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Jadu XForms Professional

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Presentation on theme: "Jadu XForms Professional"— Presentation transcript:

1 Jadu XForms Professional
Campus Web Forms Solution Chris Nixon Kelly Bostick

2 What is the Jadu Forms platform?
Continuum XFP is a powerful, secure and flexible eForms solution that provides non-technical tools to build online forms. This is a collaborative project between ITS, UREL and our campus webmasters.

3 Why do we need to use this tool?
Consistent visitor experience across our web presence Increased data security Integrations with campus technologies and databases Data policy compliance Central training and support

4 Converting form documents:
PDFs that should be online forms PDFs or forms that can be consolidated into one form using branching logic

5 Form style guide Use sentence case for all labels (capitalize only the first word and proper nouns). Do not use "ALL CAPS." Do not end a label with a colon (:). Use sentence case for labels and buttons. For example, use "Log in," NOT "Log In," and "I agree," NOT "I Agree." Refer to the university Editorial Guide and the IT Services Word Usage Guidelines. Avoid using "Submit." Label action button labels with the action they take. For example, in a registration form, use the word "Register;" in a comment form, use "Comment" or "Post."

6 Policies related to data collection and access:
Data Classification – FPP 309.4 Data Management, Use and Protection – FPP 309.5 Employee and Student Data: Use and Security – AP Electronic and Information Technology Accessibility including Website Accessibility – FPP 204.2

7 Data Classifications: Highly Sensitive
… if disclosed to unauthorized persons, would be a violation of federal or state laws, university policy, or university contracts. … data that contains personally identifiable information of a trustee, officer, agent, faculty, staff, retiree, student, graduate, donor, or vendor may also qualify as highly sensitive data. … includes all data defined by the state Data and System security standard classifications of Level C (Very Sensitive) and Level D (Extremely Sensitive).

8 Data Classifications: Highly Sensitive
Health Information as further defined by the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPPA) or the Health Information Technology for Economic and Clinical Health Act (HITECH Act) of 2009, Student records (except for directory information under Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act) and other non-public student data, Unique identifiers such as Social Security numbers or university identification numbers, Payment Card numbers and related as defined by the Payment Card Industry and governed by the University of Arkansas payment card policy series (309 series), Certain personnel records such as benefits records, health insurance information, retirement documents and/or payroll records

9 Data Classifications: Highly Sensitive Personally Identifiable Information - PII
Name; Address; Birth date; Telephone numbers; Fax numbers; addresses; Social Security numbers; Full face photographic images and any comparable images; Any identifying number, characteristic, or code related to information about the individual.

10 Data Classifications: Internal
… information that must be guarded due to proprietary, ethical, or privacy considerations … must be protected from unauthorized access, modification, transmission, storage or other use. This classification applies even though there may not be any law or other regulation requiring this protection.

11 Data Classifications: Internal
Employment data, Business partner information where no more restrictive confidentiality agreement exists, Internal directories and organization charts, and Planning documents

12 Data Classifications: Public
… information to which the general public may be granted access in accordance with University of Arkansas policy or standards. … includes all data defined by the state Data and System Security standard classification of Level A (Unrestricted).

13 Data Classifications: Public
Publicly posted press releases, Publicly posted schedules of classes, Posted interactive university maps, and publications, Employee directory information, Information posted on the university’s official public web site, and Student records that are designated by the university as directory information under Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act.

14 What not to capture in a form without data owner permission:
Any of the aforementioned examples or those called out by law or policy When in doubt, ask!

15 Who are our data owners? Is the data you are gathering governed by another office? If so please seek permission to collect and use the data before publishing your form. Student data is governed by the registrar’s office Staff data is governed by HR Faculty data is governed by HR and the Provost’s office.

16 Future Plans Custom integrations to databases
Single Sign on for form users CashNet integration Perceptive Content Workflows Digital Signatures

17 Training and Support JADU forms basic level training begins Thursday, August 8 Two options for JADU forms training will take place each month through October Online training documentation and support will be available through

18 Demo Let’s build a basic form Create new form Page templates
Page elements

19 Questions?

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