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Place reading text here

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Presentation on theme: "Place reading text here"— Presentation transcript:

1 Place reading text here
2 Type word worth 2 points 11 Type word worth 11 points 20 Type word worth 20 points Have a reading text in the yellow box. In 2 teams, pupils choose a word to find in the text. The pupils don’t know what each word is worth, but you may decide to give a higher score to more difficult words. Simply type the word in English that you want them to find in the text into the boxes. In presentation mode, all they will see are these words. Click on the word they have chosen when they have correctly identified it in the text and their score will be revealed. The winning team is the team with the highest score once all words have been found in the text. Type word worth 15 points 15 Type word worth 18 points 18 1 Type word worth 1 point 7 Type word worth 7 points 9 Type word worth 9 points 17 Type word worth 17 points 5 Type word worth 5 points 12 Type word worth 12 points 3 Type word worth 3 points

2 Place reading text here
20 Type word worth 20 points 15 Type word worth 15 points 2 Type word worth 2 points Have a reading text in the yellow box. In 2 teams, pupils choose a word to find in the text. The pupils don’t know what each word is worth, but you may decide to give a higher score to more difficult words. Simply type the word in English that you want them to find in the text into the boxes. In presentation mode, all they will see are these words. Click on the word they have chosen when they have correctly identified it in the text and their score will be revealed. The winning team is the team with the highest score once all words have been found in the text. There are 2 different versions. 11 Type word worth 11 points 1 Type word worth 1 points 4 Type word worth 4 point 7 Type word worth 7 points 18 Type word worth 18 points 3 Type word worth 3 points 10 Type word worth 10 points 16 Type word worth 16 points 15 Type word worth 15 points

3 Place reading text here
-12 Type word worth -12 points 10 Type word worth 10 points 7 Type word worth 7 points This slide contains positives, negatives and a wipeout. Type word worth 20 points 20 Type word worth -17 points -17 -9 Type word worth -9 point Type word to wipeout the score X -18 Type word worth -18 points 13 Type word worth 13 points 1 Type word worth 1 points -3 Type word worth -3 points 16 Type word worth 16 points

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