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Bargaining Update.

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Presentation on theme: "Bargaining Update."— Presentation transcript:

1 Bargaining Update

2 Times are hard for everyone

3 $20 billion deficits through at least 2012

4 Politicians and public demanding that we continue to do our part

5 Concessions are a reality for all unions

6 Economic and political realities mean concessionary bargaining

7 The state demanded $1 billon in takeaways

8 Member pressure is making a difference

9 More than 30,000 members participate in nearly 300 actions

10 State negotiators withdrew one-third of their concession demands

11 Withdrawn: Reduction in vacation accrual rates and cap

12 Withdrawn: Employees pay 2% of salary to pre-fund retiree health care

13 Withdrawn: Require pension contributions be based on gross salary

14 The state is still demanding $664 million in takeaways

15 State demand: Increase employee pension contribution by 100%

16 State demand: Change retirement formula to 2% at 60

17 State demand: Change calculations for overtime

18 State demand: One-day-per month PLP tied to a 4.62% pay cut

19 State demand: No pay increase for duration of contract

20 We’re working for a long term contract that provides security for members

21 3% salary increase or COLA- -whichever is greater--on 7/1/11 & 7/1/15
Local 1000 proposal: 3% salary increase or COLA- -whichever is greater--on 7/1/11 & 7/1/15

22 Local 1000 proposal: No furloughs for duration of contract

23 Local 1000 proposal: 8 hrs PLP per month, for 12 months, in exchange for a 4.62% pay reduction

24 Local 1000 proposal: Increase employee pension contribution by 1% of pay

25 Local 1000 proposal: Change in retirement formula for new employees only

26 Local 1000 proposal: Two additional personal holidays in exchange for Lincoln’s Birthday and Columbus Day holidays

27 Local 1000 proposal: All leaves included in overtime calculations, except sick leave

28 Local 1000 proposal: Durations of contract shall be from 7/1/10 to 6/30/15

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