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WISE - Marine Phase III State of play and future developments

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1 WISE - Marine Phase III State of play and future developments
DIKE Meeting Tuesday 26 February 2019

2 Content Introduction Main WISE Marine milestones and achievements of 2018 Preliminary feedback and lesson learned Phase III Objectives & Workplan proposal

3 1. WISE Marine Introduction
Developed in a partnership among Commission services, and the EEA WISE - Marine provides an overarching view on the European marine environment, while also signposting the MSFD data from MS and different organisations. WISE- Marine will align the EU’s work with that of its international partners, and strengthen the knowledge base underpinning ocean governance at the global scale. WISE Marine is a portal and infrastructure for sharing information with the marine community on the marine environment at European level. I like to call it the EU policy digestor because… focusing on the state of the marine environment at the European scale, WISE Marine shows the information and knowledge gathered or derived through the MSFD process and other key marine policy drivers. …therefore facilitating the EU policy implementation processes As we will see in the following slides, WISE-Marine fits in the landscape of existing Directive reporting and associated portals, European Data infrastructures and Regional Sea Convention’s – all of which are heavily dependent on data and information coming from EU member states. The live webpage was launched in 2017 at the Our Oceans conference in Malta.

4 1. WISE Marine Context WISE-Marine fits in the landscape of existing Directive reporting and associated portals, European Data infrastructures and Regional Sea Convention’s – all of which are heavily dependent on data and information coming from EU member states. Developed in a partnership among Commission services, and the European Environment Agency (EEA), consisting of DG-ENV, JRC, EEA and Eurostat. Other important European contributors are anticipated to be Member States, DG MARE, DG RTD, Regional Sea Conventions (OSPAR, HELCOM, The Barcelona Convention and The Bucharest Convention), ICES, EMODnet, JPI-Oceans, European MSP Platform and Copernicus. We believe this tool will soon become a key ally to the marine community because its characteristics include: a clear policy mandate; established networks; a user-friendly interface; and accessible data. Revise all the EU Platforms ensuring right link to WISE Marine

5 1. WISE Marine Project Timeline
Official launch at ‘Our Ocean Conference’ in Malta EIONET Marine Meeting, Copenhagen 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Content update Map viewer update European map service review- update Promotion and support to stakeholders (WG DIKE..) Ocean Governance Section Site creation and development Indicators Catalogue Co-ordination with Regional Seas Conventions MSFD reporting exercises and related products Design & Development of series of tools and web sections Main WISE Marine milestones and achievements of 2018 EEA’s roadmap on marine data and reporting MSFD reporting exercises and related products List of tools and main web interfaces developed so far Other achievements

6 2. Main WISE Marine milestones and achievements of 2018
EEA’s roadmap on marine data and reporting MSFD reporting exercises and related products (Database search engine; Catalogue of metadata; Dashboards) Design & Development of series of tools and web sections

7 2. 2018 progress- Content Update
New infographics help convey content

8 2. 2018 progress- Country Profiles
This section will show summary information about the country, including the MSFD Marine regions it is associated with, the square km’ of its defined marine waters, no of Marine Reporting Units, and also the Art 8. competent authorities (CA’s). We would therefore like to use the same layout/template as on but adapted to the WISE-Marine case. Select topic would become Select country, and the tick boxes would be a list of the EU countries (not the EEA countries) The results tiles would be individual records for each of the items (marine waters, CA1, CA2, CA3 etc). Because the information is brief i.e. a Marine region tile will simply give the name of a marine region “Baltic Sea” the tile could be simplified to display this and a URL linking to the What should be in place when the development version is shared/previewed: - a tile view that can be refined by COUNTRY - Competent authorities on distinct tiles - Marine waters area (Sq. Km) on distinct tiles - Marine region(s) that the specific country has authority in on distinct tiles Additional content from MSFD database (art 8 reporting): - Number of MRU's (with link to map of MRU's for country) - Number of MRU's achieving GES for each Descriptor - For each MSFD Descriptor (D1, D2, etc) a tile linking to Art 8 overall status (MSFD dashboard) - the list could go on, perhaps this is enough? And from MSFD search engine (all other articles): - Distinct tile: Monitoring programmes:- Linking to Article 11 monitoring programs (for specific country) - Distinct tile: Targets:- linking to Art 13 and 14 for each country And then for later 2019: - Distinct tile, links to art 19.3 datasets for specific country (we could link to SDI's for now but it might be better to wait)

9 2019 progress- New Governance Section
This new section for 2019 will provide an overview of national sustainable development goal (SDG14) actions that will enable member states and the European Commission to record progress against SDG 14 and the 2nd World Assessment. Work is starting this year to scope the proposal and begin to get input from Member States.

10 3. Preliminary feedback and lesson learned
MSFD “sanitation” Need for re-organisation both for contents and structure Tasks’ prioritation and double think on the contingencies The importance of Fine-tuning the business Plan INITIAL SUCESS STORY Real interest by the main actors Business Plan which included clear Governance agreements & allocations of responsibilities, resources and work program. Incredible support from the EEA IT TEAM Building on existing in house learning experience (*Climate – ADAPT ); Opportunism & Pragmatism balance. FUTURE SUCESS STORY Keeping the level of interest Succeeding on the MSFD reporting and keeping a clear mandate Real coordination between the EU Information Systems and established networks User –friendly interface including accessible data

11 3. What do you want from WISE Marine?
What would make WISE Marine a game changer for you? What WISE – Marine is and what is not? Can you imagine WISE – Marine in 5 years from now? Discussion on respective institution's needs and on the development of a possible common vision

12 4. Phase III Objectives & Workplan proposal
A. Project Management Activities Project & Business management activities during the project, communication with IT developers, communication with EC and key stakeholders. Updated WISE-Marine Business Plan Communication & Dissemination Plan for Phase III planning and implementation Support to MSFD CIS meetings such as WG DIKE, RSC meetings, Steering committee for WISE, EMODnet steering meetings, Mar Atlas steering meetings, etc. So what are we planning for 2019? ..For 2019 our priorities focus on 3 main axes: Project Management Activities Knowledge (data, metadata, indicators and tools) ingestion and publication Upgrade of the WISE Marine portal structure, content and visual identity

13 4. Phase III Objectives & Workplan proposal
B. Knowledge (data, metadata, indicators and tools) ingestion and publication Finalisation of the MSFD metadata catalogue (for spatial MSFD data) Further improvements and finalisation of MSFD search engine Finalisation and publication of Marine Report Units dataset (INSPIRE compliant) Assessment Module finalisation and publication. Finalisation and regular publication of the MSFD dashboards Further development and deployment of the WISE Marine Expert map viewer Graphics improvements and final publication of MSFD story map Updating the links to the indicator publications Preparation and Publication of Marine Map services Analysis of Article 19(3) implementation dashboards TASK PLAN

14 4. Phase III Objectives & Workplan proposal
C. Upgrade of the WISE Marine portal structure, content and visual identity Reorganisation of the web portal structure & revision and update of the web contents. Design, development and publication of the new WISE-Marine "Governance" section Integration of factsheet summarising statistics about the browsing experience of WISE Marine users/visitors Overview of the reporting channels; WM & establish the working arrangement with RSC, ICES, EMODNET Publication of the Factsheets for Art.20 reporting In summary, a decisive year to keep on adjusting and improving WISE-Marine and a year where we hope to count again with your support.

15 4. Phase III Objectives & Workplan proposal
WISE - Marine

16 Thank you! In summary, a decisive year to keep on adjusting and improving WISE-Marine and a year where we hope to count again with your support. We believe this tool will soon become a key ally to the marine community because its characteristics include: a clear policy mandate; established networks; a user-friendly interface; and accessible data.

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