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Africa Unit 5: Chapters 13-15.

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1 Africa Unit 5: Chapters 13-15




5 Important Landforms Sahara Desert Lake Tanganyika Ethiopian Highlands
Lake Malawi Congo River Basin Lake Chad Niger River Nile River Congo River Great Rift Valley Zambezi River Mount Kilimanjaro Kalahari Desert Mozambique Channel Namib Desert Lake Victoria Coloring Directions: Shade desert areas light brown Shade mountains dark brown/black Outline rivers in blue Shade bodies of water blue

6 Quick Facts Nile River is Longest River in the World
Second Largest Continent 53 Countries Largest Country: Sudan Smallest Country: Seychelles 2,000 languages 1/7th of World Population Fastest growing Population 3/5ths live in rural areas 46.3 % Christian/40.5 % Muslim

7 Important Terms Savannah Refugee Harmattan Plates Subsistence Farming
Clans Cacao Industrialized Country Civil War Boers Overgraze Apartheid Drought Enclave Desertification Exclave Canopy Plateau Hydroelectric Power Wadi Deforestation Oasis Poaching Cataract Habitat Arid Ecotourists Cultural Region Autonomy Colonialism Watershed Tropical Rainforest Genocide

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