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E I N E I N Item 27: Demonstrate how print is read

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1 E I N E I N Item 27: Demonstrate how print is read
Demonstrates how print is read (e.g., from left to right, top to bottom, and front to back; through reading, pointing, or tracking) when handling age-appropriate texts. I Requires some adult support to demonstrate how print is read when handling age-appropriate texts. N Requires considerable adult support to demonstrate how print is read when handling age-appropriate texts, or does not demonstrate how print is read. Item 28: Engage in conversation E Engages in conversations with adults and peers that extend through multiple exchanges, adding on-topic ideas and/or asking questions to support or extend the conversation. I Engages in conversations with adults and peers that extend through multiple exchanges, but changes the topic quickly and/or does not ask questions to support or extend the conversation. N Does not engage, or rarely engages, in conversations with adults or peers that extend through multiple exchanges.

2 E I N E I N Item 29: Write first name
Writes all letters of own first name so that all are legible. Letters may be all reversed, all uppercase, all lowercase, or a mix of reversed/not reversed and upper/lowercase. Nicknames are acceptable. I Writes at least one letter of own first name legibly. N Does not write any letter of own first name legibly. Item 30: Use words that reflect variety, specificity, and complexity E Uses a variety of specific and/or complex words for objects, actions, and attributes. I Uses some specific and/or complex words for objects, actions, and attributes, but more often uses basic, simple, or generic words. N Uses only basic, simple, or generic words for objects, actions, and attributes, or does not use words for objects, actions, or attributes at all.

3 E I N E I N Item 31: Express own emotions
Expresses own emotions in ways that are appropriate for the school setting. I Requires adult support to express own emotions in ways that are appropriate for the school setting. N Does not express own emotions in ways that are appropriate for the school setting, even with considerable adult support. Item 32: Ask familiar adults for help E Asks familiar adults for help by expressing a specific need. I Asks familiar adults for help, but does so without expressing a specific need. N Does not ask familiar adults for help, even in situations where a specific need is apparent to adults.

4 E I N E I N Item 33: Control impulses and behavior
Controls impulses and behavior to enable successful participation in classroom activities (e.g., listens attentively, responds to adult direction, and works cooperatively). I Requires some adult support to control impulses and behavior to enable successful participation in classroom activities. N Does not control impulses and behavior to enable successful participation in classroom activities, even with considerable adult support. Item 34: Wait to take turns E Waits to take turns while managing frustration or without becoming frustrated. I Waits to take turns, but requires adult support to manage frustration. N Is unable to manage frustration when waiting to take turns, even with considerable adult support, or will not wait to take turns.

5 E I N E I N Item 35: Focus on Activities
Focuses on activities and maintains concentration, despite distractions and/or temptations. I Focuses on activities, but requires adult support to maintain or regain concentration when there are distractions and/or temptations. N Frequently struggles to focus on activities, loses concentration quickly, and is unable to regain concentration when there are distractions and/or temptations, even with considerable adult support. Item 36: Follow multi-step directions E Follows multi-step directions. I Requires some adult support to follow multi-step directions. N Requires considerable adult support to follow multi-step directions.

6 E I N E I N Item 37: Solve Problems
Solves problems by carrying out sequence of actions. I Requires some adult support to carry out a sequence of actions in order to solve problems. N Requires considerable adult support to carry out a sequence of actions in order to solve problems. Item 38: Express and desire to learn E Expresses a desire to learn by asking questions and seeking new information. I Requires adult support to ask questions and seek new information, but may express a desire to learn in other ways (e.g., through watching and listening). N Does not express a desire to learn in any way, even with considerable adult support.

7 E I N E I N Item 39: Engage with peers in pretend play
Engages cooperatively with peers in pretend play scenarios by planning and coordinating roles. I Requires adult support to engage cooperatively with peers in pretend play scenarios that involve planning or coordinating roles. N Does not engage, or rarely engages, with peers in pretend play scenarios that involve planning or coordinating roles. Item 40: Share materials with peers E Shares materials with peers. I Requires some adult support to share materials with peers. N Requires considerable adult support to share materials with peers.

8 E I N E I N Item 41: Explain why rules are needed
Explains why rules are needed in the classroom. I Requires adult support to explain why rules are needed in the classroom. N Does not explain why rules are needed in the classroom, even with considerable adult support. Item 42: Move through a crowded environment E Moves through a crowded environment without bumping into peers or objects, using appropriate pace and maintaining spatial awareness. I Requires adult support to use appropriate pace and maintain spatial awareness to avoid bumping into peers or objects when moving through a crowded environment. N Does not move through a crowded environment without bumping into peers or objects, even with considerable adult support.

9 E I N E I N Item 43: Run, jump, and/or hop
Runs, jumps, and/or hops with control, coordination, and balance during active play. I Runs, jumps, and/or hops with limited control, coordination, and/or balance during active play. N Does not run, jump, and/or hop with control, coordination, and balance during active play. Item 44: Bend, stretch, and/or twist E Bends, stretches, and/or twists with control, coordination, and balance during active play. I Bends, stretches, and/or twists with limited control, coordination, and/or balance during active play. N Does not bend, stretch, and/or twist with control, coordination, and balance during active play.

10 E I N E I N Item 45: Hold scissors Item 46: Hold writing tool
Holds scissors in one hand to cut on or near the lines of simple shapes, using the other hand to hold/turn paper. I Holds scissors in one hand, but does not cut near the lines of simple shapes, and/or requires some adult support to hold/turn paper. N Requires considerable adult support to hold scissors to cut paper, or does not use scissors to cut paper. Item 46: Hold writing tool E Holds a writing tool (e.g., a pencil) with a stable, efficient grasp, and uses finger movement to control the tool. I Holds a writing tool with a somewhat efficient grasp(e.g., holds the tool too far back and/or needs the other hand to adjust positioning of the tool), and/or uses hand and arm movements to control the tool. N Holds a writing tool with an inefficient grasp (e.g., fisted), or does not hold a writing tool.

11 E I N E I N Item 47: Follow basic safety rules
Requires some adult support to follow basic safety rules. N Requires considerable adult support to follow basic safety rules. Item 48: Show or explain ways that adults help to keep people safe E Shows or explains way that adults help to keep people safe (e.g., identifies roles and/or actions of community helpers). I Requires some adult support to show or explain ways that adults help to keep people safe. N Does not show or explain ways that adults help to keep people safe, even with considerable adult support.

12 E I N E I N Item 49: Complete personal care tasks
Completes personal care tasks (e.g., takes off/puts on own jacket). I Requires some adult support to complete personal care tasks. N Requires considerable adult support to complete personal care tasks. Item 50: Follow basic health practices E Follows basic health practices (e.g., covers mouth/nose when coughing/sneezing). I Requires some adult support to follow basic health practices. N Requires considerable adult support to follow basic health practices.

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