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Published byEmil Prokop Modified over 5 years ago
Project Overall Status – July 22 to August 2, 2019
Program is on track, per timeline, scope and budget Security Mapping activities impacting completion of UAT Current DG2 Schedule has no “float” remaining in timeline Scope Requirements Traceability Matrix (RTM) needs to be updated to validate original RFP requirements have been implemented, tested, and end-users trained on the processes and functionality Schedule Monitoring scope and timing of: Budgeting Tool, Continuing Education, Online Admissions Application, Physical Assets and OBIA implementations Budget G Currently tracking under budget New Technology Budget required by OFM/OCIO has been submitted and approved Allotment for Gate 4 funding has been submitted Executive Summary The project is tracking per schedule and under budget. Scope review and definition for each deployment continues due to rework of key solutions. Each Deployment Group (DG) is engaged and all colleges now have an Initiation or Implementation Work Plan: DG2 is in the Transition Phase. Colleges and SBCTC are engaged in User Acceptance Testing sprints. ctcLink will be offline for the DG2 upgrade Oct and again for cutover activities Oct DG3 is in the Construct Phase, focused on Conversion and Data Validation. DG3 Testing/Training road shows were held in July. DG4 is in the Initiation Phase, with all colleges past the halfway mark on deliverables. Gate 1 Initiation Phase Peer Review was held July at Highline College. DG4 Implementation Phase kick-off slated for November. DG5 colleges are in the Initiation Phase and have begun Initiation Deliverables status reporting. PMO team visited colleges in June for Initiation road show. DG6 is in the Initiation Phase and will start public status reporting this fall. The Initiation Phase Road Show will be in Oct Planning meetings continue with technical colleges to capture differences between technical and community college business practices. The new Chart of Accounts was implemented in July for Spokane and Tacoma. Contract negotiations continue for a new Continuing Education solution. An RFI is being developed for the Online Admissions Application (OAA), in parallel with additional improvements to the current OAA solution. The Budget Planning Tool work group is working on finalizing business and technical requirements. Contracts signed with Level Access, accessibility testing vendor, which will begin testing on Monday, Aug. 5 and is expected to take four weeks. The Executive Sponsor Seminar was held July 30 at Highline College with 23 attending: 16 executive sponsors (of 31), seven alternates. Overall Status Summary per Deployment Group DG# PMO- Reported Status Comments College/ Agency Self-Reported Status DG2 Y Security Production Mapping is in progress and production security must be tested to complete UAT Clark G SBCTC Spokane R Tacoma DG3 College Configuration in progress Conversion cycles have begun Cascadia LCC Olympic Peninsula Pierce DG4 College teams working on Initiation Phase activities Implementation begins Nov. 2019 DG5 Implementation begins March 2020 DG6 Implementation begins Nov 2020 1
Top Risks Reported – as of August 2, 2019
LEGEND: Critical High Moderate Low C H L M Risk Level Risk Description Mitigating Actions Submitted by (name, org/college), Deployment Group & Date Risk Owner (s) H Chart of Accounts (CoA): User adoption and successful deployment (scheduled for July 1, 2019) is critical for Deployment Group 2 (DG2) timeline. Update: Phase 1-Phase 3 completed. The last major milestone for the new CoA deployment will be configuration of the FY19 Closing Rules in PeopleSoft and the execution of the “Request Ledger Close” process for FY19. This process is what creates the beginning balance entries for FY20 in PeopleSoft. College SMEs and Emmett are continuing to work through and troubleshoot issues. Emmett Folk, ctcLink PM for FIN & HCM Team DG2 Impacted, Risk Date:10/12/2018 *also Risk submitted by Matt Connelly, Spokane District PM on 10/23/2018 Emmett Folk Clark: Student Financials – Clark submitted three risks. Update: Items related to Student Financials, Financial Aid, General Ledger and coordination between Student Financials and Finance. These have been discussed with Clark. Cycle 4B is planned to mitigate risks. Follow-up to be scheduled with Clark’s PM after Cycle 4B. Cycle 4B is scheduled for July 12, Colleges will validate by Aug 9, 2019. Susan Maxwell, Clark College PM DG2 Impacted, Risk Date: 2/1/2019 Risks #50, #51, #52 John Henry Whatley, Emmett Folk, Chandan Goel ctcLink Team: The GL & SF Conversion logic/requirements for the Go-Live term has still not finalized. If not addressed soon, it creates a risk of being unavailable for college validation and meeting Cycle 4B timeline. Update: Finance team met with Student Financials team to discuss AR (Accounts Receivable) items and alignment in data conversion activities. Additional discussion are needed to further define the process. John Henry Whatley DG2 Impacted, Risk Date: 7/8/2019 Risk #71 John Henry Whatley, Christyanna Dawson Top Issues Reported – as of August 2, 2019 LEGEND: High Moderate Low H M L Issue Level Issue Description Status Update Submitted by (name, org/college), Deployment Group & Date Issue Owner (s) H Security Mapping activities to mitigate UAT timeline have not addressed the new Security Design Production user access. Update: The ctcLink team is highly concerned about the Production Security Mapping for DG2 Colleges and entering new Security into the UAT cycles. SBCTC – Security mapping is not complete and doesn’t reflect roles/job. Correction of security set-up needs to be available to end-users for re-testing prior to Go-Live ctcLink PMO submitted for ctcLink CS, HCM, FIN Team DG2 Impacted, Issue Date: 4/16/2019 *also issue #37 submitted by Evelyn Williams, SBCTC on 6/26/19. Tara Keen, Security Team M Clark – Accessibility items Clark has submitted issues around accessibility items they have identified. We are tracking these items and will provide this first round of information to Level Access (vendor) in early August. Susan Maxwell, Clark College PM DG2 Impacted, Issue Dates: 6/27/2019 Issues: #39-48 Owners TBD 2
ctcLink Quality Assurance Scorecard / Moran Technology Consulting Report July 2019
Overall Status Y ctcLink Quality Assurance Scorecard - Moran Technology Consulting , November 2018 STATUS PROJECT AREA DESCRIPTION / NOTES G SBCTC/Governance Steering Committee made Go/No-Go decision for FLC implementation of new Chart of Accounts, which was critical for the DG2 schedule. The ctcLink Executive Leadership Committee voting membership has changed as of July 1, 2019 with newly appointed WACTC-Tech college presidents. Project Management Project Management Office (PMO) is fully staffed, working well together and continuing to address improvements in project management processes. PMO has started development of the Readiness Template for intended use with DG2. Y Phase Scope QA remains concerned about the number of solutions to be re-implemented to replace/augment current PS functionality. Based on the latest status of replacement solutions, the only definitive scope is Physical Inventory for DG2. Accessibility testing will begin in early August for DG2. Schedule Status The DG2 schedule is now three months from Go-Live. Some components are already in ctcLink production. The DG2 schedule was dependent on successful Chart of Accounts (CoA) implementation for CCS and TCC. The new CoA went live in July. The implementation of enhanced role security for ctcLink is a major Project and QA schedule risk concern and is an area of critical focus by the PMO at this time. Priority continues to be focused on DG2 project and college readiness. The ctcLink PMO is reviewing implementation plans and schedules for DG3 and DG4 based on experience with DG2. Training Training material development to support remaining Sprints was ongoing in July for targeted UAT training in August. Training team and consultants continue work preparing materials for the remaining Sprints. Training materials for UAT Sprint #5 are 100% complete and Sprint #6 is 75% complete. QA continues to be concerned that considerable development work still remains for the 57 courses to support end-user training. Plan and schedule for development of these courses pending at end of July. Testing DG2 UAT Sprints were underway in June with good participation. UAT identified configuration and process errors which have been resolved. The DG2 Testing workstream remains a major QA concern since it requires continued active DG2 end-user participation. QA is also concerned about the execution of dual parallel testing (payroll, financial aid, and tuition calculation). Configurations / Data Conversion Technical support work for the CoA implementation in production was underway in July. This major effort required the ctcLink Project teams to work closely with the ERP support staff. These problems were jointly addressed by Legacy support team and Project staff. Technical staff executed a DG2 cycle 4B conversion for additional data validation by Clark and SBCTC. Technical team also preparing DG3 cycle 3 conversions. Data conversion and production implementation of Bio-Demo data for Clark College and SBCTC waiting for an August schedule Go-live date. DG2 Go-live production cutover planning sessions continued in July. Organizational Change Management PMO/OCM is actively engaged with all colleges now involved with their DGs. QA is concerned that PMO remains focused on the DG2 schedule/priority activities. The project is aware that effective communications and messaging is important to success of the project. QA supports the PMO and project/college staff efforts to provide timely communications and prevent false messages. Project Staffing Project staffing is adequate at this time and continues to make staffing adjustments as appropriate. PMO is recruiting for open positions. PMO to begin using off-shore technical resources to perform and augment systems integration testing work. Technical Environment The IT division continues addressing processes and critical staffing. The ERP Change Management Board is being re-implemented to improve coordination and scheduling of changes. IT is reviewing staffing models at other PeopleSoft ERP community college systems for staff and budget sizing. The development/implementation of security roles for the colleges has now become a critical issue and is being addressed by the ctcLink PMO. Service Level Agreement has been distributed to colleges. LEGEND GREEN YELLOW RED Risk Description: Low risks may be encountered. NO immediate action needed Moderate risks may be encountered. Serious deficiency and action item recommended. High risks may be encountered. Needs to be escalated and can impact project effort or cost. 3
WA State Office of the Chief Information Officer (OCIO) Oversight
WA State Office of the Chief Information Officer (OCIO) Oversight as of August 2019 Overall Status Y WA State Office of the Chief Information Officer (OCIO) Oversight WA State Office of the Chief Information Officer (OCIO) Oversight OCIO Conditions to new ctcLink Investment Plan Approval Status G 1 Project must remain in line with SBCTC and OCIO policies Ongoing 2 QA (Moran) to report to ctcLink executive sponsor and State CIO Complete 3 Follow pre-determined OFM funding gates and approvals 4 Monthly status reporting 5 Continue reporting on Remediation items in Integrated Work Plan Y 6 OCIO approval of the 4 remediation solutions: Budgeting tool, Continuing Education Application, Online Admissions Application In Progress 7 OCIO must be notified prior to use of contingency funds N/A 8 Perform a post-implementation review (lessons learned) after each deployment and post on the OCIO dashboard within 30 days of go-live Planned as Activities in Project Work Plans 9 Process and timeline for filling the SBCTC CIO position by 1/31/2018 ctcLink Technology Pool Status and Gate # Status G -- Pre-IT Pool Implementation, Stability & Remediation Approved 1 Planning & Remediation 1/1/2018 2 DG2 – Initiation & Structure Phase 3 DG2 – Construct Phase DG3 – Initiation & Structure Phase 1/1/2019 4 DG2 – Transition & Deploy Phase DG3 – Construct Phase DG4 – Initiation & Structure Phase Pending Approval 7/1/2019 5 DG3 – Transition & Deploy Phase DG4 – Construct Phase DG5 – Initiation & Structure Phase Future 2/2020 6 DG4 – Transition & Deploy Phase DG5 – Construct Phase DG6 – Initiation & Structure Phase 10/2020 7 DG5 – Transition & Deploy Phase DG6 – Construct Phase 2/2021 8 DG6 – Transition & Deploy Phase 10/2021 9 Contingency Deployment N/A 2/2022 Note: New ctcLink Investment Plan approved by OCIO, with above conditions, on Jan. 19, 2018.
Budget Status – as of June 30, 2019
Pillar Status – July 22 to August 2, 2019 Human Capital Management
Campus Solutions G Accomplished this period Hold DG2 Cycle 4B Data Validation handoff sessions Continue reviewing requirements for Guided Pathways system configuration Held Clark Transfer Credit Rule Go-Live Workshop Review DG3 assignment submissions for configuration Completed DG3 Cycle 3 configuration DG2 Sprint 4 CS UAT Continue DG3 FIT Continue DG2 SIT Continue UAT material planning/build Planned for next period Review DG3 Cycle 3 conversion Prepare for DG3 Cycle 3 data validation handoff (8/21) Prepare for Guided Pathways system requirements session (8/19-8/20) Support Security Redesign activities Prepare for DG3 Course Catalog Production Workshop (8/26-8/29) Support UAT for DG2 Colleges Prep for Parallel Testing – Tuition Calculation (8/19-8/23) Plan for EMPL ID conversion to PRD Human Capital Management Y Accomplished this period Began DG4 BPFG session planning Began DG2 Cycle 4B Prep Activities Continued DG3 Cycle 3 Prep Activities Continued review of Security Redesign Role/Permission List Definitions. Continued Payroll Parallel Testing Activities Continued UAT support activities Continued DG2 UAT diagram/scenario updates Continued DG2 UAT supporting content build Continued review of DG2 Training content structure and materials Continued DG2 and DG3 configuration build-out in FNC environment Planned for next period Continue DG4 BPFG session planning Continue DG3 Cycle 3 Prep Activities Hold DG3 Cycle 3 Data Validation workshops Continue review of Security Redesign Role/Permission List Definitions Continue Payroll Parallel Testing Activities Continue UAT support activities Continue DG2 UAT diagram/scenario updates Continue DG2 UAT supporting content build Continue review of DG2 Training content Continue DG2 and DG3 configuration build-out in FNC environment *If status is yellow or red, describe why. DG2 UAT and pre-UAT training supporting materials are being provided on a just in time basis. The concurrent DG2 and DG3 activities are causing the team to prioritize externally- and client-facing activities while deadlines/starts for certain internal tasks continue to get missed. Financial Services Y Accomplished this period Began DG4 BPFG session planning Began DG2 Cycle 4B Prep Activities Held DG2 Cycle 4B Validation Handoff sessions Completed DG2 SIT Test Execution Continued DG3 Cycle 3 Prep Activities Continued review of Security Redesign Role/Permission List Definitions Continued DG2 UAT support activities Continued DG2 UAT supporting content build Continued review of DG2 Training content structure and materials Continued DG2 and DG3 configuration build-out in FNC environment Planned for next period Support DG2 Cycle 4B validation activities Continue DG4 BPFG session planning Continue DG3 Cycle 3 Prep Activities Continue review of Security Redesign Role/Permission List Definitions Continue DG2 UAT support activities Continue DG2 UAT supporting content build Continue review of DG2 Training content structure and materials Continue DG2 and DG3 configuration build-out in FNC environment *If status is yellow or red, describe why. DG2 UAT and pre-UAT training supporting materials are being provided on a just in time basis. The concurrent DG2 and DG3 activities are causing the team to prioritize externally- and client-facing activities while deadlines/starts for certain internal tasks continue to get missed. Pillar Status – as of 6/8/2018
Workstream Status – July 22 to August 2, 2019
Communications G Accomplished this period Agenda development, walk-throughs for July 30 Exec Sponsor Seminar (speakers, panel topics) Finalized planning, logistics for Executive Sponsor Seminar on 7/30 Held Executive Sponsor Seminar; began follow-up planning for DG cohorts Held first Comms by Phase planning meeting planning with DG3 PMs and Comms staff, DG4 PM volunteers and input from Clark Created Executive Sponsor resources web page Planned for next period Complete follow-up activities for July 30 Exec Sponsor Seminar Accessibility blog post, phase 2 Continue Comms Advisory Committee planning Communications Office scope/activities Technical G CONVERSION Accomplished this period DG2: Conversion Issues review/resolution. DG2: Successfully moved all tested configurations to date into the Conversion (CTX) environment. DG3: Cycle 3 successfully moved all tested configurations to date into the Conversion (CTX) environment. Planned for next period DG2: Establish EMPLID in Production. DG3: Cycle 3 conversion activités. DEVELOPMENT Support and work on Service Desk, SIT & UAT tickets for CS, HCM & FS pillars. Migrated the retrofit project (for HCM PUM 31) to HCTRD, HCGDR & HCSIT environments. OSECE Academic Plan changes Continue to support on Service Desk, SIT and UAT tickets for CS, HCM & FS pillars. Deploy new version of Highpoint Mobile & Message Center ENVIRONMENTS Coordinated PUM Image Update in Project environments. Coordinated Load Testing Project work. Environment build effort for ACCESSIBILITY testing DG3 cycle 3 and DG3 Cycle4B environnent support. Support accessibility testing vendor. Testing Y Accomplished this period Continued system integration testing (SIT): Finance 100%, HCM 84% & CS 80% Complete Completed Sprint 5 UAT Provided metrics on SIT and UAT status Continued to build UAT materials for final sprint Planned for next period Prepare for UAT sprint 6 execution Continue to build UAT materials Continue System Integration Testing Continue supporting UAT *If status is yellow or red, describe why. Overlapping project tasks that utilize the same resources may impact testing. Training Y Accomplished this period Currently at for 75% for Sprint 6 Continued work on in all pillars on development of End User Training Courses Currently at 25% for all End User Training Canvas Courses Continued to refine Instructor-Led Training schedule Working with Digital Assets Manager to create registration for End User Training Courses in Trumba Planned for next period Continue to work on Pre-UAT Training materials Continue to work on End User Training courses *If status is yellow or red, describe why. Large amount of materials needed with upcoming timelines. Organizational Change Management G Accomplished this period Met with DG2 PMs to discuss how change management activities are going with their teams Held DG4 Peer Review Started meeting with DG3 colleges about testing, training, and life after go-live Conducted onboarding with new college PMs Started planning next meeting with all technical colleges to discuss the differences between how technical and community colleges do business. Continued planning DG6 Road Show around Initiation Deliverables in October Planned for next period Continue to work with CPW Facilitators, Functional Teams to determine scope for upcoming sessions Continue College Relations/OCM Check-ins with DG3, DG4, DG5 and DG6
Deployment Group 2 Timeline (High Level Phases)
Deployment Group 2 Self-Reported Status – July 22 to August 2, 2019
Clark College G Accomplished this period Query 101 training July 25: 7 Clark staff plus staff from Lower Columbia. Host project team 7/29-8/1 for transfer course equivalencies. Almost 4,000 transfer courses were entered (about 50%) so we switched our focus to AAR building. We now have over 30 AARs built. Cycle 4B handoffs completed. Fall schedule for instruction has been built in production. Planned for next period Finalize Go Ready checklist Finalize student communications and graphics Data Validation cycle 4B Training Plan for classes at Clark Planned, but not completed Community Colleges of Spokane R Accomplished this period Continue to work through post-CoA blocking issues. Started work on post-CoA planned work to fix errors due to old CoA values. Continued Security Role Redesign meetings; CCS supports SBCTC work on documenting Position/Job security roles/tasks and page access on ctcLink Reference Center. FY Close activities DG2 UATs – Wrapped up Sprint 4. Sprint 5 started July 29. Sending out meeting invites for Sprint 6. Query Security Fix: Sent out requests for leads to assign staff to highly sensitive roles; due back Aug. 9. Fin UAT starts Aug. 13 Reviewing Open Remediation Items. DG2 UATs – Wrapped up Sprint 4. Sprint 5 starting July 29. Sending out meeting invites for Sprint 6. Planned for next period Chart of Accounts Redesign Post CoA manual conversion work EOY/EOM Waiting on FY 19 Closing Rules to test prior to Year-End Close *If status is yellow or red, describe why. Please see ctcLink Remediation Slide #14 for reason status is red. SBCTC Agency Y Accomplished this period UAT Sprint 5 complete. All Sprints 1-5 complete! WAPAY now in production! Celebration held July18 Travel & Expense Open Houses completed with about 80 attendees between the three June and July sessions Change Readiness Survey #3 sent to agency all-staff by Executive Sponsor John Boesenberg. Planned for next period HR Self-Service ctcLink Open House Demo and Practice, Aug. 19 & 21 End-to-end testing planned once Security and AWE in place Cycle #4B - College Data Validation Period, Aug. 1-8 *If status is yellow or red, describe why. The SBCTC agency currently does not have access to Security and consequently Approval Workflow Engine (AWE) from the SBCTC project team to move forward at this time. These are known issues that need to be resolved before we can go live. Tacoma Community College G Accomplished this period Local SMEs attended ctcLink Security redesign group, ctcLink PM groups, ctcLink governance groups, various ctcLink status meetings Participated in ctcLink Security redesign activities Participate in UAT Monitor and communicate UAT status Received Training info from SBCTC Started coordinating Training Planned for next period Local SMEs attend ctcLink Security redesign group, ctcLink PM groups, ctcLink governance groups, various ctcLink status meetings Work with SMEs, Pillar Leads, TCC leadership to get better participation in the project Plan and execute OCM for DG2 project Monitor UAT status Continue rolling out End-user Training
Deployment Group 3 Timeline (High Level Phases)
Deployment Group 3 Self-Reported Status – July 22 to August 2, 2019
Cascadia College G Accomplished this period Completed continuing data validation requirements for cycle #2 Participated in ongoing cycle 3 configuration follow up WebEx sessions Finance completed all homework assignments due by end of July Departments initiated quarterly data error cleanup activities (2020Q1) Participated in DG3 communications planning workshop Planned for next period Continue internal Training Management planning Continue internal Testing Management planning Continue internal Reporting & Query Management planning Pierce College District G Accomplished this period SMEs participated in Cycle 3 follow-up WebEx sessions. Finance SMEs completed/submitted homework assignments. PM/OCM participated in DG3 communications planning workshop. SMEs started quarterly data error clean-up efforts (2020Q1) Planned for next period Schedule/plan follow-up meeting with College Leadership, Implementation Team and SMEs – planning next 6 months. Continue work on Training Plan. Continue work on Testing Plan. Participate in upcoming Common Process Workshops Planned, but not completed Review applicants for project positions. Review and update Communications Plan Identify/establish training space. Peninsula College G Accomplished this period SMEs continue to meet with project team and/or respond to requests to fix errors Planned for next period Preparing next round of Validation, bringing on more SMEs FWL SMEs will be and discuss missing FWL assignments Lower Columbia College G Accomplished this period Reporting leads and query development team attended the query development workshop at Clark College Reserved locations, began planning for equipment needs for User Acceptance Testing (UAT) Participated in cycle 3 configuration follow up WebEx sessions Participated in DG3 communications planning workshop Began quarterly data error clean-up efforts (2020Q1) Planned for next period Continue on campus messaging and communication about ctcLink. Continue to develop forecasting tools to track staff workload and project hours. Olympic College G Accomplished this period Completed work on ATD/ctcLink Teams for Residency, Choosing Academic Plan. Continuing work on Changing Academic Plan Started Cycle 3 Data Validation Planning, based on lessons learned Continued Change Impact Analysis planning Re-started Faculty Workload Team Planned for next period Restart Change Impact Analysis Workshops Planned, but not completed Additional CIA Workshops
Deployment Group 4 Dashboard Reports – July 22 to August 2, 2019
DG4 Initiation Phase Completion Summary Percentage of deliverables completed and tracked in Project Web App (PWA) by each college: College Orientation & Resourcing College Project Planning (from templates) Conduct Initial Data Cleansing Document Current Legacy Business Processes Supplemental Systems Analysis * Contact DG4 PMs for information about percent completion. College/District As of Aug. 2, 2019* Centralia College 68% Edmonds Community College 60% Highline College 63% Seattle Colleges (3) 59% Wenatchee Valley College DG4 Pre-Implementation and General Timeline G
Deployment Group 5 Dashboard Reports – July 22 to August 2, 2019
DG5 Initiation Phase Completion Summary Percentage of deliverables completed and tracked in Project Web App (PWA) by each college: College Orientation & Resourcing College Project Planning (from templates) Conduct Initial Data Cleansing Document Current Legacy Business Processes Supplemental Systems Analysis * August target is 45%. This period represents only two days in August. College/District As of Aug. 2, 2019 Target Percentage for July 2019 * Bellevue College 16% 35% Bellingham Technical College 24% Big Bend Community College 22% Everett Community College Grays Harbor College 32% Green River College Skagit Valley College 23% Whatcom Community College 36% DG5 Pre-Implementation and General Timeline G
ctcLink Remediation Status Reports – July 22 to August 2, 2019
Solution Status Due Date Campus Solutions 10 of 45 remain open DG3 Financial Management 5 of 39 remain open DG2 Human Capital Management 6 of 25 remain open Faculty Workload Complete March 2019 DRS Redistribution May 2019 Absence Management April 2019 Security Audit Controls Security Redesign / Mapping FLC / DG2 Student Billing/Third-Party Billing Budget Planning Work Group Finalize Requirements Jan 2020 Online Admissions App RFI Being Developed Continuing Education Contract Finalization Chart of Accounts (revised) Due/Finish Status Tacoma CC Chart of Accounts Adoption Kickoff Dec. 12, 2018 Complete CCs of Spokane Chart of Accounts Adoption Kickoff Feb. 1, 2019 Foundational Chartfield Configuration March 22, 2019 College Configuration Review and Updates May 3, 2019 Functional and System Integration Testing May 10, 2019 User Acceptance Testing May 10 - June 3, 2019 May 28 – June 14, 2019 College Readiness Gate / Go-No Go Discussions June 12-14, 2019 Readiness Gate / Go-No Go Decision June 18, 2019 Community Colleges of Spokane R Remediation Status CCS/Matt Connelly – Walkthrough and review of all remediation conditions and tickets in progress. Target completion date Aug. 15. Confirming outstanding tickets for Absence Management Security Redesign crosswalks and support documentation delayed. Remediation Conditions Progress made on overall remediation conditions over the past five months, but remains Red with delay of Security Role Redesign rollout and FY19 Close. FY Close activities for FY16, 17, 18 & 19, pending CCS ability to test FY19 Closing Rules. CCS Chart of Accounts – Continue to work through blocking issues in Finance (Billing/AR). SBCTC addressing issues but CCS continues to be impacted by blocking issues as of 7/23. Staff hired to work on planned post CoA corrections. Security Role Redesign – CCS still waiting for SBCTC to provide us crosswalk with the new security roles, so we can begin validating and assigning correct security roles. SBCTC was not able to provide us the Role Mapping Guidance spreadsheet as originally communicated. Waiting for process documentation for Audit Logs and Separation of Duties. No tool for college IT to add/remove security roles efficiently. Currently average staff person is assigned 30 security ctc_roles; in new design employees will be assigned Not feasible to do this manually for 2500 employees. Scope of work has grown substantially for both post CoA cutover and the Security Role mapping/validation. Changing scope to Red. Tacoma Community College G Remediation Items progress this period See SBCTC status update for Remediation items, tickets, and worklist. Accomplished this period Participate in Budget Tool planning. Monitored remediation items progress and communicate to local stakeholders
Other ctcLink Project Activities – Status as of August 2, 2019
Solution Status RFP Publish Solution Decision Accessibility Develop and published RFP Work Group engaged to evaluate RFP Responses Final Decision on Vendors to be awarded Vendor contracts awarded Statement of Work completed Phase 1 Accessibility Testing has begun (Student & Employee Self-Service 5/10/2019 Testing Prior to DG2 (October 2019) Continuing Education RFP was developed and approved by Governance RFP proposals were due November 15, 2018 3 Vendors responded and subgroup is evaluating solution Governance approved procurement and decision of Vendor Vendor contract being finalized for scope and cost 10/15/2018 Contract Draft Complete Overall Pricing in Negotiations Online Admissions Application Sub-Committee finalized OAA requirements Project Team performed Fit/Gap of ctcLink functionality OAA workgroup evaluated select solutions currently in use at other PeopleSoft universities and colleges OAA workgroup developing a short list of best/possible solutions to identify those solutions on 2/12/2019 RFI to understand possible solutions and costs before final decision on RFP or custom solution Continue to enhance current OAA based on requirements for RFI TBD RFI requested Current ctcLink OAA requirements being prioritized prior to continue improvements Budget Planning Tool Committee formed to review, finalize, approve Budgeting requirements Budget Planning Tool Work Group meetings underway to finalize requirements and vet Oracle PBCS Solution Oracle/Mythics building Prototype of PBCS Solution with templates from (Peninsula, Pierce, Spokane, and SBCTC) Work Group will recommend to ctcLink Governance if PBCS will meet requirements or If an RFP will need to be develop Work Group Kick Off Members reviewing Original RFP Budget Requirements
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