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Diet for Hemorrhoids Sufferers Vitha Piles Hospital.

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1 Diet for Hemorrhoids Sufferers Vitha Piles Hospital

2 Non-Vegetarian Diet and Piles The people's sufferer of anorectal diseases like piles fissure and fistula in ano is fond of non veg diet. 70% of all populations suffering from anorectal diseases are non vegetarians. The reason behind this can be concluded as follows:- ● Lowest Fiber. ● Absorbs More Water Content From The Intestine. ● Heavy to Digest. ● Generally Taken In the Night. ● Lakh of Salad with the Same Diet. ● As It Tastes Good Taken In Excess Quantity. ● Immediate Sleeping After Such a Heavy Diet.

3 Lowest Fiber At this non veg diet is the animal product it has 0% of fibers in it. So due to lack of fibers stool doesn't get desired weight, girth and propagation in the intestine so constipation is inevitable.

4 Absorbs More Water To get digest such a heavy stuff in history area requires more liquid or water to get liquify as it gets liquify it is easy for intestine to absorb the nutrients but non veg diet absorbs more water and remains dry it is hard for intestine to propagate dry and hard stool through intestine and constipation and subsequently piles fissure and fistula disease develops.

5 Heavy to Digest Gastric juices are insufficient to digest the non veg protein as diet. More gastric juices and bile is required to digest such a diet and it takes a long time than a vegetarian diet. So propagation is slower and constipation develops.

6 Generally Taken in the Night In India, this type of non-veg diet is routinely taken in the night. In parties are functions non veg diet is generally taken in late at night. As per Ayurveda digestion power is less in the night and usually, it is practice to get sleep immediately after this heavy diet these food particles are suspended in gastric and intestine for a long time. Also, the movements in light are less than the daytime. This whole process causes improper stool and subsequently causes piles fissure and fistula.

7 Lack of Salads Along With This Nonvegetarian Diet When the non veg diet is sir along with that in hotels salad is also served. The purpose behind his is less fiber diet of non vegetarian is served along with a fiber-rich salad. If it is not taken with the non veg diet then constipation is inevitable.

8 Taken in Excess Quantity as its Tastes Good Take excess amount of fiber in diet in salad large amount fiber. Fiber is more important for in diet which peoples are sufferers from hemorrhoids. Fruits contains large quantity of fibers you can eat fruits in daily diet plan.

9 Contact Us Which peoples are suffered from the piles, fistula, fissure in ano Vithai Piles is one of the best piles doctor in Pune. Vithai Piles Hospital provides piles specialist in Pune and they have lady doctor for piles piles doctor in Pune piles specialist in Pune Vithai Piles Hospital providing best piles doctor in Pune for painless, without operation and caring which peoples are suffered from hemorrhoids or Piles. They are gives different piles treatment in reasonable cost. Also they are providing Ayurvedic treatment as well as allopathy treatment. best piles doctor in Pune Book your appointment? Call us +91-9403223306/+91- 9405659585 mail us at

10 Thank You!

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