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WOKs Emotions.

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Presentation on theme: "WOKs Emotions."— Presentation transcript:

1 WOKs Emotions


3 Emotion Movere (Latin) = to move

4 Different cultures and languages catalogue the emotions indifferent ways



7 Difficulties Knowing Naming Explaining

8 Look around… Think of your friends/family
What would make you nominate one or two people in your life as «most knowable» emotionally?

9 To what extent do you think knowing your own feelings i dependent on knowing the feelings of others, and knowing the feelings of others depends on knowing your own?

10 To what extent is knowing emotion entirely personal knowledge, and to what extent can it be shared knowledge?

11 How do we know our emotions?
You feel them Your own sense/experinece from inside Direct experiential knowledge leads you

12 Can you be wrong? Under stress Excited Jealous Falling in love
Benefiting from counseling to recognize our emotions/ to deal with them.

13 Name your emotions Shared knowledge of language Sense perception and reason

14 Emotions through language
Emotional life shared with others How do we know that what we experience ourselves is the same as someone else has experienced and means by a word?



17 Can we know emotions through language?
Ambiguity in communication Refer roughly to emotional experiences Bring them into shared communication


19 Emotion through sense perception
Does observation let us directly know about others’ feelings? Our senses allow us to observe Our reasoning allows us to infer , according to our experience, what the emotions must be

20 Is emotion physical? Emotions are affected/created by our physical state Biological condition is not just the cause of the emotion but is the emotion itself as we sense it. Drugs to modify emotions («before you sell a drug you have to sell an illness»)


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