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Presentation to Sacramento Environmental Commission May 21, 2018

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1 Presentation to Sacramento Environmental Commission May 21, 2018
Matt Robinson Dept. Water Resources Communications and Media Officer

2 Storm Ready History 1992 -Sacramento County joined the Community Rating System (CRS) Sacramento County started as a Class 9 community 2017 -Sacramento County became a Class 2 community by FEMA CRS is a voluntary program within FEMA’s National Flood Insurance Program that rewards communities that proactively undertake and implement floodplain management activities. 1,444 communities in the CRS program Sacramento County is the only Class 2 in California Residents in flood zone receive 35% reduction on flood insurance

3 Steady Progression Sacramento County needed to improve
FEMA requires public outreach What does the public need to know? Each time the county moved up the FEMA ranking, residents in federally recognized flood prone areas received bigger discounts on flood insurance. To move up, part of our efforts required a public outreach component to educate about protecting themselves from flood damage. How do we tell them? Flood prone areas

4 DWR Flood Prevention Outreach
Program for Public Information - PPI County rated on outreach Must meet certain criteria to receive points FEMA requires us to create a Program for Public Information. In this program we are rated on our outreach effort. We need to meet certain criteria to achieve points and educate residents on FEMA approved topics. Must use FEMA approved topics

5 DWR Flood Prevention Outreach
County rated on outreach - PPI 7-person PPI committee Ongoing public information effort on flood safety To ensure our outreach meets FEMA standards, we assembled a 7 person PPI committee to review our efforts and offer up suggestions. The committee consists of stakeholders and community members. They understands that we are conducting an ongoing public information effort on flood safety. Annual mailers

6 DWR Flood Prevention Outreach
County rated on outreach - PPI Year-round messaging Targeting people living in: Our messaging about flood protection is conducted year-round. FEMA wants people living in flood zone to receive as much info as possible. We also reach out to all county residents. Areas Protected by Levees Areas Protected by Dams All County Residents Federal Flood Zones Local Flood Zones Repetitive Loss Areas Television and radio ads

7 DWR Flood Prevention Outreach
FEMA topics to receive PPI points Flood map information Flood protection assistance Drainage system maintenance To receive FEMA points we must offer information about these topics. The public can access the info on the DWR website Storm ready dot org. Flood insurance promotion

8 DWR Flood Prevention Outreach
FEMA approved PPI messages 1. Know your flood risk 2. Insure your property 3. Protect people from the hazard 4. Protect your property from the flood hazard 5. Get a building permit 6. Don’t dump; Protect natural floodplain Each year our report on flood prevention outreach must show we have tackled these PPI messages for residents.

9 DWR Flood Prevention Outreach
How DWR Meets FEMA Requirements? Develop key messages Year-round Storm specific “Know your flood risk” “Only rain down the drain” We target two types of messaging to the public. Our year-round messages and our messages we use when storms are coming. “Insure your property” “Sandbag locations” “Grant programs” “Call to report flooding”

10 How DWR Meets FEMA Requirements?
Develop key messages Year-round “Know your flood risk” “Insure your property” Our year-round messages educates people on the need to reduce the possible damages before the rains start and if they live in a federally recognized flood zone to get more information about grants to elevate homes. “Grant programs”

11 How DWR Meets FEMA Requirements?
Develop key messages Storm specific “Only rain down the drain” “Sandbag locations” Our storm specific reminds people to do what they can to reduce the chance for street flooding and know what to do if flooding occurs. “Call to report flooding”

12 DWR Flood Prevention Outreach
Utilize several outreach sources Radio – Traditional and digital ads Television – Traditional and digital ads Social Media – Twitter, Facebook, Next Door Press release to newsrooms We utilize all avenues available from tradition to social media to reach the public. In all of our messages we look to send people to our storm ready dot org website. is the repository for all of our flood information. People can find out all they need about protecting themselves from floods. We hand out these packets to keep the public mindful about flood potential in the area. 2 Direct mailers – County wide & flood zone specific Community meetings and events

13 DWR Flood Prevention Outreach
25 years of constant improvement Public responds to our messages 2017 Floods brought renewed interest FEMA To Visit In August

14 Communications and Media Officer
Questions… Matt Robinson DWR & DOT Communications and Media Officer

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