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Analytical/Global learners

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1 Analytical/Global learners
By Montrell McClendon

2 Analytical Learners What are they like? organized
logical (step-by-step) disciplined make lists like to look at the details and facts task-oriented and goal-oriented prefer factual decision-making they like analyzing and gradually building up the big picture from the parts

3 Global Learners What are they like?
they prefer the new and novel to the familiar tend to deal with problems intuitively prefer loose guidelines dreams play with ideas enjoy having fun with no particular goal in mind.

4 Approaches to learning
Analytical like to be structured want the information presented to them in an organized way Global does not need structure like to experiment and learn from hands on exercises

5 Right/Left Brain Analytical learners use more of the left side of the brain. Global learners use more of the right side of the brain.


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