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Closing event 16th July 2019 Technical Assistance for Establishing the Institutional Framework for the Implementation of AIS/AES Project funded by the.

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Presentation on theme: "Closing event 16th July 2019 Technical Assistance for Establishing the Institutional Framework for the Implementation of AIS/AES Project funded by the."— Presentation transcript:

1 Closing event 16th July Technical Assistance for Establishing the Institutional Framework for the Implementation of AIS/AES Project funded by the European Union and co-financed by the Republic of Serbia EuropeAid/135622/IH/SER/RS

2 Content About the project Achieved results Main recommendations

3 About the Project IPA 2013 Project duration: 4 September 2017 – 3 September 2019 Resources Key experts total number of working days 1010 Non-key experts total number of working days 1010 36 SNKE 7 JNKE

4 About the Project CAS project team

5 Objective and purpose of the Project
Overall objective The main objective of the project is to improve the quality of the services the CAS is providing to the business community and the citizens, by improving and strengthening its administrative and operational capacity. Purpose of the Project The project aims to contribute to strengthened CAS capacity by, generally, enhancing the introduction and the implementation of EU standards and practice and, particularly, creating conditions for the implementation of the AIS/ICS, AES/ECS and Customs Authorisation (Decision) Management Information System in the Republic of Serbia

6 Expected results Result 1
Legal and organisational alignments prepared (improved draft legislation AIS/AES driven CAS organisational transformation model elaborated, and business community awareness raising performed) Result 2 The Institutional Framework for the implementation of AIS/AES and Customs Authorisation (Decision) Management System introduced Result 3 Improved professional capacity of CAS

7 Result 1 – Legal and organisational alignments prepared
Adapting legal framework administrative and customs procedure Gap analyses and Action Plan Updating the CAS organisation strategic documents Update Business Strategy and performance management Draft HR Strategy Draft recommendation for organisation development Draft recommendation for organisation changes Updating the Communication Strategy and raising awareness of Customs staff and Traders Communication Guidelines 10 workshops for customs officers 3 information meetings for software companies 5 seminars for traders

8 Results 2 – Institutional Framework for the implementation of AIS/AES and CD
IT Strategy including National Road Map Current status analysis report Customized BPM Methodology Governance manual Enterprise Architecture Approach Document CAS National Business Process Models (Import, Export, Custom Decision) Current status of the Information Security Report regarding ISO 27001:2013 Security needs assessment report High-level Information Security Policy Recommendation report for the introduction of ISMS in CAS/CAS IT Draft SOA aproach document

9 Result 3 - Improved professional capacity
Training Needs Assessment Training Plan ( 19 trainings/seminars/workshops ) General training and workshops Legal changes and administrative adaption 16 workshops, 300 participants Workshops related to specific customs domain 7 workshops, 67 participants IT trainings 6 trainings, 109 participants 4 study visits

10 Recommendations Develop, implement and use in operation AIS and AES before EU accession, on national level Take ownership for all strategic documents and continuously upgrade them Support financing IT development and implementation of AIS, AES and CD from pre accession EU funds Support financing from pre accession EU funds other IT application which prerequisites are for full function of AIS, AES such as automated risk analysis, financial module, guarantee management system Organise and implement overcoming of knowledge of CAS staff about EU tariff and non tariff legislation as prerequisite implementation of ITMS

11 Recommendations Continuously inform business community about all changes in customs domain Use ARIS for Business Process Modeling as a standard Implementation of ISMS according to ISO ISO standard in IT Division Consolidate ICT infrastructure on HQ and regional level as necessary prerequisite for full implementation of AIS, AES and CD Continuously follow MASP and UCC Work Program Continuously participate on ECCG meetings Taking over responsibilities about excise

12 Thank you for your attention

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