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MBA Dementia Request for Proposals Funding Year 2020 Responders’ Conference Aaron Cotter | Grants Specialist Senior

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Presentation on theme: "MBA Dementia Request for Proposals Funding Year 2020 Responders’ Conference Aaron Cotter | Grants Specialist Senior"— Presentation transcript:

1 MBA Dementia Request for Proposals Funding Year 2020 Responders’ Conference
Aaron Cotter | Grants Specialist Senior Minnesota Board on Aging | 

2 Getting Connected To the Conference
To join the teleconference only: Provide your phone number when you join the meeting to receive a call back. Alternatively, you can call: Call-in toll-free number:   (US/Canada) Call-in number:   (US/Canada) Conference Code: Please Mute your phones. We will provide an opportunity for questions during the last 15 minutes of this conference.

3 Agenda 10:00-10:05 Overview and Objective of MBA and this RFP
Time Topic 10:00-10:05 Overview and Objective of MBA and this RFP 10:05-10:10 Funding Categories, Amounts, and Requirements 10:10-10:20 Required Proposal Contents via viewing the Online Application Portal 10:20-10:25 Timeline of Events 10:25-10:30 Technical Assistance 10:30-10:40 Proposal Evaluation and Selection Process 10:40-10:45 Important Items to Remember 10:45-11:00 Questions

4 Minnesota Board on Aging
Our mission: To ensure that older Minnesotans and their families are effectively served by state and local policies and programs in order to age well and live well. The MBA provides: Direct service programs Office of Ombudsman for Long-Term Care Senior LinkAge Line Grant administered programs Senior Corps Dementia Grants Designation, oversight, and funding of Area Agencies on Aging (AAAs) Reference handouts: Demographic information. We included some fact sheets about each of the counties in your districts A bit of our history as a state and as an organization – how aging services have evolved in Minnesota (two handouts – one with Aging 2030 at the top, the others says “timeline of history and vision” Information about our direct care/support worker workforce. This was data that was shared

5 Overview and Objective of this RFP
Purpose Funding to regional and local projects to increase awareness of Alzheimer’s disease, promote the benefits of early identification, increase the rate of cognitive testing, or connect individuals caregiving for persons with dementia to education and resources. (Statewide proposals are not eligible.) Objective Grants are intended to stimulate collaboration and coordination, and to strengthen community relationships and partnerships that promote the benefit of physician consultation for all individuals suspected of having a memory or cognitive problem, to promote the benefits of early identification of Alzheimer’s disease and other dementias, to provide services, informational materials and proven tools for persons with dementia and families who are caregiving, as well as other resources.

6 Funding Categories Project Focus Categories: Choose all that apply to your project. Increase Awareness – Programs or projects that increase the public’s awareness of Alzheimer’s disease and other dementias. Promote Early Identification – Programs or projects that use culturally appropriate screening tools to facilitate and increase referrals to healthcare professionals for cognitive assessment testing. Increase Cognitive Testing – Programs or projects that increase the rate of cognitive testing in the population at risk for dementias (particularly those groups experiencing the highest health disparities), promote cross-referral, and integrate a communication protocol between the partnering entities. Connect Family and Friends Caregiving – Programs or projects that connect family and friends who are caregiving for persons with dementia to services, education, and resources in order to best aid their work.

7 Funding Amounts and Requirements
Maximum funding amount: $150,000 per project Match: Projects with estimated budgets between $50,000 and $150,000 require a 25% funding match. Projects with estimated budgets less than $50,000 do not require matching funds. Contract Term: October 1, 2019 – September 30, 2020

8 Required Proposal Contents via viewing the Online Application Portal

9 Required Proposal Contents via viewing the Online Application Portal

10 Required Proposal Contents via viewing the Online Application Portal

11 Required Proposal Contents via viewing the Online Application Portal

12 Required Proposal Contents via viewing the Online Application Portal

13 Required Proposal Contents via viewing the Online Application Portal

14 Required Proposal Contents via viewing the Online Application Portal

15 Required Proposal Contents via viewing the Online Application Portal

16 Required Proposal Contents via viewing the Online Application Portal

17 Required Proposal Contents via viewing the Online Application Portal

18 Required Proposal Contents via viewing the Online Application Portal

19 Required Proposal Contents via viewing the Online Application Portal
Required Statements Trade Secret/Confidential Data Notice Affirmative Action Data Page Certificate Regarding Lobbying Disclosure of Funding Form Exceptions to Terms and Conditions Form Responder Information/Declarations Form Affidavit of Noncollusion (please note, this form must be notarized)

20 Timeline of Events August 5, 2019 – Request for proposal release date
August 14, 2019 – Responders conference: 10am - 11am August 21, 2019 – ed questions due by 4pm August 26, 2019 – Answers posted on MBA Dementia RFP web page August 30, 2019 – Applications due  Early September 2019 – Review applications Late September 2019 – Negotiate contracts October 1, 2019 – Anticipated Grantee Start Date

21 Technical Assistance Technical Assistance
There are a number of potential sources of technical assistance for persons developing MBA Dementia proposals. Please reference pages of the RFP for more details, and for links to contact information. The Eldercare Development Partnership (EDP) is a state-funded program to provide technical assistance to local providers to develop and implement service delivery models in line with the State’s long-term services and supports policy directions. EDPs have a specific responsibility to assist and advise interested parties with local and regional Dementia Grants. MBA Cultural Consultants may provide assistance with implementing projects that propose to target cultural or ethnically diverse populations. Their services are contracted for a fee. In addition, State Program Staff can assist you in a variety of areas.

22 Proposal Evaluation and Selection Process
All responsive proposals received by the deadline will be evaluated by the State. Proposals will be evaluated on “best value” as specified below, using a 1,000 point scale. Please see page 28 of the RFP for more information. The evaluation will be conducted in three phases: a. Phase I Required Statements Review The Required Statements will be evaluated on a pass or fail basis. Responders must "pass" each of the requirements identified in this section to move to Phase II. b. Phase II Evaluation of Proposal Requirements Executive Summary possible points Description of the Applicant Agency 100 possible points Description of the Target Population 125 possible points Work Plan possible points Project Activities and Implementation 125 possible points Evaluation Plan possible points Budget possible points Special Focus Bonus Points 100 possible points TOTAL 1,000 c. Phase III Selection of the Successful Responder(s) Only the proposals found to be responsive under Phases I and II will be considered in Phase III. Please Note: The State may submit a list of detailed comments, questions, and concerns to one or more responders after the initial evaluation.

23 Important Items to Remember
Review the application early Follow of the instructions of what is required in each section Allow yourself the appropriate amount of time to complete the application Connect with your area EDP contact Remember the required financial match to this grant is a 25% match for projects budgeted between $50,000 and $150,000, e.g., your grant funds request is $100,000, your secured matching funds amount must be $25,000 Projects with budgets less than $50,000 do not require matching funds. Thoroughly review and complete all Required Statements

24 Questions Questions may be ed to Aaron Cotter or Courtney Whited Questions will be addressed in writing and distributed to all identified prospective responders via the MBA Dementia Grant site. Every attempt will be made to provide answers timely, with the intent that they are posted on the Live Well at Home Grant website once a week. Final posting will be August 26, 2019.

25 Thank You! Aaron Cotter

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