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Saint Mary’s College Employee Benefits Advisory Committee (EBAC)

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Presentation on theme: "Saint Mary’s College Employee Benefits Advisory Committee (EBAC)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Saint Mary’s College Employee Benefits Advisory Committee (EBAC)
March 2014 Meeting March 25, 2014

2 EBAC Meeting – March 2014 Agenda –
10/8/2019 EBAC Meeting – March 2014 Agenda – Welcome / Introductions – EBAC Update Review certain group insurance concepts Review of draft EBAC tenets Plan for Community Meeting Timeframe and Schedule for 2014 Process March 25, 2014

3 EBAC Meeting – February 2014
10/8/2019 EBAC Meeting – February 2014 2014 EBAC Initiative: A re-examination of what and how Saint Mary’s College provides their employees with employee benefits; the vendors, the offerings, the budget and the competitive needs of the community. March 25, 2014

4 EBAC Meeting – March 2014 Review of certain group insurance concepts
10/8/2019 EBAC Meeting – March 2014 Review of certain group insurance concepts Risk vs Exposure vs Credibility Defined Benefit vs Defined Contribution Risk Sharing and Pooling March 25, 2014

5 EBAC Meeting – March 2014 Risk vs Exposure vs Credibility
10/8/2019 EBAC Meeting – March 2014 Risk vs Exposure vs Credibility Risk is the potential of an event, the probability of the event is likely uncertain, but exists with various level of credibility. Exposure is the projected cost of a risk, although not all exposures are monetary. Exposures are usually shared between various parties (insurer, insured, etc.) Credibility is an actuarial term used to define the projected accuracy that past outcomes have in predicting future results. More data yields higher credibility (greater certainty). You have car insurance. The risk is in operating (crashing) the car, YOUR exposure is the deductible (and potential lost time and use of the vehicle). The credibility (likely hood that you will have an accident) comes from your driving record (past outcomes) and other historical data. COST = (Risk x Exposure ) / Credibility March 25, 2014

6 EBAC Meeting – March 2014 Risk vs Exposure vs Credibility
10/8/2019 EBAC Meeting – March 2014 Risk vs Exposure vs Credibility For Saint Mary’s: the ‘Risk’ is in offering a plan(s); morbidity of participants the ‘Exposure’ is the cost of the plan (premiums in a fully insured scenario); which is a reflection of claims costs the ‘Credibility’ is 100% for the total pool (600+ employees). Slices of the pool may have lower credibility March 25, 2014

7 EBAC Meeting – March 2014 Defined Benefit vs Defined Contribution
10/8/2019 EBAC Meeting – March 2014 Defined Benefit vs Defined Contribution Defined Benefit is the ‘promise’ of providing a certain level of benefit, regardless of cost. Example: If you work here 5+ years we will provide a pension equal to 5% of your life time earnings starting at age 65 until you die Defined Contribution is the promise to provide a certain level of funding for a benefit. Example: If you work here a year we will contribute 5% of your earnings into a tax favored vehicle for your retirement. March 25, 2014

8 EBAC Meeting – March 2014 Defined Benefit vs Defined Contribution
10/8/2019 EBAC Meeting – March 2014 Defined Benefit vs Defined Contribution For Saint Mary’s the current structure is a hybrid. The defined contribution part is that the college has a set budget per employee (pepm) for benefits. The employee can choose what they want to buy, although there is a cost share, and the specific value to the employee is not tied to the SMC contribution. The defined benefit part is that the options available are limited and if an employee waives any part of the program they lose that part of the SMC contribution. March 25, 2014

9 10/8/2019 EBAC Meeting – March 2014 Risk Sharing Discussion (originally presented to HIRC in 2009) Absent delivery system differences the total cost of care for SMC participants (the ‘pool’) is a constant; cost differences between carriers is driven more by the relative health of the benefitted population than by the carrier chosen. Kaiser’s costs are lower in large part because the participating population in Kaiser is healthier. Driving employees into Kaiser for the lower cost is a short term (1 year) solution. Is it reasonable (fair) to charge employees more for being part of an older, sicker group? March 25, 2014

10 10/8/2019 EBAC Meeting – March 2014 Risk Sharing Discussion (originally presented to HIRC in 2009) For example, IF the overall morbidity of SMC = 1.0 (risk factor) Then the relative risk factors would be: Kaiser = .95 ; Non-Kaiser= 1.10 Should SMC support each plan equally or proportionally? Equally: SMC contribution is the ‘same’ regardless of plan choice Proportionally: SMC contributions are modified to pay more, on a relative basis, toward the higher risk group March 25, 2014

11 10/8/2019 EBAC Meeting – March 2014 The total cost of the ‘pool’ is not impacted by contribution strategy or scheme except for: > dis-enrollments (modify risk) > cost shifting (sorta) The issues around contribution modeling are more than the technical discussion above and are impacted by the values of the college and the total compensation strategy. March 25, 2014

12 EBAC Meeting – March 2014 2014 EBAC Initiatives – Basic Tenets
10/8/2019 EBAC Meeting – March 2014 2014 EBAC Initiatives – Basic Tenets Originally developed as part of the first HIRC process in 2006 for the 2007 plan year Designed to articulate the values of the college and provide a framework for our decisions then and in the future Addressed what was perceived as the most significant issue at the time; dependent affordability and college budget ability March 25, 2014

13 EBAC Meeting – February 2014
10/8/2019 EBAC Meeting – February 2014 Basic Tenets - Contribution Strategy: Employee choice of Kaiser / non-Kaiser Maintain a ‘Low/no-cost’ plan Reflect cost difference Stay within the target budget Ease of communication and administration Support coverage for dependents March 25, 2014

14 10/8/2019 EBAC Meeting – March 2014 PROPOSED New Tenets for 2014: Employee Work/Life Programs (employee benefits) Employee Benefits are part of the college’s total compensation strategy and must be considered as part of a holistic employee engagement 2. The employee benefits program(s) offered should align with Catholic and Lasallian principles 3. Programs offered will treat all members of the College community with fairness; and support our families. 4. Where practical programs offered should contain choices for employees that match to their individual needs, beliefs and circumstances. This may include offering optional low cost or limited benefit plans. March 25, 2014

15 10/8/2019 EBAC Meeting – March 2014 PROPOSED New Tenets for 2014: Employee Work/Life Programs (employee benefits) 5. The program’s financials should be budgetable and within agreed upon targets. 6. If necessary, employees should share in the cost of their program elections in a way that reflects the relative value and cost of their elections. 7. Wellness and health initiatives should be supported and promoted 8. There should be a strategy to communicate with the campus community the value of the benefits program, the decision process of the EBAC and administration 9. Where practical, technology should be leveraged to improve efficiency and value to participants. March 25, 2014

16 EBAC Meeting – January 2014 Timeframe and Schedule for 2014 Process
10/8/2019 EBAC Meeting – January 2014 Timeframe and Schedule for 2014 Process Frequency of EBAC Meetings Monthly (Next meeting is 3/28) Public Forum Process (If Necessary) TBD Leadership buy in ALL of us must work to involve Define deliverables March 25, 2014

17 EBAC Meeting – January 2014 2014 EBAC Initiatives –
10/8/2019 EBAC Meeting – January 2014 2014 EBAC Initiatives – Thank you for your participation ! Please forward all questions to Eduardo March 25, 2014

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