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International Studies Charter Schools

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1 International Studies Charter Schools
Offering Our Students the World

2 Together We Are Stronger
International Studies Charter School (ISCHS) was established in 2004 as the result of the French, Italian and Spanish consuls collaborating to create a unique school. ISCHS offers its students a multi-cultural, multi-lingual comprehensive education in each respective language. 

3 Our High School and Middle School have an A+ designation for over 10 years.
Both our Middle and High School are recipients of the prestigious U.S. Department of Education Blue Ribbon Award ! Since 2012, ISCHS has been recognized by U.S. News & World Report as one of the top performing schools in the country !

4 “A school is meant to be the doorway to a person’s future
“A school is meant to be the doorway to a person’s future. It is the place where character, knowledge and personal dreams meld to prepare each student for the remainder of their lives.” Victoriano Rodriguez Principal

5 “Nothing is more exciting than the first day of school
“Nothing is more exciting than the first day of school. Quite literally anything is possible.” Janette Cruz Assistant Principal

6 Student Services Leader
Michelle Correa CAP Advisor Student Services Leader Aliva Mingel Counselor

7 Administrative Support Personnel
Hector Del Valle Administrative Assistant Athletics Director Elizabeth Perez Activities Director

8 Friendly Faces Aliet Arechavaleta Support Personnel Daisy Perez
Registrar Lauren Quinto School Clerk Maria Rodriguez Treasurer

9 Safety Faces Jesus De Armas Jorge Granda Edelmira Fernandez
Security Jorge Granda Security Edelmira Fernandez Security Adolfo Cotarelo Security

10 Cafeteria Staff Maria De Armas Neudy Armas Xiomara Castellano
Cafeteria Manager Neudy Armas Xiomara Castellano Yakelin Valenzuela

11 TRAFFIC To ensure students’ safety, students may not be dropped off on 8th Street. Students must be dropped off and picked up on the intersection of 9th Street and 25th Avenue Cars are not allowed to park on the street at any time. Cars may not pick up or drop off in the bus lane. School security will be present and visible to ensure an efficient process.

12 ISCHS Fashion TOPS Navy Blue Polo with School Logo or
Stripped Rugby Navy Blue and White Shirts Navy Sweater with School Logo BOTTOMS Khaki Dickie Pants with School Logo ACCESSORIES Black or Brown Belt Black, Brown, or White Shoes Authorized Vendor: All Uniform Wear 200 NW 27th Avenue

13 Friendly Reminders Parents are not to drop off food or supplies in the Main Office Parents and visitors are not permitted beyond the Main Office without a visitor’s pass. Parent Volunteers must be cleared through MDCPS in order to participate in activities If your child has any allergies or medical concerns, please see Daisy Perez in the Main Office For medication to be administered during the school day proper medical release forms must be submitted Students are not allowed to have any over the counter or prescription medication on them at any time, this includes Tylenol, Aspirin, Advil, etc.

14 Student Responsibility
Uniforms must be worn at ALL times. Tops must be tucked in. Uniforms are not to be altered. Per Code of Student Conduct, all electronic devices must remain turned off during the school day. Students will not be allowed to have any visible electronic devices during the school day. This policy will also be enforced during lunch time as well as in the hallways and stairwells. In the event a student is seen with a visible electronic device without authorization, the device will be confiscated and only the parent will be able to pick up the device.


16 School Supplies Students will be given individual supply lists based on the teacher and subject on the first and second day of school. It is recommended that students bring a poncho for rainy days. 6th Grade Math (No Calculator) 7th & 8th Math School Calculator (TI-108) Can be purchased at school for $5 Algebra I / Geometry Calculator (TI-30Xa Solar School Edition) Can be purchased at school for $15

17 Discipline Plan Demerits are based on a point system. Each demerit is a point. Points accrue throughout the academic school year.  Points can be removed if the student achieves one of the following designations: Principal’s Honor Roll (3pts) Superior Honor Roll (2pts) Quarterly Grade improvement in corresponding subject areas (1 point per subject area)

18 Parent Volunteer Hours
Research has shown that Parental/Guardian Involvement is a critical component of a child’s educational success. International Studies Charter Middle/High School prides itself on the success of our students. The school encourages that all parent/guardians become active stakeholders in their child’s educational success by completing 20 hours of service to the school prior to the last day of school as per the parent/student contract. Volunteer Opportunities: Chaperoning Fieldtrips P.E. Supervision School Beautification Assist in the Cafeteria Classroom Helper Special Events Career Share

19 Donations We encourage parents to make at least $100 donation to the school per year. ($10 per month) 100% of all parent donations go directly to enhance student programs. Donations can be earmarked for any of the following goals: * PE Court Shade * Technology * Student Reward and Incentive Program * School Activities Bus * Other All donations made to International Studies Charter Schools are tax deductible

20 Other Ways To Contribute
Target Take Charge of Education ID Search for International Studies MHS Amazon Smile Program. Search for International Studies Charter High School Box Tops Labels Bring to Main Office

21 Before/After School Care Program
First hour dedicated to home learning Tutoring Available Chess and Ping Pong Video Games Outdoor Sports Light snacks provided Before Care 7:00 a.m. – 8:25 a.m. After Care High School: 2:30 p.m. – 6:00 p.m. Middle School: 3:30 p.m. – 6:00 p.m.

22 Culinary Offerings Meal Reduced Full Breakfast $0.30 $2.00 Lunch $0.40
$3.50 Catered meals will be available each day for purchase. Breakfast provided daily High School 7:00 AM -7:25 AM Middle School 8:00 AM - 8:25 AM Lunch Block 10:25 AM- 12:45 PM Lunch Applications for Free or Reduced Lunch must be filled out every school year. Lunch status carries over from previous school year for first 30 days of school. Parents may pre-pay on either a daily, weekly, monthly, or annual basis with cash or by check directly to the cafeteria manager. Students may also bring their own food from home. Vending machines are available for students to supplement their meals.

23 Athletics Sport Offerings Basketball – Boys & Girls
Flag Football – Boys & Girls Soccer – Boys & Girls Tennis - Boys & Girls Volleyball – Boys & Girls * Sports are subject to demand * Basic Eligibility Requirements: Submit School Insurance $20 Submit MDCPS Physical Packet ( Notarized) Submit ISCHS Athletics Parent & Student Contract Maintain a 2.5 GPA (unweighted)

24 Athletics ( PE ) Students will report to the PE court for Physical Education Mile run will take place at Bryant Park (Parent Volunteer Opportunity) PE Uniform $10 Shirt $10 Shorts $10 Lock rental for the year School is not responsible for lost or stolen items

25 Activities Activities Offerings Class Clubs Interest Clubs
Language Clubs Service Clubs Student Government Students must maintain a 2.5 GPA (unweighted) to participate in any club. Activities Dances Pep Rallies Field Day Dress Down Days Spirit Week

26 Prohibited Items Rolling Book Bags Cutlery Any Type of Knife Scissors
Aerosol Sprays Lighters Tobacco Paraphernalia

27 Parent/Child Talking Points
Bullying – We ask parents to encourage their children to let the school know when they are aware of any bullying. Bullying will not be tolerated at this school. Careful with the Words We Use – Parents should dialogue with their children the importance of word choice and consequences. See Something/Say Something – We ask that parents and students work with the school to inform us if they notice anything that could be a potential danger or of prohibited items.

28 First Day of School Parents will not be permitted to walk their child to class (Safety Issue). Students will find their 1st period and Homeroom Assignment posted  Main Office stairwell  Cafeteria  PE Court High School will report to 1st period . Schedules will be distributed through 1st period teacher Middle School will report to Homeroom.  Schedules will be distributed through homeroom teacher Schedules will be posted late Friday, August 16th, via Student/Parent Portal.

29 Middle School Schedule
Block Schedule (A & B Days Rotating) School Day Middle School 8:30 AM – 3:30 PM Homeroom 8:30 AM – 8:40 AM Block Time Period 1 Homeroom 8:30 – 8:40 Pd. 2/3 8:45 – 10:20 Pd. 4/5 Includes Lunch Time 10:25 – 12:40 Pd. 6/7 12:45 – 2:30 Period 8 2:35 – 3:30

30 High School Schedule Block Schedule (A & B Days Rotating) School Day
High School 7:30 AM – 2:30 PM Homeroom 8:30 AM – 8:40 AM Block Time Period 1 7:30 – 8:30 Homeroom 8:30 – 8:40 Pd. 2/3 8:45 – 10:20 Pd. 4/5 Includes Lunch Time 10:25 – 12:40 Pd. 6/7 12:45 – 2:30

31 Early Release Schedule
Block Time High School Start Time Pd. 1 7:30 – 8:25 Middle School Start Time Homeroom 8:30 – 8:40 Pd. 2/3 8:45 – 9:45 Pd. 4/5 9:50 – 10:50 Pd. 6/7 10:55 – 11:55 Lunch 12:00 – 12:30

32 Attendance Must be in school for a minimum of 2 hours to be marked present for attendance Early Pick Up Students cannot be picked up within the last 30 minutes of school Early dismissal will only be permitted 2 times per quarter Tardies will be marked as unexcused unless a medical note is provided Absences A maximum of 5 written parent notes to will be accepted per semester Students must secure an admit from main office within 3 school days of absence. Before School After School During Lunch *** Please review MDCPS Attendance Policy as to what constitutes as an excused absence. ***

33 Tutoring Offered beginning in September Schedules posted online
Free of Charge Saturday Tutoring beginning in February

34 Student/Parent Technology Stations
Located near the Main Office Students and parents may use the provided area for computer needs Donations of reams of paper are greatly appreciated 

35 Calendar / Lunch Menu Weekly Calendars sent via ( Constant Contact ) Lunch Menu posted online monthly  ISCHS Online Calendar 

36 Questions

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