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The EYFS in practice..

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Presentation on theme: "The EYFS in practice.."— Presentation transcript:

1 The EYFS in practice.

2 What is the EYFS? The early years foundation stage curriculum.
Comprises of five parts. Cards Practice guidance (planning) Statutory framework Disc Poster

3 The overarching aim of the EYFS is to help children achieve the Every Child Matters five outcomes:  
1. Staying safe 2. Being healthy 3. Enjoying and achieving 4. Making a positive contribution 5. Achieving economic wellbeing

4 The principles are grouped into 4 themes.
A Unique Child 1.1 Child Development 1.2 Inclusive Practice 1.3 Keeping Safe 1.4 Health and Well-Being Positive Relationships 2.1 Respecting Each Other 2.2 Parents as Partners 2.3 Supporting Learning 2.4 Key Person

5 Enabling Environments
3.1 Observation, Assessment and Planning  3.2 Supporting Every Child 3.3 The Learning Environment 3.4 The Wider Context. Learning and Development 4.1 Play and Exploration 4.2 Active Learning 4.3 Creativity and Critical Thinking 4.4 Areas of Learning and Development

6 Aims of the EYFS From birth to the end of the Foundation Stage
An integrated approach to care and education Underpinned by a play-based approach Incorporates elements of the National Standards Ensures a consistent approach to care, learning and development

7 More aims of the EYFS To help practitioners plan care and learning that is right for each child at each stage of their development. To ensure earlier identification of particular needs. To support wider integration of services Carried out alongside reform of regulatory and inspection arrangements

8 WELFARE REQUIREMENTS 1. Safeguarding and promoting children’s welfare
2. Suitable person 3. Suitable premises, environment and equipment 4. Organisation 5. Documentation

9 The six areas of learning.
1. Personal, Social and Emotional development 2. Communication, Language and Literacy 3. Problem Solving, Reasoning and Numeracy 4. Knowledge and Understanding of the World 5. Physical development 6. Creative development

10 These areas are equally important, connected and underpinned by the Principles of the EYFS

11 foundation-stage-1

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