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War Affects the World Chapter 29-3.

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1 War Affects the World Chapter 29-3

2 A Truly Global Conflict
Fighting Rages Beyond Europe Tried to end the stalemate New strategy: Dardanelles Narrow sea straight that was the gateway to the Ottoman Empire capital Constantinople By securing the Dardanelles the Allies could: Take Constantinople Defeat the Turks Establish a supply line to Russia

3 *Battle of Gallipoli-control of sea port*
*Major battle for control of the Dardanelle’s (Strait). *Controlled access to the Black Sea between the Turks and the Allies. *This battle ended in a huge failure by the Allies and was planned by Winston Churchill.

4 United States Enter the War
1917 the focus on the war shifts to the high seas Germany intensifies submarine warfare in the Atlantic Germany establish a blockade Failed crops and a British naval blockade caused severe food shortages in Germany Germany established its own blockade around Britain January 1917: *Unrestricted Submarine Warfare-Germany would sink without warning any ship in the waters around Britain US was outraged and sent a strong protest to Germany Germany eventually agreed to stop attacking neutral ships

5 February 1917 Germany pushed US closer to war
British intercepted a telegram from Germany’s foreign secretary Arthur Zimmerman to the German ambassador in Mexico *Zimmerman note stated that Germany would help Mexico “reconquer” the land lost to the US if Mexico would ally itself with Germany When the note went public, Americans called for war against Germany April 2, 1917-President Woodrow Wilson asked Congress to declare war. US entered the war on the side of the Allies

6 U.S. Enters the War

7 War Affects the Home Front
WWI becomes a total war, and government takes control of national economies In the U.S and Europe, citizens undergo rationing of goods (potatoes, sugar, meat, butter, fuel, leather) People could only buy small amounts of those items that were also needed for the war effort

8 Government also used propaganda-one sided information designed to: (window pane)
Persuade Keep morale up Get support for the war With millions of men at the front, many women went to work in factories and elsewhere

With Russia’s withdrawal, Germany achieves victory on the Eastern front Though Germany’s eastern troops head west, fresh American troops gives the Allies an edge to win the second Battle of the Marne The Kaiser abdicates, and Germany and the Allies sign an armistice (agreement to stop fighting), ending the war on November 11, 1918 (11th hr., 11th day, 11th month)

10 Russian Nationalism to the Communist Revolution

11 The ROMANOV DYNASTY Rules Russia for 300 yrs
Government=Autocracy (RULER HAS ABSOLUTE CONTROL) Russian Rule Autocracy – Rule by Czar Nicholas II Orthodoxy - Russian Orthodox Church Nationality - Russian Patriotism

12 The Romanov Dynasty Czar Nicholas II
Traditional, Autocratic, Religious Attempts buildup of Russian industry Worker exploitation spurs the growth of revolutionary groups.

13 Rise of Communism and End to the Romanov Monarchy

14 CRISIS IN RUSSIA 1903 – Revolutionary movements begin
1904 – Russia Loses Russo-Japanese War 1905 – Bloody Sunday – Government violently ended workers peaceful protest. 1914 – Czar supports Serbia in WWI. Heavy military losses, food & fuel shortages and opposition to the czar lead to riots all over Russia 1917-*Bolshevik Revolution-Slogan “Bread, Land, and Peace”

1917: February Revolution (March 1917) Worker led food riot broke out in cities all across Russia. Soldiers refused to fire on striking workers Nicholas realized he was powerless to govern the nation and abdicates the throne (abandons) **Major cause of the Russian Revolution of 1917 was the existence of sharp economic difference between social classes Provisional Government is established but soon fails. Russians depose (removes) Romanov’s from power. 1918: Entire Romanov Family is executed. Bolshevik Revolutionary Party takes over Russian Government Treaty of Brest Litovsk is signed with Germany taking Russia out of WWI *World War I created conditions in Russia that helped trigger a revolution.

16 *Treaty of Brest Litovsk, 1918*
Bolshevik Party takes over Russian Government. Germans help Vladimir Lenin take control of the Bolshevik party. Ends Russian involvement in WWI Important because ends Germany’s 2 front war *Results of the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk *Allies mad at Russia for abandoning the war effort *Parts of Russia mad because they lost land & population. (25% land lost to Germany) *Russia lost part of its population

17 Lenin and the Bolshevik Party

18 *Union of the Soviet Socialist Republics, USSR
1918 – 1920 Civil War *1922: Government is reorganized into USSR, dictatorship is established with Vladimir Lenin at the head of the Bolshevik Party. (*based his rule on the ideas of Karl Marx and Engels) 1924: Lenin dies. Bolshevik leaders fight to be the next dictator *Bolsheviks changed the name of their political party to the Communist Party (*World’s first Communist country)

19 Bolshevik Party

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