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1. Cell Structure Recognise the cell as the basic unit of life

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1 1. Cell Structure Recognise the cell as the basic unit of life
Label organelles in a plant and animal cell Describe the functions of organelles

2 Starter: In pairs You have 3 minutes to name as many parts of the large cell pictures you have been given as possible. Prize for pair with top number of labels.

3 The Cell: Called the basic unit of life because it is the simplest unit capable of independent existence and reproduction All organisms are constructed out of cells - unicellular organism = 1 cell multicellular organism = more than 1 cell Cells of all organisms contain organelles which carry out certain functions in a cell. These are mostly only visible under an electron microscope.

4 The size of things How big really is a cell?
Play with this animation to find out how tiny cells really are…

5 Cell animations

6 Cell labels – use the textbook provided to label your cells
Answers below: G – vacuole A – Cell membrane (plasma membrane) H – Lysosome I – Nucleus B – cytoplasm J – Nucleolus C- Mitochondria K – centriole D – Golgi body L – Chloroplast E – Endoplasmic reticulum M - Cell wall F – ribosome

7 Brief note on functions of organelles – make a table.
Cell membrane – separates cell from environment, maintains stable cell environment by controlling entry and exit of substances. Cytoplasm – cell matrix – holds organelles in place. Mitochondrion – Site of aerobic respiration Golgi body – modifies proteins made by the ribosomes then secretes (releases) them.

8 Organelles continued 5. Endoplasmic reticulum – transport network in cell and is the site for producing lipids (smooth ER) and proteins (rough ER) 6. Ribosomes – site for protein synthesis 7. Vacuole –Storage sac for chemicals or water. 8 . Lysosome – Specialised vacuole containing enzymes 9. Nucleus – Control centre for cell – contains genetic material.

9 More organelles (nearly there)
10. Nucleolus – Site of RNA production 11.Centriole – forms spindle fibre in cell division 12. Chloroplast – Site of photosynthesis in plants 13. Cell wall – rigid, supporting structure for cell (part of skeletal support system in plant)

10 Homework You will be given 1 organelle to research and create a short A5 summary page for. Your summary needs: 1. A diagram of that organelle under the electron microscope 2. Details about the structure of that organelle. 3. Frequency and type of cell it is found in. 4. Function of that organelle in the cell.

11 Bid for your organelle now…
Cell membrane Chloroplast Golgi body Smooth endoplasmic reticulum Nucleolus Nucleus Rough endoplasmic reticulum Lysosome Cell membrane(2) Centriole Cytoplasm Mitochondria Ribosome Cell wall Vacuole

12 To finish: Chocolate factory analogy – find organelles which match these parts of a factory
Factory walls and gates Conveyor belt Managers office Packaging room Distribution depot Recipe room Chocolate making machine Machine which makes other confectionary Corridors of factory Room for raw material storage Power generator

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