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Dr. Alberto Sanguinetti

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1 Dr. Alberto Sanguinetti
Possible Extension of DVTS to Latin America: Current problems and expected Programs Dr. Alberto Sanguinetti

2 Uruguay: geographical location

3 Hospital location

4 University Hospital


6 Network conditions in the hospital
RedClara Medical School 155M 10M Hospital Red clara its a nonprofit international organization. aims to be is to be a Latin American system of collaboration through advanced telecommunications networks for research, innovation and education. is composed of 15 Latin American countries. Academic Network of Uruguay The Red Académica Uruguaya (RAU) is a venture of the University of the Republic. It brings together the Faculties, Schools, Institutes and Services of the University of the Republic and numerous educational and research institutions in the country. (see Information Resources RAU). It serves all academic stakeholders of the country and of the Uruguayan society as a whole RAU 100M 100M Endoscopic room Conference room MD: Cohen, Reolon, Alberto Engineer: Carrau, Javier, Gustavo Luis E Castillo

7 Telemedicine activities
Until we had one activity with the La Plata, center Using skype We don´t have especific equipment

8 Kyushu University Hospital
Future plans La Plata, Argentina San Pablo, Brasil Kyushu University Hospital Japan Montevideo, Uruguay Santiago, Chile

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