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Nevada Educator Performance Teacher Framework

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Presentation on theme: "Nevada Educator Performance Teacher Framework"— Presentation transcript:

1 Nevada Educator Performance Teacher Framework
High Leverage Instructional Standard 1 “Prior Learning” Araceli Avila om

2 I will differentiate the four indicators of the NEPF’s Instructional Standard 1 by analyzing their characteristics. I will explore ideas and strategies for each indicator of the NEPF’s Instructional Standard 1 by participating in various activities. Objectives 2

3 Page 1 Page 2 Page 3

4 Agenda Lesson Planning with Prior Learning in Mind
Nevada’s High Leverage Instructional Standard 1 Lesson Planning with Prior Learning in Mind Agenda Standard 1’s Indicators & Associated Activities

5 Part of Meaningful Interaction
Be Part of Meaningful Interaction On Time Attentive Listeners Mindful of Technology

6 High Leverage Instructional Standard 1
“Prior Learning”

7 Instructional Practice Domain
Standard 3 Standard 2 Standard 4 Standard 5 Standard 1 NEPF Instructional Practice Domain

8 Standard 1 Summarize the literature review of Standard 1 by creating an illustration. New Learning is Connected to Prior Learning and Experience

9 initial understandings
Prior Learning initial understandings previous learning 9

10 Indicator 1: The teacher activates all students’ initial understandings of new concepts and skills.
Standard 1 New Learning is Connected to Prior Learning and Experience Indicator 2: The teacher makes connections explicit between previous learning and new concepts and skills for all students. Indicator 3: The teacher makes clear the purpose and relevance of new learning for all students. Indicator 4: The teacher provides all students opportunities to build on or challenge initial understandings.

11 Indicator 1 & Associated Activities

12 Indicator 1: The teacher activates all students’ initial understandings of new concepts and skills.

13 initial understanding
Prior Learning initial understanding previous learning 13

14 Initial Understandings
The Importance of Initial Understandings If you thought you’d see an automatic in the 911 when pigs fly, may we suggest you duck.

15 Porsche 911

16 What is the difference between prior learning and activating prior learning?
Indicator 1: The teacher activates all students’ initial understandings of new concepts and skills.

17 Activating Initial Understandings
Teachers’ ability to informally find out what a student knows and can do while also determining if there are any mismatches in schemata.

18 Indicator 1: The teacher activates all students’ initial understandings of new concepts and skills.
Material None Read information on indicator 1. Ask “What is this indicator about? What is it asking Nevada teachers to do?”

19 Indicator 1: Activating ALL Students’ Initial Understandings
Methods Modes The various tools a teacher uses to activate a student’s initial understanding of a topic. The various ways students show what they know or don’t know about a topic. Teacher… questions provides tasks asks for free recall structures discussions Students… respond orally make diagrams write draw describe

20 Indicator 1 Activities Method or Mode?

21 Activating vs. Assessing
What do we do if we find students’ initial understandings are misconceptions and/or incomplete? What do you we do with the data we collect?

22 Indicator 4: The teacher provides all students opportunities to build on or challenge initial understandings. Material None Read information on indicator 1. Ask “What is this indicator about? What is it asking Nevada teachers to do?”

23 Indicator 4: ALL students have opportunities to build on or challenge initial understandings.
Methods Modes Teacher explanations along with… models simulations video clips Illustrations role plays books Students… respond orally make diagrams write draw reflect Role play indicator 4 like with cultural diffusion. Then assign groups a topic that students had misinformation about and have them come up with an idea of how to fill in the gaps. Create 5-6 topics for secondary and elementary

24 I will identify examples of positive effects of cultural diffusion in Japan by completing a concept web. (17)  Culture. The student understands relationships that exist among world cultures. The student is expected to: (A)  identify and describe how culture traits such as trade, travel, and war spread; (B)  identify and describe factors that influence cultural change such as improved communication, transportation, and economic development; (C)  evaluate the impact of improved communication technology among cultures; (D)  identify and define the impact of cultural diffusion on individuals and world societies; and (E)  identify examples of positive and negative effects of cultural diffusion.

25 (cultural trait) a single element of normal practice in a culture -- such as the wearing of a turban..

26 What do you know about…? Cultural Diffusion 26


28 Indicator 1: The teacher activates all students’ initial understandings of new concepts and skills.
Indicator 4: The teacher provides all students opportunities to build on or challenge initial understandings. Material None To continue internalizing the meaning of the 3 categories of Academic Vocabulary, have participants create gestures that represent each term by participating in Vocabulary Alive. Assign each table a term and have them come up with a gesture that represents the term. Once all groups have come up with the gesture to their assigned term, have groups share their gesture to the whole group by saying, “The word is _____ and it looks like this _____.” After the term and gesture are stated, the rest of the participants need to repeat the sentence starter and gesture. With this activity, repetition is key. Therefore make sure that after a new term and gesture is introduced, participants go back and repeat all terms that have been previously introduced.

29 Indicator 2 & Associated Activities

30 Indicator 2: The teacher makes connections explicit between previous learning and new concepts and skills for all students. Material None Read information on indicator 1. Ask “What is this indicator about? What is it asking Nevada teachers to do?”

31 initial understanding
Prior Learning initial understanding previous learning 31

32 Indicator 2: The teacher makes connections explicit between previous learning and new concepts and skills for all students. Material None Read information on indicator 1. Ask “What is this indicator about? What is it asking Nevada teachers to do?”

33 Indicator 2: Make connections explicit between previous learning and new concepts and skills for ALL students. Methods Modes Teacher provides brief review of previously taught material, vocabulary and concepts by… asking questions What did we learn about ______? providing tasks structuring discussions going over graphic organizers, class notes, PPT slides Students… respond orally make diagrams write draw describe Material None Explain to participants that the researchers of the SIOP Model, Echevarria, Short, Vogt, state in their book, Making Content Comprehensible for Els: The SIOP Model, that to effectively teach vocabulary to English learners these students need to be active in developing their understanding of words and ways to learn them; personalize word learning; be immersed in words; and build on multiple sources of information to learn words through repeated exposure. Consequently as teachers of Els, we must use vocabulary strategies that incorporate the principles of effective vocabulary instruction.

34 Let’s Review Previous Learning
Blast to the Past Simultaneous Round Table Group Brainstorm Group Share Carousel Activity Create activity cards for each strategy. Have participants follow the instructions on each activity card. For example for the brainstorm activity ask them to write 5 things they learned about indicator 1. After they participate in the activity, have them reflect on the pros and cons of reviewing with a group brainstorm. Create a worksheet for the activity and a tchart with titles pros/cons. 34

35 Indicator 4: The teacher provides all students opportunities to build on or challenge initial understandings. Material None Read information on indicator 1. Ask “What is this indicator about? What is it asking Nevada teachers to do?”

36 Indicator 1: Indicator 2: The teacher makes connections explicit between previous learning and new concepts and skills for all students. Indicator 4: Material None To continue internalizing the meaning of the 3 categories of Academic Vocabulary, have participants create gestures that represent each term by participating in Vocabulary Alive. Assign each table a term and have them come up with a gesture that represents the term. Once all groups have come up with the gesture to their assigned term, have groups share their gesture to the whole group by saying, “The word is _____ and it looks like this _____.” After the term and gesture are stated, the rest of the participants need to repeat the sentence starter and gesture. With this activity, repetition is key. Therefore make sure that after a new term and gesture is introduced, participants go back and repeat all terms that have been previously introduced.

37 Indicator 3 & Associated Activities

38 Indicator 3: The teacher makes clear the purpose and relevance of new learning for all students.
Material None Read information on indicator 1. Ask “What is this indicator about? What is it asking Nevada teachers to do?”

39 Indicator 4: The teacher provides all students opportunities to build on or challenge initial understandings. Material None Read information on indicator 1. Ask “What is this indicator about? What is it asking Nevada teachers to do?”

40 Well Written Content Objectives
Audience Verb Topic Condition Measure We will… I will… Students will… The learner will… measurable verb that expresses performance and rigor expectation grade level concepts and skills student must learn resources and/or material student will use to carry out verb + topic Have participants identify the audience, observable action (action verb + concept) and condition. Explain that the measure is not included to diminish the wordiness. However they must share the measure to the students. We will graph linear equations using the slope and y-intercept of an equation.

41 Objective Read Write Listen Speak I will explain the relationship between a circle’s circumference and diameter by saying… “The relationship between the circumference and the diameter is…”

42 relationship The relationship between Mrs. Avila and Mr. Avila is that Mr. Avila is Mrs. Avila’s _______________. The relationship between Mrs. Avila and Cristina is that Cristina is Mrs. Avila’s _______________.

43 ` Objective Read Write Listen Speak Content I will explain the relationship between a circle’s circumference and diameter by saying… “The relationship between the circumference and the diameter is…”

44 The relationship between the diameter and the radius is…
Let’s Review: CIRCLE semicircle circumference quarter circle radius diameter The relationship between the diameter and the radius is…

45 Indicator 1: Indicator 2:
Indicator 3: The teacher makes clear the purpose and relevance of new learning for all students. Indicator 4: Material None To continue internalizing the meaning of the 3 categories of Academic Vocabulary, have participants create gestures that represent each term by participating in Vocabulary Alive. Assign each table a term and have them come up with a gesture that represents the term. Once all groups have come up with the gesture to their assigned term, have groups share their gesture to the whole group by saying, “The word is _____ and it looks like this _____.” After the term and gesture are stated, the rest of the participants need to repeat the sentence starter and gesture. With this activity, repetition is key. Therefore make sure that after a new term and gesture is introduced, participants go back and repeat all terms that have been previously introduced.

46 ` Objective Read Write Listen Speak Content I will explain the relationship between a circle’s circumference and diameter by saying… “The relationship between the circumference and the diameter is…”

47 Lesson Planning

48 Materials Evaluations Close the training and pass out evaluations.

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