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Sources for the Imperial Coronation of

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1 Sources for the Imperial Coronation of
Charlemagne: Einhard, Vita Caroli Magni Annals of Lorsch Frankish Royal Annals

2 Einhard: Description of Charlemagne
Servant of Charlemagne Born c Noble from Main valley Educated at monastery of Fulda Sent to court soon after 791. Became advisor and friend to Charlemagne until latter died in 814 Advisor to Louis the Pious (r )

3 Einhard: Description of Charlemagne
In 815 received grant of lands in Seligenstadt After death of wife, became abbot of various monasteries Wrote Vita Caroli Magni c One of few sources for life of Charlemagne. Another is biography by Monk of St Gall (c ) Died in 840

4 Walafrid Strabo (“squint-eyed,” 809-49)
Swabian, poor origins. Educated at Reichenau and Fulda (under Rabanus Maurus) 829 Becomes tutor to prince Charles (the Bald) 838 Becomes abbot of Reichenau Various works, incl. Glossa Ordinaria, Liber de Cultura Hortorum

5 Ekkehard (IV) of St Gall (c. 980-1060)
Educated at monastery of St Gall Spent time as teacher in cathedral school at Mainz (c ), then returned to St Gall Continuator of Casus St Galli, annalistic monastery chronicle

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