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Transnational Crime & Globalization

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Presentation on theme: "Transnational Crime & Globalization"— Presentation transcript:

1 Transnational Crime & Globalization

2 5 Main Categories What is it? Organized Crime Counterfeit Goods
Environmental Crime Human Trafficking Smuggling of Migrants Categories not mutually exclusive

3 Organized Crime 2 Kinds 1) Crime groups Mafias, gangs, cartels
Cyberterrorists Pirates Counterfeiters Traffickers Japan’s Yamaguchi Gumi, the Yakuza

4 Organized Crime (cont.)
2) Illicit markets Consumer goods Conflict goods Diamonds, cocoa beans, ivory, etc. Drugs Heroin, cocaine, etc. Firearms Criminal Political


6 Counterfeit Goods 2 Types Consumer goods Medicines
Foods, electronics, perfumes, bootlegs Medicines

7 Counterfeit Goods (cont.)
Issues: Violate IPR Can be dangerous

8 Environmental Crime Resource trafficking Illegal dumping Timber
Wildlife Animal parts Live exotic animals Banned foods Shark fins, frogs, etc. Illegal dumping Hazardous waste E-waste Garbage

9 Human Trafficking Prostitution Slave labor Indentured servants
Nannies, housekeepers, etc. For organs

10 Smuggling of Migrants For labor Forced
Tech, garment, fishing, agriculture Illegal immigrant labor Political refugees Asylum seekers Civil war migration

11 Key UN Agencies Human Trafficking Variety of Trafficking Issues
UN Inter-Agency Project on Human Trafficking Int’l Labor Organization Int’l Org. for Migration Variety of Trafficking Issues UN Office on Drugs & Crime (UNODC) INTERPOL Trafficking of Goods World Customs Organization World Intellectual Property Org. (WIPO) Convention on Int’l Trade in Endangered Species

12 GN Agencies EUROPOL EU Observatory on Counterfeiting & Piracy
US State Dept.: Office to Monitor & Combat Trafficking in Persons UK Human Trafficking Centre

13 Recap 5 types of crimes Globalization facilitates crime IGOs
Fighting crime: Int’l law issues State sovereignty

14 Part I: Write Questions/Answers
Write 2 Q/As for each of the following topics, based on the videos/readings: Counterfeit merchandise, illegal drugs, endangered species, human trafficking, money laundering. Write 2 substantive questions for each of the topics For each question, answer your questions by bullet pointing the key aspects that address the issues raised in the question. 2 general Q/As that discuss transnational crime and trafficking in a broad sense For Part I, you will have a total of 12 Q/As. 10 Q/A for the topics; 2 general Q/As Answers to the following three questions: Part II: Answer these questions 1) How does globalization facilitate transnational crime? 2) How is global consumerism directly tied to globalized crime? 3) Why is transnational crime difficult to address? Submitting your paper Bring a printed, stapled, double-spaced copy of your paper to class. Arriving late to class will result in 10% deduction. No papers will be accepted after this time (which overrides the course syllabus policy).

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