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Education is vital to your future success!

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Presentation on theme: "Education is vital to your future success!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Education is vital to your future success!
The number of jobs for poorly qualified, unskilled people is shrinking quickly! You need knowledge, skills, and qualifications if you want to get on in life and have a fulfilling enjoyable career. YOU WORK FOR AROUND 50 YEARS!!!!!

2 Year 10 Subject Options – 5 steps
Time-line given to students in form tutor period – Friday 11th January Options assembly from Mr Perry Subject options booklet given to students and parents Friday 1stFebruary; Subject options event Thursday 7th February – students/parents visit all subject areas to find out if you are interested/suitable to take a course; Parents/students afternoon – Tuesday 12th February; Return options choice form – Monday 25th February.

3 Core Curriculum GCSE English – 1 GCSE GCSE Mathematics – 1 GCSE
ASDAN Wider Key Skills – 2 GCSEs OCN Personal Wellbeing (including statutory Learning for Life and Work) – 1 GCSE Statutory Religious Studies* (No Qualification) Physical Education* (No Qualification)

4 Subject Options! No Vocational or Academic banding at this stage;
Diverse range of 33 subjects to choose from (Options Booklet and Options Event); Different Qualifications (GCSE, BTEC, OCN, OS); Preference not definite – Pick 7 get 5! Core curriculum + Options subjects (6 + 5 = 11 subjects); 10 or 11 GCSEs or equivalents; Lots of support (Subject teachers, Form teachers, Parents, HOY, HOK, Careers Advisor, VP).

5 Qualifications are important because:
They will determine the courses & qualifications you take post-16; They will be used to assess your suitability for a college / university / apprenticeship and/or WORK!; They may limit the college /university / apprenticeship / work you can apply for; They could affect the career you end up doing and HOW MUCH YOU EARN!

6 Don’t choose a course because:
Your friends have chosen it; You think it will be easy; You think it is a good course for a boy/girl to do; Someone else thinks that it is a good idea for you to do it; You like the teacher you have now.




10 The 5 Cs: Why Sixth Form at Breda?
Continuity Caring Community CV Building Career Pathway

11 The 5 Cs: Sixth Form Entry Criteria
5 GCSE grades at C or above, including a grade C or above in GCSE English

12 Sixth Form KS5 Subjects National Qualifications Framework: Level 3
A LEVEL Traditional, more academic, exam based qualification. It may be wholly exam based or may have some element of coursework in conjunction with an exam. BTEC A largely vocational, coursework style qualification. KS5 Booklet and check with Subject Departments today

13 Sixth Form KS5 Subjects Students meeting the 6th Form Entry Criteria of 5 GCSE grades at C or above (including English grade C or above) will have access to both academic and vocational courses and that GCSE results will determine choice of subjects. If a class is oversubscribed, students will be chosen on the basis of their GCSE results in that subject. If a class is undersubscribed it may not be offered. A student’s preferred combination of subjects may not always be possible due to timetable constraints.

14 SELECTION OF KS5 COURSES Rank in order of preference:
APPLICATION FORM SELECTION OF KS5 COURSES Rank in order of preference: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. 1 = subject most want to study ICT (choose one only) A Level Digital Technology BTEC Information Technology Level 3 BTEC Hospitality Level 3 H & S Care A Level Health & Social Care Single Award (1 A Level) A Level Health & Social Care Double Award (2 A Levels) BTEC Sport Level 3 Art A Level Art & Design Creative Crafts Level 3 A Level Psychology BTEC Children’s Care, Learning and Development Level 3 BTEC Business Level 3 Diploma in Financial Capability Level 3 A Level Moving Image Arts A Level Product Design A Level English Literature BTEC Public Services Level 3 BTEC Travel & Tourism Level 3 A Level History A Level Performing Arts Music A Level Music OCN Level 3 Diploma in Creative Arts & Digital Technologies A Level Religious Studies

15 Year 12 Options Process for Sixth Form 2019
Friday 25th Jan Yr 12 Assembly Thurs 31st Jan Yr 12 Parents Afternoon Mon 4th Feb 6th Form Booklet Thurs 7th Feb 6th Form Options Event Mon 25th Feb Return Application Forms Mon 11th Mar Yr 12 Interviews Mon 1st Apr Conditional Offers

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