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Frequent alterations identified and potential actionability.

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Presentation on theme: "Frequent alterations identified and potential actionability."— Presentation transcript:

1 Frequent alterations identified and potential actionability.
Frequent alterations identified and potential actionability. A, bar graph representing the most frequent alterations identified in the overall population (N = 168) and per the tumor types with at least 10 patients: brain (N = 56), lung (N = 47), breast (N = 36), and gastrointestinal (N = 13, of whom three had colorectal cancer). Patients with brain tumors had significantly less alterations identified (P < 0.001). In non-brain cancers (N = 112), we identified alterations in 82 of 112 (73%) patients. Only the five most frequent genes are represented (for brain and gastrointestinal cancers, we only represented the genes altered in ≥ 1 patients and for lung cancers ALK and NOTCH1 had the same frequency). B, pie chart representing the frequency of patients with actionable alterations in patients with alterations identified, overall and in the four cancer types with at least 10 patients. Maria Schwaederle et al. Clin Cancer Res 2016;22: ©2016 by American Association for Cancer Research

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