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Remember to change the updated date!

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Presentation on theme: "Remember to change the updated date!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Remember to change the updated date!
ADMINISTRATIVE ORGANIZATION Rose Ram Associate Academic VP Curriculum & Assessment David Bybee Associate Academic VP Faculty Michael Aldrich Director, Library & Academic Success Enrollment Services John D. Bell VP for Academics Kathy Pulotu Institutional Research & Assessment Manager Chris Wright Manager of University Testing & Evaluation Jared Marcum Assistant Professor, Center for Learning & Teaching Daryl Whitford Registrar James Faustino Director, Admissions Marilee Ching Academic Advising Manager Irene Lesuma Executive Assistant Yifen Beus Faculty of Arts & Letters Jess Kohlert Faculty of Sciences Brian Houghton Faculty of Business & Government Tevita Ka‘ili Faculty of Culture, Language & Performing Arts Karen Latham Faculty of Education & Social Work Amelia Mauafu Executive Secretary John S. Tanner President James Lee Faculty of Math & Computing Jennifer Lane Faculty of Religious Education Sydney Williams Executive Assistant Debbie Hippolite Wright VP for Student Development & Services Clinical Counselor and Disability Services Coordinator Laurie Abregano Director, Health Services Alison Whiting Director, Student Leadership & Service Brandyn Akana Senior Manager, Sports & Student Activities Melba Latu Dean of Students Arapata Meha Director, International Student Services Janey Grover Sr. Manager, Residential Life Mamoe Sanerivi Senior Manager, Financial Aid & Scholarship Patricia Abbott Title IX Deputy Coordinator Feki Pouha Manager, Office of Honor Laura Tevaga Director of Communication & Marketing Ualani Nagy Executive Assistant Deloma Sauvao Administrative Assistant Steven S. Tueller VP of Administration Eric Marler Director, Financial Services/Controller Michael Tejada Budget Director Reid Millerberg Director, Human Resources Chris Beard Director, Compliance & Internal Audit Kevin Schlag University Information Officer Leilani Guerrero University Brand Manager Diedra Uli’i Manager, Event Services & Outreach Leeann Lambert Coordinator, Campus News Center Joshua Christiansen Production & Broadcast Manager Monique Saenz University Photographer Ivy Kahalepuna Executive Assistant Arley Enesa Director of Enterprise Info. Systems David Te’o Director, IT Infrastructure Cindy Tutor Director, IT Operations Randy Sharp Director of Facilities Michael Kuehn Director of Public Safety Kirk Tyler Major Projects Manager James Brown University Architect Ed Rogers Managing Director of Auxiliary Services Cory Higgins VP of Operations David Keala Director of Food Services David Fonoimoana Campus Store & Auxiliary Manager Peter Tailele Housing Maintenance Supervisor Angus Christy Print Services Manager Dawn Keliikuli Property Services Supervisor Jennifer Peters Faculty Housing Coordinator Remember to change the updated date! Deanne Tippetts Executive Assistant updated 08/14/19

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