facility for intra-theater flights. INBOUND PROCESSING C2 NODE OUTBOUND PROCESSING PATs are located at locations where the personnel flow equals 600 or more per day. FM 1-0, para 3-72 DB MGMT TRANSIENT HOLDING FACILITY TG PAT CENTER – PERSONNEL PROCESSING CENTER 16

17 Check on Learning Q: What organization provides technical guidance to the TG PATs? A: HROB of supporting SB and Plans and Operations Division of the HRSC Q: What is the purpose of the HR organization Rules of Allocations? A: HR organization rules of allocation allow HR planners to determine the number of HR units required to provide the intended support. Q: What doctrinal responsibilities does the HR Company have in support of PATs? A: - Provide HR Platoons and PATs to support TG PAT - Provide PATs at locations designated by HRSC, TG PAT, or HROB of SB - Coordinate logistics support (billeting, transportation, etc.) - Coordinate PA issues with HROB - Ensure all PATs have access to HR database systems SHOW SLIDE: CHECK ON LEARNING NOTE: CONDUCT CHECK ON LEARNING AND SUMMARIZE LEARNING ACTIVITY 17

18 Terminal Learning Objective
ACTION: Direct Personnel Accountability Team (PAT) Operations CONDITIONS: Given access to FM 1-0 (HR Support), ADRP 3-0 (Unified Land Operations) and ADRP 5-0 (The Operations Process) and awareness of Operational Environment (OE), variables and actors. STANDARD: Score 70% or higher on a knowledge based performance test that includes the following learning activities: 1. Correlate SRC-12 PAT doctrinal responsibilities 2. Identify PAT flow in a deployed theater SHOW SLIDE: TERMINAL LEARNING OBJECTIVE NOTE: Restate TLO, summarize learning activities, poll for questions. 18

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