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Personal Finance Planning Your Career Presented By Mrs. Bowden.

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Presentation on theme: "Personal Finance Planning Your Career Presented By Mrs. Bowden."— Presentation transcript:

1 Personal Finance Planning Your Career Presented By Mrs. Bowden

2 Warm Up

3 Steps in Career Planning
Self-analysis Research Plan of action Re-evaluation Chapter 2

4 Finding the Right Job Get organized. Make a plan. Follow up.
Don’t give up. Chapter 2

5 MYPF 2.1 Finding the Right Career Fit 2.2 Finding Career Opportunities
8/16/2019 Planning Your Career 2.1 Finding the Right Career Fit 2.2 Finding Career Opportunities Chapter 2

6 Lesson 2.1 Finding the Right Career Fit
GOALS List reasons why people work. Discuss factors that affect career choices. Identify and describe good career planning techniques. Chapter 2

7 Why People Work Needs, wants, and goals Sense of purpose
Sense of identity—of who they are and how they fit in Chapter 2

8 Factors Affecting Career Choice
Values and lifestyle Aptitudes and interests Personal qualities Chapter 2

9 Values and Lifestyle Values are the ideals in life that are important to you. Lifestyle is the way people choose to live their lives, based on the values they have chosen. Chapter 2

10 Aptitudes and Interests
An aptitude is a natural physical or mental ability that allows you to do certain tasks well. Interests are the things you like to do. Chapter 2

11 Personal Qualities Your personality is made up of the many individual qualities that make you unique. Personal qualities include such things as your intelligence, creativity, sense of humor, and general attitude. Chapter 2

12 Career Planning Important task Consider the total time spent working
Chapter 2

13 Types of Work Activities
Analyzing and recording Creating and designing Following directions Helping others Indoor work Managing people and resources Manual work Outdoor work Physically active work Physically inactive work Presenting or speaking Repetitive tasks Self-motivated work Thinking and problem solving Variety of tasks Working alone Working on a computer Working with machines Chapter 2

14 Personal Qualities 1. I am ambitious and willing to work hard to reach my goals. 2. I prefer a low-stress work environment. 3. I am happiest working alone. 4. I enjoy working with a group to achieve goals. 5. I am friendly and outgoing. 6. I am shy, and meeting new people is difficult for me. 7. I like to lead group activities. 8. I am more of a follower than a leader. Chapter 2

15 Personal Qualities (continued)
9. I am a high-energy person who must be constantly on the move. 10. I enjoy sitting quietly and reading for long periods of time. 11. I like my activities to vary a lot. 12. I am most comfortable when I follow a regular routine. 13. I like to be in a setting where I can help others. 14. I like working in a setting where I can meet personal goals. Chapter 2

16 Activity Complete the self analysis grid

17 The Importance of Goals
A goal is a desired end toward which efforts are directed. Goals provide a sense of direction and purpose in life. There are three types of goals: Short-term goals are one you expect to reach with in 1 year Intermediate goals are those you wish to accomplish in the 3-5 years Long-term goals are those you wish to achieve in five to ten years or longer. Chapter 2

18 Goals Checklist Short-term Intermediate Long-term Chapter 2
Week of ____________ Accomplished Short-term goals (today/this week): 1. Buy birthday gift for mom _______________ 2. Get haircut (Saturday) _______________ 3. See counselor about chemistry class _______________ Intermediate goals (next month/year) 1. Get a C or better in Chemistry _______________ 2. Prepare for SAT (test in May) _______________ 3. Finish term report (due December 14) _______________ Long-term goals (future) 1. Graduate from college _______________ 2. Buy a car _______________ 3. Get a full-time job _______________ Short-term Intermediate Long-term Chapter 2

19 Activity Complete the career goals worksheet

20 The Role of Experience Experience is the knowledge and skills acquired from working in a career field. Lack of experience may mean a lower salary. Chapter 2

21 Lesson 2.2 Finding Career Opportunities
GOALS List sources of job opportunity information. Itemize job search techniques and design a plan to get the job you want. Chapter 2

22 Sources of Job Opportunity Information
Word of mouth from personal contacts School counseling and placement services Periodicals, books, and other publications Public and private employment agencies Newspaper, business telephone directory, and private job listings The Internet Chapter 2

23 Contacts A contact is a member of your network.
Many job openings are never advertised. Contacts can provide you with inside information on job openings. Chapter 2

24 Job Shadowing Job shadowing is spending a morning or afternoon with a worker in the type of job that interests you. You can see how activities are performed in a typical day firsthand. Job shadowing can give you an inside track on finding out about future job openings. Chapter 2

25 School Counseling and Placement Services
Assist students in making career choices Guide students as they prepare for careers Help students get part- or full-time work Cooperative education is a program where students attend classes part of the day and then go to a job that provides supervised field experience. Chapter 2

26 Public and Private Employment Agencies
Employment agency Employment agencies help job seekers find a job for which they are qualified. They also help employers locate the best applicants for job openings. Headhunter A headhunter is a type of employment agency that seeks out highly qualified people to fill important positions for an employer. Chapter 2

27 Public and Private Employment Agencies
(continued) Public and Private Employment Agencies State employment office Temporary agency A temporary agency, commonly referred to as a “temp agency,” provides part- or full-time temporary job placement. Chapter 2

28 Newspaper, Yellow Pages, and Private Job Listings
Help wanted ads Unsolicited letter of application Job opening announcements Chapter 2

29 Online Job Information
Online career and employment sites Newspaper web sites Company web sites Professional association web sites Chapter 2

30 MYPF 8/16/2019 Job Search Techniques A careful search can land you a job you will enjoy for many years. Your work history is a record of the jobs you have held and how long you stayed with each employer. Employers will evaluate your work history when you apply for a job. Take time to do what is necessary to find the job that is the right fit for you. Chapter 2 Chapter 2

31 Homework Bring in three DIFFERENT examples of job postings or job offerings. Be prepared to tell/show where you found them at You must use three different sources – IOW they can not all be from the internet.

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