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Callejas-Albiñana, Fernando Quintana-Rojo, Consolación

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Callejas-Albiñana, Fernando Quintana-Rojo, Consolación Tarancón-Morán, Miguel-Ángel

2 Index: Introduction. The importance of Wind Energy.
Factors influencing wind capacity behaviour. Tests to assess the quality of the estimates. The empirical study. An econometric model. Concluding remarks. Questions and Improvements.

3 Introduction. The importance of Wind Energy.
Lower energy dependence Access to energy in difficulty area Economic development and employment Deployment of Renewable Energy Measurements for descarbonization of Economy Improvement Energy Efficiency COUNTRY APPROACHES AGAINST CLIMATE CHANGE TARGET 2020

Introduction. The importance of Wind Energy. Deployment of Renewable Energy ELECTRIC POWER GENERATION HEATING AND COOLING TRANSPORT Source: European Commision

5 Introduction. The importance of Wind Energy.
Evolution of energy production by different technologies in Spain. TWh. ELECTRIC POWER GENERATION Electrical energy generation by renewable energy in Spain. TWh. ONSHORE WIND ENERGY 45.6% TOTAL 2014 REE

6 Installed capacity of wind power generation in Spain. TWh.
Introduction. The importance of Wind Energy. Installed capacity growing until 2007 Decreasing during Installed capacity of wind power generation in Spain. TWh. POLICY FACTORS FEED IN TARIFFS - FEED IN PREMIUMS. Strong expansion until 2017 Moratorium 2012 for new projects Royal Decrete Law 9/2013 and 24/2013  the end of Feed in Tariffs Econometric model explaining the installed capacity of wind power generation and the impact in its growth Factors influencing wind capacity behaviour in Spain

7 Factors influencing wind capacity behaviour.
Menz y Vachon (2006) Carley (2009) Marques et al. (2010) Mitchel et al. (2011) Del Río y Tarancón (2012) Zhao et al. (2013) Aguirre e Ibikunle (2014) Technological Electricity-Market Socio-economic Policy

8 Factors influencing wind capacity behaviour.
Type Factor Technological factors. Cost of wind energy technology. Wind energy potencial. Electricity-Market Factors Electricity prices. Electricity demand. Financial capability of wind operators. Contribution of traditional energy sources to the electricity mix. Contribution of “low-carbon” technologies (hydro, nuclear, solar) to the electricity mix. Prices of fuels. Administrative and grid connection barriers. Socio-economic factors Income. Social acceptability (NIMBY syndrome). Awareness of the global warming problem (CO2). Contribution to economic development. Policy Factors International commitment (deployment targets). Security of energy supply. Public finance of renewable support. Policy stability. Factors should not be considered in isolation Many factors as variables. MULTICOLLINEARITY problems among variables. AKAIKE’s INFORMATION CRITERION

9 Expected relation with dependent variable
The empirical study. An econometric model. Variable Definition Equation Expected relation with dependent variable WINDCAP Installed Wind Capacity Dep Eq. 1 --- IRON Iron price Exp. Eq. 1 Iron Price is 80% of Steel Price which is the main raw material of the wind turbine infrastructure. Therefore, it can be considered a proxy variable for the cost of building new wind capacity. (-) ELECON Domestic consumption of electricity Dep. Eq. 2 Greater electricity consumption levels encourage the installation of new generating capacity. (+) GHG_PC Greenhouse gases emissions per capita Dep. Eq. 3 An increase in GHG emissions indicates a loss in the renewable energy impulse in contrast with other types of conventional energies that emit this GHG in their combustion processes. FIT_99_13 Dummy variable: representative of Feed in tariffs system, between 1998 and 2013 A major support scheme involves greater new wind capacity

10 The empirical study. An econometric model.
GDP Gross domestic product (constant 2010) Exp. Eq. 2 An increase in economic activity can be expected to induce more investment in new infrastructures, because of the possibility of recovering the investment and obtaining returns. (+) PRICEL Price of electricity for domestic final consumption Dep. Eq. 4 The higher the Price of electricity, the lower consumption of electricity. (-) SHAREFUELS Share of electricity production from traditional energy sources Exp. Eq. 3 These traditional energy sources are those that emit GHG in the processes of combustion ENERGINT Energy intensity. The greater energy intensity, the greater need to consume energy, part of which is generated by processes that emit GHG into atmosphere. LTIR Real long-term interest rate. Higher intest rates constrain investment, economic and productive activity, leading to lower volume of pollutant emissions. PRIGAS Price of natural gas Exp. Eq. 4 Natural gas is one of the main raw materials used in the generation of electricity by some conventional technologies. The Price of electricity will depend on the Price of this raw material TAX_SHARE Share of taxes on the price of domestic electricity The higher taxes, the greater the final Price of electricity

11 IRON Modelo 2: Adj. R2 = GDP ELECON PRIGAS PRICEL WINDCAP SHAREFUELS TAX_SHARE GHG_PC ENERGINT Modelo 4: Adj. R2 = LTIR Modelo 3: Adj. R2 = FIT_99_13 Modelo 1: Adj. R2 =

12 Tests to assess the quality of the estimates.
Ho Equation 1 Equation 2 Equation 3 Equation 4 Ramsey-RESET test The model does not have omitted variables (correct functional form) No-Rejected Rejected Shapiro-Wilk normality test The errors are normally distributed Breusch-Pagan test The errors have a constant variance (homoskedasticity) Durbin-Watson test The errors are not autocorrelated

13 The empirical study. An econometric model.
Equation 1 AR(1) Equation 2 AR (1) Equation 3 Equation 4 WINDCAP Dependent IRON -0,342** *** ELECON 0,9998*** 1.0262*** GHG_PC -0,6467*** *** FIT_99_13 0,102* 0.1165*** PRICEL -0,1034* 0.0103 GDP 1,028*** 0.9759*** 0,151** SHAREFUELS 0,4237*** ENERGINT 0,5*** LTIR -0,1898* PRIGAS -0,1898** TAX_SHARE 1,056*** Intercept 0.0024 AR(1) coef. - Adj. R-Squared 0,9895 0,9689 0,9571 0,9956 AIC Signif. codes: 0 ‘***’ ‘**’ 0.01 ‘*’ 0.05 ‘.’ 0.1 ‘ ’ 1

14 Concluding remarks. STANDARDISED COEFFICIENTS WORK IN PROGRESS Allows to compare the economic relevance of different factors. THE MOST RELEVANT VARIABLES: ELECON GHG_PC GDP ENERGINT TAX_SHARE THE LEAST RELEVANT VARIABLES: FIT_99_13 PRICEL LTIR Several limitations of our model, but they will be corrected

15 Questions and Improvements.

Callejas-Albiñana, Fernando Quintana-Rojo, Consolación Tarancón-Morán, Miguel-Ángel

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