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Presentation on theme: "Welcome."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome

2 Exceptional Customer Service
Kirstine Hall Intros Who am I Introduce self and intro each of group. Set the scene book, 3 hours of your life – participation Housekeeping Book yours! So…..what are you expectations from today!

3 Standard Objectives Action planning What else ?????
Delivering a patient focused service Perceptions and expectations Maintaining a positive approach Good communication Using the telephone effectively Difficult situations Safe learning environment Originally a full day course – converted into half day so not all aspects of the book and exercises will be done! You could use them with the team or share with your PM though for further learning! In a nut shell aiming to enable staff t consistently work towards delivering exception customer service while working under pressure! Some environments make this easier than other and Primary care can be very difficult. We should aspire to excellence and seek to continuous improvement in this direction. Action Plan Action planning What else ?????

4 Agenda 13.30 Welcome, Introductions and Objectives 13:40
A Patient Focused Service Definition of Exceptional Customer Service CQC – What is it all about and the key population groups How does Exceptional Customer Service link with CQC Perceptions & Expectations Golden Greetings A Positive Approach the Importance of Self Talk  :30 Tea /Coffee 15:30 – 16:00 Saying No in a Positive Way / Explaining Policies in Positive Terms Words & Phrases to Avoid Communicating with Patients Overcoming Negativity / Dealing with challenging behaviour :15 Questions, Action Planning and Close Safe learning environment Originally a full day course – converted into half day so not all aspects of the book and exercises will be done! You could use them with the team or share with your PM though for further learning! In a nut shell aiming to enable staff t consistently work towards delivering exception customer service while working under pressure! Some environments make this easier than other and Primary care can be very difficult. We should aspire to excellence and seek to continuous improvement in this direction.

5 What do we mean by customer service?
Phrase often over-used and abused Being responsive to patients’ needs Often felt to be common sense Being a professional Providing a patient centred service To be exceptional ….need to go the extra mile!

6 Patient Centred Services

7 Care Quality Commission's overall operating model

8 6 Key population groups CQC say they will look to see ‘……how services are provided to people in specific population groups. For every NHS GP practice we'll look at the quality of care for the following six key population groups.’ Action Plan Older people. People with long-term conditions. Mothers, babies, children and young people. The working-age population and those recently retired. People in vulnerable circumstances who may have poor access to primary care. People experiencing a mental health problem.

9 Patient Everything links to CQC! FFT NHS Choices Safe Well led
Directly links to CQC 5 KLOE Patient Well led Effective Caring FFT Responsive NHS Choices Link to CQC and 5 Key Lines of Enquiry How has been CQC inspected? How did it go – did you feel they reviewed customer service aspects? How Do clinical staff need to worry about customer service? How would it be assessed? Patients as a priority Patients at the centre Service they expect Everything for the patient’s benefit NHS Choices – good barometer for how you do – but be aware people complain more than praise normally Have you looked at your practice ? Add to action plan?

10 Good and Bad Service

11 Good and Bad Service Exercise One
Exercise in pairs - discuss two examples: Good service Poor service In feedback explain:- What makes you reflect back on it being good or bad

12 Delivering Good Services
What are the 10 most important skills you need to deliver exceptional services? 1 Compassion / Empathy / Respect 2 Knowledge / Tools to do the job 3 Manners / Polite 4 Listening / Reasoning skills 5 Positive Attitude 6 Interaction – be on my side, under them be an advocate 7 Communication skills 8 Awareness of Services provided 9 Friendliness and approachability 10 Patience

13 So can we now define exceptional customer service?
In truth – what is excellent or exceptional depends on the individual’s perception so all you can do is aim to be the best and continually improve yourself! Some other ideas: Taking care of patients as you would take care of your own relatives Being positive and friendly with every patient Demonstrating a caring rather than indifferent attitude Going beyond patients expectations Treating everyone as an individual with their own needs

14 Our services What are we great at? What not so good?
Compared with other surgeries Do they do anything better than we do? Action Plan Are you services tailored to your specific patient group / practice demographics? Do you know what your practice make up is? Action plan find out? Lots of commuters, lots in nursing homes, new estates being built, drugs, deprivation? Working in pairs: Can you name the 6 CQC specific population groups? Older People – 75+ Working age and newly retired Mothers, young children and babies Mental Health LTC Vulnerable Lets celebrate successes

15 The Patient View Experience / Information Perception Expectations Set
Leads Perception Creates Expectations How do we know what patients think about our services? Mentioned CQC and NHS Choices Best evidence they can see if Policy exists is cascaded is known, understood and in practice Triangulation What else Not all face to face FFT Complaints Patient survey PPG Website/social media/newsletter Letters from patients Thank you cards – how many of you write up positives as SEAs

16 At your practice.. What are the patients expectations? Want vs Need
Action Plan ….what the patients need from you? What might you be able to do to help give better customer service to your patients?

17 The Patient View – first impressions?
We all know first impressions really matter ! Never forget the ELEVEN IN SEVEN RULE: “11 impressions are made in the first 7 seconds”

18 Who could name this lady ?

19 Getting Started Who could name this lady ?
I’d like to move on now to talk a bit about the institute requirements from a partner and how we would approach the challenge

20 Six Golden Greetings Exercise 2
Role play – same conversation in 2 different versions “SPOT THE DIFFERENCE” What made the second version feel better? Jot down your 6 differences! Action Plan

21 Quality in a service is not what you put into it – it’s what the customer gets out of it.
Peter Drucker

22 Communication Skills

23 Good Communication Words 7% Voice/Tone 38% Body Language 55%

24 Communicate in a positive way
Maintaining a positive approach with patients is absolutely essential – that means from the first to the very last patient each and every shift (I KNOW THAT’S TOUGH!!!!) One thing that can make that harder is if you – like the majority of us has negative self-talk!

25 Is the majority of your self talk negative?
To find out – Exercise 3 – self test quiz The results are for you unless you want to share you will not be made to !

26 “Sometimes it not the what it’s the how!”
Saying it positively! “Sometimes it not the what it’s the how!” So you can say something in more ways than one!

27 On the Telephone

28 Your system? Action Plan How effective is it? On a scale on 1 -10
What’s good about it? What’s not? From the patients view point? From yours?

29 Tone 86% Can you hear a  ? Yes you can! ‘Kill them with kindness’
Sound cheerful, willing to help Ways of doing it effectively Answer the phone in ‘x’ rings “Greeting – Org Name – Your name – how can I help?” – professional and warm Words 14% Tone 86%

30 Making Improvements Answering the phone Using hold Transferring calls
Taking messages Patients queries Unnecessary calls Action Plan

31 Words and phrases to avoid!
Policy Why didn’t you ... Can’t The only thing you can .. Just this once I’m not allowed to ... I don’t know Bear with me I’m just the receptionist I have no idea But That wasn’t me … You should have ...

32 Challenging behaviour

33 Difficult behaviour There are many reasons why a patient/person might be upset As the customer service profession you need to try and turn it around What makes them challenging :- Is it the person? / Or their behaviour? / What is the difference? Avoiding it? / Handling it? Wherever possible resolve it at source not hand it on or fall back on:- “I can’t do anything” “You need the Manager” Giving the impression your basically not interested Sometimes you won’t be able to solve it or they won’t listen to anyone until it’s seen to come from the top! But at least you know you did your best to try!!!!!

34 Six Steps – How would you deal with it?
Take them away from a public place Remain calm Let them vent Avoid trigger words and actions Prepare for emotions and perceptions Move things forwards page 24/25

35 People remember much more about how they were treated than about what the initial problem was.

36 Making Changes – Be Exceptional!
Me? My skills My knowledge The Practice? Systems and procedures Communication Internal External

37 Action Planning Final updates / additions Action Plan

38 Thank you Any questions Kirstine Hall
Please complete the feedback form & collect your certificate! Tel:

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