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P3 - Graphs Prologue September 8, 2011 Sanders.

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1 P3 - Graphs Prologue September 8, 2011 Sanders

2 P2 - Observations and Inferences
Hypothesis Hypothesis is the suggested relationship between two variables. If, Then, Because format. “If a plant gets water Then it will grow Because water is part of photosynthesis.” * P2 - Observations and Inferences

3 P2 - Observations and Inferences
Variables Experiments test hypotheses under controlled conditions. Variables Independent: variable that’s being tested. Dependant: variable that gets changed as the result of the experiment. Control Variable is not tested but observed. * P2 - Observations and Inferences

4 P2 - Observations and Inferences
Graphs There are three types of graphs Pie Bar Line * P2 - Observations and Inferences

5 Pie Graph Pie graphs indicate percentages as part of the whole.

6 Bar Graphs Bar graphs illustrate trends.

7 Line Graphs Line graphs illustrate data that are in a data table.
Often times the data are scattered points.

8 P2 - Observations and Inferences
Direct As one variable increases, the other variable increases Example: As the amount of sunlight Increases plant growth increases * P2 - Observations and Inferences

9 P2 - Observations and Inferences
Inverse As one variable increases, the other variable decreases. Example: As the day progresses, the pencil gets shorter * P2 - Observations and Inferences

10 P2 - Observations and Inferences
Constant As one variable increases, the other variable stays the same Example: As the mass increases, the density of iron stays the same. * P2 - Observations and Inferences

11 P2 - Observations and Inferences
Cyclic As one variable increases, the other variable increases and decreases in a repeated pattern. Example: As the year passes, the temperature rises and falls. * P2 - Observations and Inferences

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