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Film Evaluation RedRum.

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1 Film Evaluation RedRum

2 Crew Within my group each person was assigned a role for the pre- production, the list of names are the people that were part of the production the film. Nk Dorcas Aaron Jaden

3 Roles Props List Location reece Call sheet Primary research
Production schedule Costume list Presentation Risk assessment Script Secondary Research Nk Jaden Aaron Dorcas

4 How has your research and planning helped you develop your final project?
The production of my script required me to take the idea of two plans and create one whole plot, eventually I was able to structure a script that would evoke sympathy towards the protagonist Dwaine that is experiencing urban life in east London. The pre-production of my film was not as detailed as my previous pre-productions. Between the members in my team we divided tasks that we had to complete, which made it easier to complete before filming. The location reece allowed me to know where to film. Casting and crew list instructed people on what their roles were within the group. Before I began the production of my film I researched what type of audience I will target for my film , I used a survey in order to receive results on the gender and age that are likely to view my film. I also conducted a secondary research which focused on knife crimes which happened within east London , the film focuses on gang crime which is why it was part of the secondary research . This research as relevant due to the location the film was set in and also the genre of the film.

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